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Everything posted by TDIRunner

  1. They are unfortunately not easy to find. They were not out long before they were replaced by the Dual Shock. I bought one right away when they came out, and then bought the Dual Shock when it came out later. I hardly ever see the Dual Analogs today. Interesting fact about the Dual Analog. It has 3 "modes" instead of the 2 "modes" on the Dual Shock. No light - same mode as the original PS1 controller Green light - same mode and the dual analog flight stick controller Red light - traditional dual analog mode The Dual Analog controller has all three modes above, but the Dual Shock only had the first and third.
  2. For me, it comes down to whether or not I think my kids will want to play it. If I know they will be into it, Switch. But if not, probably the PS4. I almost never play it portably (my kids do, but not me), so I might as well get the best looking version, and 90% of the time, cheaper version too.
  3. Mine is supposed to arrive today. ................... and it's here.
  4. It's looking like a cheap Christmas for me this year because I am not seeing much in the ways of deals. Maybe some ads haven't come out yet, but unless something drastically changes, it won't take me long to get my shopping done.
  5. I'm guessing the contents of the folder, but I'm not 100% certain. Again, I haven't used any of the devices that MNemo has made, so I'm not familiar with them.
  6. I'm not familiar with that particular device. Most similar devices require some type of OS file saved to the root of the SD card. Usually after that, you can just save you ISOs straight to the card. Some devices are more strict about the file type than others. If there aren't instructions on the seller's website, you will almost certainly find them somewhere online, whether it's on a YouTube tutorial, or in one of the many flash cart forums online.
  7. It's not the size that matters, it's how you use it. Some people like to play with it and others like to keep it sealed up and put away on a shelf.
  8. I agree with the above. I'm starting to see the term shovelware thrown around too much for games that people don't like, and that's a bit unfair. I would add to the definition that shoevelware is often meant to sell based on its name or license. For example, many shovelware games are completed with low budgets and little time with the hope that people will buy them because it's based on their kids favorite movie. With that said, the amount of shovelware is almost always directly related to the popularity of the console itself. As the Switch sells more and more units, we are going to start to see more and more shovelware released for the console.
  9. Glad to hear it worked out for you. Update us when you get everything running.
  10. Find yourself a Dual Analog controller. My favorite controller of all time. My biggest disappointment with the PS1 was that when they went from the Dual Analog to the Dual Shock, they made the controller smaller. I always wished they had stuck wit the Dual Shock size.
  11. I've never encountered a single broken PS1 controller in my entire life. I have somewhere in the neighborhood of 30 different PS1 controllers of all styles and colors. That is definitely not a common issue even after all of these years. You are probably mixing them up with PS2 controllers which, unfortunately are not nearly as reliable. But even then, it took most PS2 controllers more than 10 years before they started showing issues, and even then, cleaning them fixes most problems. I'm not sure why PS2 controllers allow dirt inside more than PS1, but it happens.
  12. While I don't plan to get a PS5 this year, whenever I do, it's a no brainer for me to get the disc drive version. With that said, I didn't even think about the 4K blue ray player. That makes the disc drive version that much better. I just can't comprehend a digital only version.
  13. Super fun game, but the sequel improves on it in every way. While I still recommend the game, I'm also of the opinion that it's ok to skip this one and go straight to the sequel if you've never played it.
  14. Considering what it cost, I think it's ok to feel that way.
  15. That's because he hasn't had a major role in a mainline Mario series game since Mario World. I don't think that's an unpopular opinion as much as it's just an unfortunate reality.
  16. Easy 10 for me. My favorite console of all time. So many classic games that still hold up today.
  17. I'm all for it. I would much rather see this happening from private companies than the government.
  18. I listened to him a lot when I was in grade school, but not so much now. If I heard it on the radio, I would probably still enjoy some of that music, but it's not anything I usually choose to play today.
  19. I enjoy large, empty settings like the castle in Ico, or the Forbidden Land in Shadow of the Colossus. Breath of the Wild is up there as well. It's not nearly as empty, but it's just so beautiful.
  20. Since I commented earlier without answering the OP, I'll do that here. I'm not sure it was the LAST game that impressed me, but I'll mention Horizon Zero Dawn for one major reason: the story. This was the first game I ever played where the story was so interesting, I was actually looking forward to the next cutscene. There were a few times that I actually wanted to skip past the gameplay in order to see the next cutscene, and that's never happened to me before. But even with that, the gameplay was still amazing.
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