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Everything posted by TDIRunner

  1. I once heard a fan theory that Jump Man is actually Mario and Luigi's Dad and Pauline is their Mom. I'm sure there are things out there that contradict this, but I still always liked that fan theory. EDIT: Just realized that this is a choice in the poll. Nice.
  2. If you were responding to @Deadeye, I'm fairly certain he wasn't talking about processing power so much as the fact that if they are willing to start producing consoles with disc drives, they might eventually move on towards a PS1. Analogue has always produced cart only consoles, so IF they end up making something with a disc drive, that would be a major step forward for them and it might hint that they are looking at a lot more consoles in the future. But no one is saying that it will be easy.
  3. I had asked about those earlier, but I never got an answer. Are those the ones that are not supposed to be played on original hardware or was that another company? If it doesn't work on original hardware, then I certainly wouldn't count it. I have not seen anything from LRG saying you should avoid playing the game on original hardware.
  4. I certainly wouldn't argue that homebrews count towards a licensed set, but my arguments have been about the rerelease of Shantae which is definitely not a homebrew. As far as I'm concerned, the LRG release of Shantae is no different than the Square Enix PS1 games that were sold on their website up until very recently. They are just very late print runs of licensed games. They are arguably less desirable then the original print runs, and will almost certainly be worth less money down the road, but they are still just variants of the original print runs.
  5. I'm thinking PC Engine as well, but I'm guessing card only with the ability to attach a CD add on.
  6. I've bought nearly all of the mini consoles, but the TG16 Mini was the only one I've opened and played. I definitely give them credit for giving everyone all of the available games regardless of which region you are in. I thought that was a very good idea even though there are a few games with a language barrier. I'm also glad they added a second controller port even though the original console only had one. In my opinion, the TG16 Mini, or either of the PCE Minis are the best value for the money of any of the Mini consoles. I kind of want to get the PCE and CG Mini models, but it's a lot of money to spend on something I won't actually use.
  7. I just saw that yesterday as well. It seems like Target has some big sales going on to compete with Prime Day. Several Switch games, including some first party Nintendo titles, are $10 off and I've seen a few that are $30 off. Unfortunately, it's mostly stuff I already have. GameStop is also doing a B2G2 on games $29.99 and under. Unfortunately, most first party Nintendo Switch titles are priced $32.99 or higher, so they don't quality. However, there are still some good deals that are worth looking at.
  8. I didn't read every post, but I don't think anyone is saying that. The thread is about PS3 games that would be fun for people who mostly paly retro games. Whether that be collections of actual retro games on the PS3, or games that just play very similar to retro games , or even spiritual successors to retro games. I would also include modern games with retro styled graphics, but for the most part, those didn't become popular until the PS4/8th generation.
  9. While I agree for the most part and my experience matches, my Super Scope Six still doesn't work, and I've read of and seen many others with the same issue. In fact, I have yet to see a SS6 work on a flat screen, so I'm not yet convinced that it's something wrong on my end. But I don't know enough about it to say why it would be different than the others. If someone knows, I would be interested in finding out.
  10. I have a flat screen Sony Trinitron KV-27FS100L. It works fine with NES, Genesis, Saturn, and PS1 light gun games. It sort of works with Master System light gun games, but a few games give me issues. It does not work at all with the SNES Super Scope Six. I also once owned one of the wide screen Sony Trinitrons with an HDMI input. Not sure on the model number since I don't' have it anymore. It was not compatible with any type of light gun.
  11. There is definitely NOT a general consensus on that. This is where I would normally say "See Nintendo Age debates," but unfortunately there isn't much to see there anymore. But that doesn't change the fact that there hasn't been nor will there ever be a general consensus on that.
  12. I don't know the specific games you are talking about so I can't say. That's a fair argument, but it opens up a entire new can of worms: define the "period" (and make sure EVERYONE agrees with you).
  13. Considering that they have an agreement with the developer to print these games, I don't see them as any different from any other print run beyond the original. In other words, they are just another variant. I personally don't use the term "repro" because I only use it for unauthorized reproductions. But since there is no universally accepted definition for "repro," some people use it for any reproduction of the original (and I personally don't care if you use this definition). However, based on that logic, a grey cart Legend of Zelda and a yellow label Metroid are both repros. The LRG print of Shantae for the GBC will always be a less desirable version, and therefore worth much less than the original. However, since it's a variant of the original, I would count it towards the full set.
  14. I definitely want to play through Origami King so I can make my own comparison to TTYD. As I've mentioned in a different thread, I am able to say that my praises for TTYD have nothing to do with nostalgia since I didn't even play it until several generations after it's release. I'm hoping to pick Origami King up sometime this year. Maybe I will get lucky and find a good deal on it if GS does any type of B1G1 deal on used games. Sometimes Target even has B2G1 on new games which SOMETIMES includes Nintendo titles. I just have too much going on right now to pay full price for a game that I won't play immediately.
  15. When I said that I was ok with TV show seasons getting shorter, 24 was one of the series I specifically had in mind. I absolutely loved the concept of 24, but the seasons ended up being too long and ultimately, most seasons had stuff tacked on in order to get to 24 episodes. The last few full seasons were pretty bad about that. I enjoyed the length of the last 12 episode season with Kiefer Sutherland. I never got around to watching the 12 episode reboot.
  16. Recently, TV shows have been getting much shorter. It's pretty much standard now for a TV show season to be 10 episodes when it used to be double that if not more. There are exceptions of course, but most are getting shorter (and I'm ok with that).
  17. I'm in the middle of my second play through as well. My first was on the Wii U and I played it from launch day until close to 200 hours later. This time I'm on the Switch and starting from scratch. It's been just long enough that a lot of the puzzles and shrines feel brand new to me. I honestly don't remember many of these despite the fact that I completed all 120 shrines on my first playthrough. I think I also enjoy it more this time around simply because I'm a lot better at it. However, I don't see myself going for everything this time around. Or, if I do, that will be spread out over several years rather than one super long play through. The biggest difference between the first and second play through is that my kids are a lot more interested now and they enjoy watching me play. My six year old has even started his own game. The game is a bit advanced for him, but he really enjoys the cooking and it's only a matter of time before he can play it without my help.
  18. Honestly, I won't even bother with the missions this time around. I'm not angry about the pins because they are too insignificant to care about. It would have been nice to have them, but if it's going to be a battle of who is the first person to see the awards available online, it's just not worth the effort for me.
  19. It's funny, everyone always says you can't climb in the rain. But you can. You just need a lot more stamina to account for the slipping. The way I see it, you should be upgrading your stamina before you upgrade your hearts anyway, so there is no reason to not have extra stamina pretty early on in the game. Plus, if you keep enough of the right food and cooked meals on hand you can climb forever. Also, get the climbing gear set and upgrade it as soon as possible. Without question, the best armor set in the game.
  20. I hate to give this answer, but I think it comes down to a case by case basis. Here is my example. Many people including myself consider Stadium Events and World Class Track Meet to be two different games despite the many similarities described above. However, a similar example where the games are considered the "same" is ESPN Extreme Games and 1Xtreme for the PS1. This is an example of a game that was later re-released for the PS1 under the Greatest Hits line. However, since the ESPN license had expired by the time of the reprint, the name was changed to 1Xtreme and all ESPN logos were removed from he game. Based on the Stadium Events logic, this would be considered a different game. However, since a game cannot be released under the Greatest Hits line without selling a certain number of copies, it can't be considered a different game under Sony's rules. Therefore, 1Xtreme is considered a variant of ESPN Extreme Games and does not count as a separate title in the 1,284 NTSC game count.
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