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Everything posted by TDIRunner

  1. Smash Bros. is one of those series that has avoided the strange naming conventions that Nintendo goes with each generation, except for the Wii U/3DS generation. These are great names in my opinion: Super Smash Bros. Super Smash Bros. Melee Super Smash Bros. Brawl Super Smash Bros. Ultimate So why were they so lazy with the Wii U and 3DS releases? Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS
  2. I watched the original with my Dad years ago when I was a kid, but I've never seen the remake.
  3. I'm pretty sure that makes it worse. At least for me.
  4. The graphical difference between Land 1 and 2 almost looks like a leap between generations.
  5. When that game was new, I thought the levels in that world were some of the coolest level designs I had ever seen.
  6. I don't have a problem with Mega Man (it's definitely better than Rock Man), but some of the Mega Man games are pretty bad. Mega Man Star Force 3: Black Ace/Red Joker Keep in mind that this game isn't to be confused with Mega Man 3, Mega Man III, Mega Man X3, Mega Man Zero 3, or Mega Man Battle Network 3.
  7. I cannot play any of the NES Mario games with the B and A buttons in the layout of the Switch controller (my thumb doesn't bend that way). I can play them fine with the NES controllers that they released for the Switch, but regardless, it's still pretty lame that you can't reassign the controls. If I'm wrong about reassigning the controls, someone please tell me. I've brought it up before, but I'm not aware of the option.
  8. Agreed. To the best of my knowledge, they still haven't patched the NES Classic games on the Switch, many of which are unplayable without the NES controller, so I doubt they will fix this.
  9. I completely understand how frustrating that can be. It's absolutely inexcusable that any game can be released on a modern console without the ability to customize the controls.
  10. I was just about to ask this very question, so that's interesting, but also disappointing. Can GameCube controllers be used for any Switch game, or only games that are compatible with it? I have the GC controller adapter, but I've never bothered trying to use it yet.
  11. That is correct. However, it does eliminate the most unreliable part of PCE hardware. I guess it depends on how important it is to you to play the actual disc. Keep in mind, we aren't talking about emulation. We are talking about playing actual disc images on actual hardware. The only difference is that you won't use the original disc.
  12. Given enough time, I think CDs may go through a resurgence the way vinyl records have. Maybe no to the same extent, but I believe they will become at least somewhat popular again in the future.
  13. That thing is big. It looks like it would cover the cart port when it's installed.
  14. That is a key piece of information that was left out of the initial post. I don't follow those prices, so I can't tell you what the norm is.
  15. 8 for me. Anything with Chris Cornell is good in my opinion although I probably prefer his work with Audioslave over Soundgarden.
  16. Don't forget there were multiple releases of that game. The Subsistence version typically sells for a little more, but if you are just searching on MGS3, you are probably getting all versions in your search results. There were a few other versions as well including a 3 pack of MGS1, 2 and 3, and sometimes those games get separated and sold individually. The original release is extremely common and shouldn't be very expensive.
  17. I'm seeing a pattern here, so I'm going to get ahead of this. I haven't played any of the games on 3D All Stars enough to rate them. I'm hoping to play through all of them at some point, but Sunshine is the game I'm most interested in playing. I actually never fully played a 3D Mario game until Odyssey. But fortunately, Odyssey convinced me that I can enjoy 3D Mario games (prior to that I had zero interest), so now I want to work my way through them all. I can say I've played through and beaten all 2D Mario mainline series games. It would be nice to say the same about all the 3D games.
  18. I feel safe saying my view isn't "rose tinted" considering I played the game for the first time less than 5 years ago and I still consider the game to be amount one of the best games I've ever played. I will be curious to know what you consider tedious. One of the reasons I enjoy the Paper Mario games is because the aren't tedious. There is no grinding required to be good at either game, and in fact the first two are designed to prevent you from grinding to get over powered early in the game.
  19. I don't like the look of either system either, but neither of them are as bad as the current offerings.
  20. Burton movies are very hit or miss for me. Maybe I would enjoy it, but there are many movies that I want to watch before I watch this one.
  21. Most likely a PS5, but not for at least 2 or 3 years from now. Maybe and Xbox as well depending on how cheap they get after a few years and depending on what kind of exclusives come out of the Bethesda deal.
  22. I bought one of those GG TV boards many years ago and never got around to installing it. Now with the Analogue solutions to play GG on the TV, I might consider selling it. As far as the Game Gear goes, I wouldn't say it's popular, but it's still worth checking out. Finding a working system might be tricky, but if you can find one, lots of good games can be found cheap. There are lots of Sonic games for the system. Not all are great, but most are at least worth checking out.
  23. The Nintendo 64 was the first Nintendo system that I didn't own until many years later, so I never played it when it first came out. I've played the game a few times, but never more than a few minutes. Yesterday, I played the game on 3D All Stars for longer than any time before, but it was still only about 30 minutes. I'm not sure that I can give it an official score, but I think it's fair to say that I would have loved this game if I played it when it was brand new, but if I play in completely for the first time this year, I'm going to think it's just ok. Some of the issues like the camera or controls would have been much easier to forgive when the game was new and I had little experience with 3D games. But it's hard to ignore that stuff when playing it for the first time after many years of 3D gaming.
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