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Everything posted by TDIRunner

  1. If it were up to me, I would argue that an import needs to come from a different continent as I don't really consider games from Canada or Mexico to be imports for me in the US. But honestly, I don't care how the rule is interpreted since we are just talking about charms. They way they are doing it seems to work fine.
  2. At the end of the day, I know I'm going to eventually get the game. I own every other Paper Mario game, so why shouldn't I get this one? I will eventually try it out. The good news is I will go into it knowing it's not another TTYD. So maybe I won't hate it because my expectations won't be that high.
  3. Haven't seen it. Doesn't really seem like my type of movie.
  4. That's 100% different and you know it. We are talking about video games here. I almost added a disclaimer to my previous post that there was a difference between video games and actual necessitates, but I figured no one would try to compare the two. That's what I get for making assumptions.
  5. I currently own all of their visual compendiums, and I recently ordered the SFC Box Art book. I plan to pre-order this book along with the slipcase set for the first 3 compendiums since I'm missing those. I really like their stuff, but I do wish it was a bit cheaper. There are several other books on their site that I would like to eventually order but you have to set limits sometimes.
  6. I've been saying for longer than I can remember that my problem is not with the scalpers themselves, but the people who buy from them. If people would stop buying from scalpers, they would disappear overnight. If people are dumb enough to overpay for something because they are too lazy to get it on their own, it's only natural that others will try to profit off their ignorance, sleazy though it may be. EDIT: I honestly didn't think I needed to add this, but here we are. There is a huge difference between people making money off video games or other forms of entertainment like concerts, and things people actually need to live.
  7. Not sure what you are talking about. All I know is that the Wal-Marts near me listed 3D All Stars for $49.99 in store. I have no idea how many they had or how easy it was to get them. It wasn't worth the time or effort for me to save $10 since I already had on in hand.
  8. I'm aware of the difference, but I'm not sure what that has to do with what I'm talking about. I specifically said "long play" because that's what I use. I've never once in my entire life searched for a "let's play."
  9. I laughed at this way more than I should have, and I don't even play online games.
  10. I use both of these methods all of the time. The fact that so many long plays include "no commentary" in the title is proof that we are not the only ones out there that can't stand that annoying YouTuber mentality.
  11. Did you are anyone else for that matter manage to grab a copy at Wal-Mart for $10 off? I heard about the sale, but decided it wasn't worth the effort to beat out the crowds to just save $10.
  12. It's possible to get lose discs back in place without opening the case. I don't know whether either grading company would perform this service, but I would guess no. I have no idea if they figure it into the grading, but regardless, keep in mind, there is nothing preventing the disc from becoming lose after the game has been slabbed.
  13. My wife is a teacher at a small private school. She seriously makes almost nothing, but she has great health insurance and we get a major discount for our kids to go there and we planned to send our kids there regardless. I see a lot of what she has to deal with, but luckily for her, she doesn't have to deal with nearly as much crap as the principal. I really like our principal and I hope she doesn't leave the school over the shit some parents are giving her over these COVID decisions. I truly feel sorry for her because there is not one single decision she can make where she won't have someone angry with her. It doesn't matter. You can have 100% remote learning, 100% in class learning, or a mix of the two (which is what they are using), and people still complain. Seriously, you are allowed to chose if your kid in in the classroom or at home, and you are allowed to pick if they do that all day or a half day. You literally get to pick whatever you want for your kid, and the parents are still complaining that it isn't enough.
  14. I know about the fix, but I've never tried it. Surprisingly, 3 out of 5 of my regular controllers are still working, and that's good enough for me.
  15. We all knew this was coming, but as with most consoles (other than the Wii U), support will continue at least for a little bit. I would say that the DS "empire" won't end until at least 2021 if not the year after. Online support will continue at least until next year. I also assume that games will continue to be release for a little while. Maybe not from Nintendo, but some third parties will.
  16. The weird thing about the 5200 controllers is that I actually find them to be comfortable if you have one that is actually working. I can't remember if you mentioned getting the track ball controller for the 5200 in your last post. If you haven't I recommend it. If you find one that is working, they work very well.
  17. I know exactly what you mean. I had the same issue with MGS cut scenes (any of them, not just MGS1). A super long cut scene would always start up right before you were ready to turn it off. Probably one of the best things to come out of the current generation of gaming is the ability to hit the home button and suspend any game at any time. Also, I haven't played this game...
  18. Just looked it up. Even the Player's Choice version is around $120. That's the version I have. I bought it at a flea market for $5 many, many years ago. At the time I knew Paper Mario was a "thing," but I had no idea how good of a game I was buying.
  19. Ouch. That's getting to be a bit much. But it's still the best game on the system in my opinion. But at that price level, I would probably start burning a disc or looking at the SD options.
  20. I know GC prices are crazy right now, and I have no idea what this is going for currently, but even if it's in the $50 to $70 price range, I would argue the game is good enough to justify that kind of money.
  21. I had been using zip ties the same way you were, but I was drilling holes wherever I needed them. The pegboard is a much better idea because you don't have to drill holes, and it's easier to move stuff later if needed. I will probably do something similar when my basement is done and I have to redo all of my console setups. That's a great idea.
  22. That looks pretty good all things considered. The only way to truly avoid a "rats nest" of wires is to make custom length wires for everything and that isn't worth the time or the investment in my opinion. What you have going there is the best option. Edit: While I've done similar wire management in the past, I've never thought about adding pegboard to the back. That's an interesting idea.
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