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Everything posted by TDIRunner

  1. There was something about that style of game that just worked really well for an arcade. Those types of games are usually really fun even in short spurts. So if you only a quarter or two, and you only play for 5 minutes, you are still probably going to have fun. Throw a well known franchise in the mix (Simpsons, TMNT, X-Men, ect.) and my childhood self will be attracted to that cabinet every time he sees it.
  2. I'm not sure how far you got, but the later bosses are designed to eat quarters and Mr. Burns has a ton of "forms."
  3. I have a strange question. When you play a game on the Switch and close it out, the game appears on the Home screen afterwards. Is there any way to clear this out, or do you just have to play other games to push it off to the right where it eventually falls off the list? The reason I ask is because I have a few new games I've bought for my kids, but I plan to wait until their upcoming birthdays or Christmas to give them their games. However, I was thinking about playing them myself at night when they are asleep. However, I don't want them to see the games on the Home screen the next day when they play their own games. Yes, I know that's terrible.
  4. Since I waited so long to get a PS4, I actually started out with a PS4 Pro, which is another reason why I feel less reason to get anything right away this gen. I don't really have anything against either system, but there is just so little available at launch that I don't feel it's worth the money. The Horizon Zero Dawn sequel is the biggest thing that would make me move towards the PS5, but since it will also be on PS4, I'm comfortable waiting.
  5. So this gen will start out identical to the previous gen. That doesn't surprise me which is why I expect to see similar sales numbers in this generation compared to last. The only major difference this time around will be the bigger push to go all digital. The good news is that I get to save a ton of money this Christmas since I will wait 3 or 4 years before buying a new console regardless of the brand.
  6. It's definitely the type of game that is helped by nostalgia. Playing it as an adult on the PS3 was not nearly as fun as I remember as a kid, but the memories help. When it first came out in arcades, the fact that it was The Simpsons, and a beat'em up meant it was going to be fun no matter what it was.
  7. Exact same thing happened to me as a kid. I remember watching an older kid play the game and he seemed to have an endless supply of quarters and seeing him play Mr. Burns was crazy for me at that age because I could never comprehend getting to the end of any arcade game. I'm lucky enough to have the digital version of this game on my PS3, but haven't played it in a long time.
  8. Impressive. What about the London game? I've never actually beaten any GTA game. They seam like they just go on forever to me. I get more enjoyment from just driving around doing whatever I feel like. I've played every main game in the series. I have the most hours spent playing 3, but the second most would be in the original.
  9. I just don't want you to be lost is all. Also, playing those first give you a much better appreciation for just how awesome 3 is.
  10. I really enjoyed System of a Down when I was in college, but I just can't get into it anymore these days.
  11. My thought was Sunshine as well because I've always wanted to try it. However, all 3 games will be new for me. I've technically played all 3, but for not more than 5 or 10 minutes. However, the copy I ordered is technically a gift for my kids, so we might not be playing it until the next birthday or maybe Christmas. Maybe I will open it and play it at night when my kids are sleep. Funny story. My brother and I got an SNES for Christmas the year it came out. I found out several years later that my Dad had been playing the SNES the night before Christmas while my brother and I were asleep. So I might as well keep the tradition going.
  12. I just got my shipping notification. Come one everyone, let's just wait a few more days until we have it in hand, then we can complain all we want.
  13. So now the big questions is whether or not you go to the front of the line when you send something back to be corrected, or whether you wait a really long time to get it back.
  14. Are you talking about LRG or the developer? Because the game has to actually exist for the system before LRG can publish it.
  15. I listed to them all the time in my college years.
  16. I've still been playing Mario Party with my son, but on the side, I decided to start Breath of the Wild over again from the beginning. I originally bought the Wii U version on launch day and put close to 200 hours into it before moving on. I haven't played it in probably 2 years. I got a good deal on the Switch version so I'm starting from scratch, but I'm enjoying it as much as when it was new.
  17. Do you have a lot of experience playing the originals on original hardware? If not, I don't think the PS2 version is that bad. But if you have the experience and muscle memory from the originals, then it might not be as enjoyable. But that's true for most games.
  18. I guess I should clarify. I have the ability to play all MS 1-5 and X on original MVS hardware which is why I'm less likely to buy a single game for full price on the PS4 like MS3. I bought XX because it's a different game from anything I own (I don't own MS7). That's why I passed on MS3. I may or may not get the anthology again just because it seems like a better value to me to have them lumped together in one collection, but I don't see much advantage to have it again on PS4 compared to PS2 which is why I might pass. It's too bad that I don't see a Switch version yet because these are good games to play portable.
  19. Anthology is 1-6 and X. I haven't played the PS4 version, the the PS2 and PSP versions play well enough to be enjoyable.
  20. Metal Slug Anthology is coming up. Trying to decide if I should buy it for a third time, but it will go well with XX when it comes in. Kind of glad I passed on MS3 when they sold it by itself.
  21. Or my favorite (by which I mean least favorite) CIB = cart INSIDE box. In other words cart, box but no manual.
  22. I guess since that one is option, I'm not going to worry about it. That mobile Mario Kart game is not very fun, and I would prefer to not ever have to race in that ever again.
  23. I completed the first 4 steps, and I completed one race in the Mario Kart Tour app. Is that all I need to do for the phone app? Just complete a race?
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