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Everything posted by TDIRunner

  1. I have seen that one, but it's been a long time. For some reason, I rewatch NNW and RR a lot more often.
  2. I'm happy to see how many people have enjoyed it so far. It's certainly not an obscure movie, but I wasn't sure how many people would have seen it. I feel like most people my age that I know have never heard of it. It seem like when people hear Alfred Hitchcock, they think Psycho or The Birds. However, my favorites are North by Northwest and Rear Window.
  3. That's a game I never expected from LRG. However, considering that Doom 64 was it's own game and unique from any other release, it's not a terrible idea to have it available on another system. Still, I'm not sure that I need this one. I would love to see a physical version of Doom Classic Complete that was digital only on the PS3.
  4. @Sumez, what you say about the combat is sort of what I was hoping to hear. At first glance in the trailer, I wasn' sure what to think. It looked super simple, but it also looked like a very early battle which is probably deliberately easy because it was a tutorial. As long as the battles become more difficult later on and require some type of strategy, I think there is a good chance I will enjoy it. I'm one of the big fans of PM and TTYD, but I also enjoyed Super PM. I want to play this game, but I don't really want to pay full price for it. I will keep an eye out for a sale.
  5. I just saw on your link that the Sayno and Goldstar USB mods are only $90 plus $15 for shipping. That seems pretty reasonable to me, especially for plug and play. In that situation, I would do what you are saying and just get that. It looks like the FZ1 is also plug and play, but FZ10 requires soldering. I guess that would make my decision easy on which console to mod and which to leave original, but at $170, I might just stick with the games I own and play those. Let us know how shipping goes. Good luck on everything going smoothly. Obviously, I would be more concerned with global shipping at this time than the actual seller. He has been selling this stuff for so long, that if he was scamming people, we would have heard about it by now.
  6. Also, I'll have to find the thread and link to it (can't remember if it was Atari Age or somewhere else), but there is a guy out there that not only owns a full set of 3DO games, consoles, & accessories, but he also owns between 8 and 12 of everything. It's one of the most insane collections I've ever seen. Anyway, if anyone would know what does or doesn't exist in the world of 3DO, he would be the one.
  7. I'm not sure if it makes sense in this application, but whenever you see several gears together like that, often times one gear is designed to be weaker then the rest so that if something happens to bind up the system, that gear will break before anything else similar to a shear key in a lawn mower. In theory, it's easier/cheaper to fix that one part compared to a burned up motor or something else. When it's designed that way, those parts are usually made readily available. I'm not sure if that gear was meant for the same type of application, but even if it was, those parts are almost certainly not readily available anymore. With that said, it wouldn't hurt to look if you haven't already. A quick Google search found me a replacement gear for an FZ1 model on eBay. Maybe with a little more digging you could find something for your model.
  8. Easy 10 for me as well. One of my favorites. My Dad introduced me to this film as a young kid and I've enjoyed it ever since. The plane scene is extremely iconic even today and of course the ending is fantastic as well. Really good soundtrack. Also I will also remember this movie and the first VHS tape that my family ever bought, and while I don't remember the specific price, I know that it was something ridiculous like $80 or something around that. It also came in a much larger box for a VHS tape compared to what we consider standard now. I wonder if they still have it.
  9. I remember those discussions, but I bet that was years ago. I never did find a solution that I really liked, but I also haven't looked in a long time. If a plug and play option exists today, that would almost certainly be your best bet. The USB drives that I looked at a long time ago required extremely small and precise solder connections (too small for my skills). So I never went any further. Replacing the disc drive sort of sucks, but it's usually the only option for most disc based systems. I'm definitely interested to read up on this stuff again to see what's changed over the years. I still own both Panasonic models, so I would consider modding one for USB and leave the other original to play discs. @Tulpais correct that the Sayno model was not released in NA. However, the system should be region free. There are a handful of Japanese games that will only run in a Japanese 3DO, but you should have no issues playing a US game in a Japanese model, so I'm 95% sure that the problem isn't a region issue.
  10. Also don't forget that while LRG won't reprint any of these games, that doesn't mean another company won't sometime in the future.
  11. Show me an example of a game that will not allow you to proceed through the main part of the game/campaign until you have achieved a certain level of trophies/achievements. I'm not aware of a single one, and if there are some out there, they are extremely rare. Trophies and achievements are optional. You don't have to go after them. If that 1% bothers you, I can't help you. I've played over 100 PS3/PS4 games without actively trying to get any of the trophies, and I've never gone after a single achievement in any Xbox 360 game I've ever played.
  12. That's actually the first time I've ever seen someone say that the Duo R isn't more durable than the original Duos. My experience has shown me that the Duo R is much less likely to have capacitor issues or disc drive issues. Plus the Duo R looks a heck of a lot better than any other PCE model. Component video is not originally available on any model, but mods are available. Mine current outputs component video straight out of the back and it works fine for me. Unfortunately, I can't tell you what's involved with the mod. I prefer component simply because it's easier for me to run all of my systems through my switch with component.
  13. No I'm not. I know what you are saying. I get it. You can't opt out and I guess that would be a nice option. But if you can't handle a tiny little ding with a super small icon that pops up every now and then, I don't know what to tell you. But it doesn't change the fact that you don't have to go after them in order to play the game. There aren't any games that stop you half way through a campaign and say, "you can't proceed until you earn more trophies." And if there is one out there that I don't know about, I will stand with you and say that game sucks.
  14. Yes. I've completed several PS3/PS4 games without going after any trophies.
  15. Here are the "big" controllers. The PlayStation Analog Joystick and the Asciiware Arcade Stick. Original controller shown for scale. I often see the question come up. On the original Dual Analog controller, the mode button had 3 options: Off, Green and Red. The red was the standard dual analog feature that we are all used to. The green light actually caused the controller to imitate the Analog Flightstick. This feature was dropped from the Dual Shock. PS1 multi-tap. Available in both model PS1 colors. This is the only PS1 lightgun that I have at the moment. Any my third party controllers. Includes a single handed controller and a racing controller. Most might recognize the racing controller as the design was popular for the N64. They actually used the same case design. You can see where the N64 memory card would go if it wasn't plugged up. And an add-on kit for the original PS1 controller that allowed you to make the d-pad imitate a joystick with 4 different attachments.
  16. Just for fun I went through my PS1 controllers and took some pictures. Which controllers were your favorites? I don't have many third party controllers, so I'm interested in seeing what everyone else has. Of course, the console and controller that started it all. And the slim PSOne model with LCD screen attachment. Original PS1 controller This is the original Dual Analog controller. Not to be confused with the Dual Shock. This is actually my favorite PS1 controller due to its larger size. And of course the well known Dual Shock. Here is a size comparison between the three controllers. As I mentioned before, the Dual Analog is my favorite because the slightly longer handles are more comfortable in my opinion. I was always disappointed that they went back to the smaller design for the Dual Shock.
  17. They are optional. End of story. If you feel like you have to complete them just because they are there, that's your problem (and a serious one at that). If a game stops being fun, stop playing it. Same thing with your example about a game being too hard. Practicing and playing a challenging game to get better at it is a good thing. But if a game has a difficulty curve that removes the fun for someone, why would they ever continue playing it? Trophies and achievements are there for anyone who enjoys the game enough that they want more. I've only platinum trophied two games in my entire life because they were some of the best games I've ever played, and the extra achievements brought more enjoyment to the game. The rest of my achievement library probably has less than 20% complete because I just simply don't care to go after them.
  18. I've never understood the complaints about achievements. They are purely optional. If you enjoy them, you can go after them. If you don't enjoy them it's as simple as ignoring them. Nothing whatsoever to complain about unless you really want something to complain about.
  19. I didn't take the time to do the math, but historically, there is no discount on any mega bundle. It's designed to make it easier/quicker to get everything in your cart at once when you are dealing with stuff that's not part of a pre-order. Sometimes, those mega bundles guarantee you a gold trading card or some other small bonus.
  20. Nice. I still need to find a working Neo Geo CD controller. I prefer that style over the arcade stick and I would much rather use it on my consolised MVS. I have one, but it has a bad microswitch, and I was never able to find replacement switches.
  21. That's why I made a point to try and avoid doing that. While this item isn't really for me, I fully understand why others might want it, even if it's just to sit on a shelf. I understand the mentality, but sometimes you have to set some limits, and I think I'm drawing a line on this one.
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