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Everything posted by TDIRunner

  1. As crazy as that story is, if he was unaware of a gas leak while he was in his house (I assume poor sense of smell?), that house was going to blow up regardless of whether or not he was using an electric fly swatter. It was just a matter of time until something else did it.
  2. 10 Probably my favorite movie of all time. That's why I picked it. I've watched it more times that I could possibly remember and it never gets old.
  3. Honestly, it wasn't that bad. I got a PS1 during my 8th grade year and made it all the way through high school only owning 2 memory cards. That handled everything I needed. Keep in mind that during those days most of us didn't own that many games and when I rented a game, I usually didn't keep the game save unless I really felt like I was going to buy it. Even with the collection that I own today, I think I only have about 6 memory cards. Whatever you do, don't buy those third party memory cards with "multiple pages." They will erase your saves. With that said, not getting a memory card on Christmas morning was rough. Luckily my parents knew enough to get us games. I think I was able to get a memory card a day or two after Christmas.
  4. Gotcha. That explains why it worked a few days ago. I'll use the new method going forward. Thanks for the info.
  5. I don't know enough about it to know what that is. As far a I know, I was using the same code I've always used in the past. Typically, Mediafire provides a link for a forum embed code and I just copy and paste. This was the link I was trying to use. [URL=http://www.mediafire.com/view/bmhsxs1kkrb1a02][IMG]https://www.mediafire.com/convkey/7c43/bmhsxs1kkrb1a026g.jpg[/IMG][/URL]
  6. @Gloves, I just noticed in another tread that I couldn't embed images from mediafire. Is that related to the upgrade or is that an issue on my end? I haven't had issues embedding images in the past.
  7. My first PS1 imports. Also includes a Japanese PS1 that isn't pictured. Thanks @docile tapeworm & @Richardhead
  8. Great to hear the other features will be eventually back. I immediately noticed that the feedback was missing, not because it's super important to me, but because I owed somebody feedback and I was waiting for the site to come back to write it up. I was concerned at first until I saw your post about the extra work needed. No rush as far as I'm concerned. Take your time and enjoy the weekend. Thanks for all that you do. I'm sure I haven't seen all of the changes yet, but the ones I've seen so far have been positive.
  9. You are comparing apples to oranges by comparing those franchises to Mario. And this is coming from someone who considers Crash to be one of his favorites. $60 for these three games is a steal considering it could have easily been 3 times that much. Also, the Crash remake was garbage and not worth a fraction of what they charged. They nearly ruined some of the greatest PS1 games ever made.
  10. I remember a time when you only saw internet trolls on forums where people could be anonymous. Now people do that shit with their personal Facebook account with all of their personal information available for all to see. I know some people use fake accounts, but I've seen people say some pretty crazy shit with an account that is clearly a real account that they use for everything.
  11. Not sure if this is what you are looking for, but these were made by Shenske from The Cover Project.
  12. That's good to know. I was aware of the Nintendoage discount, but not the other discount. I'm getting ready to order again, and I will be close to that mark, so I might need to add a few more things to my order.
  13. While I own it, I never got around to playing Galaxy. How much motion control is in it? Will I be able to play it with a Pro controller, or will I be forced to use the Joy Cons? The trailer mentions they games have been optimized for the Switch, but that doesn't mean that motion control is gone.
  14. I got to meet the LRG group several years ago when they were in St. Louis for MO Game Con. I talked with one of their customer service reps for a little bit and I made sure to tell him how much I appreciated what they were doing. I figured they probably hear from the haters way more than the real fans. When people are happy, they are much less likely to speak up compared to someone who is upset. Therefore, people in customer service tend to see mostly negative stuff. That same weekend I also got to sit in on their panel with Doug. We were the first people to learn about the situation that lead to the ESRB ratings going on LRG covers. Obviously that is pretty trivial, but it was still kind of fun to be "in the know" for two weeks before they made the official announcement online. That was the same year and convention I got to meet the Metal Jesus crew (not including Metal Jesus).
  15. I've never understood the comparison to Mario 64. They are two completely different types of 3D platformers. Mario 64 is more of an open environment while Crash is on a specific pathway. Some of the later PS2 Crash games used the Mario 64 template, but not the original. I was also a little thrown off by the camera complaints. Before this thread, I've never heard anyone complain about the camera in Crash 1. The camera simply follows the player. Nothing more is needed.
  16. Some of the Facebook crap is so toxic that I had to distance myself from it because it was making me hate my own hobby. It absolutely blows me away that Facebook is somehow replacing the traditional internet forum.
  17. Don't get me wrong, I understand that when a lot of interesting games come out at the same time, it can be hard on the wallet. But I'm specifically talking about a small group of collectors who are so obsessed with having a full set, that deep down, they want LRG to fail so that they stop releasing games, and therefore, their full set will be complete. I saw the same type of mentality at the end of the Wii U's life. Some people didn't want any more games coming out because they didn't want to have to buy them. Why are you full set collecting if you don't want to buy games? I just don't understand it.
  18. The complaints that annoy me the most are from the people saying LRG releases too many games. These people want to own every single game, but they don't want to spend a lot of money doing it. Sorry, but full set collecting is expensive. I want LRG to release as many games as possible. I want to see as few digital only games as possible.
  19. Yes, some sell out super quickly, but I'm talking about the people who constantly complain that they sell out immediately. Not nearly immediately. Immediately. You see it on Facebook all the time. It's usually first timers or people who don't really know what they are getting into.
  20. I got it along with Neverending Nightmares. I actually witnessed my first LRG website hiccup in a long time. Neverending Nightmares initially went straight to sold out and Darkwood said coming soon even a minute after it was supposed to launch. Finally, both games became available and I was able to order them. I think that's part of the reason why some people think these games sell out immediately. It's actually a glitch or hiccup in the system and if they would stick around for a minute or two, they would see they could order the game.
  21. I agree that No Mario Galaxy 2 is disappointing, but why would NSMB Wii be included, unless you meant as a standalone title. Honestly, I can see them making another Mario All Stars with NSMB 1, 2 and Wii at a later date.
  22. I would be curious to know how you determine who is and isn't competent on automobile forums. There is a lot of good information out there, but there is also A LOT of bad info. Not telling you to do anything different. If it works, it works.
  23. I'm not sure about the other SD/USB solutions, but the GDEmu does not automatically allow for JP or PAL games to be played on US Dreamcasts. You would still either need a region mod, or a program to patch the ISO (second option is a lot easier).
  24. I actually enjoy the wireless controllers. I think the downsides are minor enough to be overlooked by the benefits. It might have something to do with the fact that my first experience with wireless controllers were PS3 and those were about perfect. Lightweight, reliable and the batteries lasted forever. Nintendo wireless controllers are nice as well because the batteries last for so long. Whenever I get a low battery warning, I always have trouble remembering the last time I had the charge the thing.
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