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Everything posted by TDIRunner

  1. I remember seeing commercials for Picket Fences as a kid, but I had no idea what it was. I read up a little on it last night and it sounds like a really unusual show.
  2. I guess it depends. As long as they make enough that everyone who wants one can get one easily, I won't care.
  3. 9.5. Crash 2 is definitely an improvement, but I still consider the original to be the second best Crash game. I've played through it many times and I try to beat it at least once per year. Beating this game at 100% is extremely hard. I've only done it once. 100% game completion on Crash 2 is super easy compared to Crash 1. If you haven't played this game before and you are thinking about trying it out, make sure you play the original and not the terrible remake for the PS4. The graphical updates on the remake look nice, but the controls are some of the worst on the system. Unfortunately, the controls on the remake are too sloppy for a game that requires such precision in some of the later levels.
  4. No Galaxy 2 is disappointing, but not a deal breaker. Nearly everyone was expecting SM64, Sunshine and Galaxy to be released as 3 separate games each at full price. Putting all 3 together at full price is not a downside. Even if they didn't have any updates, $20 per title would still be very fare. Limited run is pretty inexcusable for this type of game. I can't comprehend or defend that in any way.
  5. Kinda surprised they didn't call it "Deluxe." That seems to be the theme with porting over Wii U games and adding content to the Switch.
  6. Best Buy's website specifically says the pre-order is for a physical copy, so you at least have that to fall back on for a refund if they change it later.
  7. On the flip side, while the 3D version of All Stars will be limited, the original SNES version of All Stars will be on the Switch Online later today.
  8. EDIT: Nevermind. I read it wrong. It is in fact a limited release. That's crazy.
  9. Exactly. The Silver Lynels are no joke no matter how powered up you are. Also, I always really enjoyed the cooking, especially the experimentation. That is, until you actually figure out how the cooking works and which meals give you extra hearts. At that point you pretty much only cook one thing.
  10. Actually, that sort of is what happens. One of the FEW complaints I had about the game was that you go from way under powered to way overpowered without much in between. I never did play the "hard" difficulty, but I'm looking forward to trying it out because in the near future I plan to start over from the beginning for the first time since launch day.
  11. I'm really interested in the two PS4 horror games coming up this Friday. They both look interesting to me, especially Neverending Nightmares.
  12. TDIRunner


    Gran Turismo 7 better be a launch title or very close to it. Every home PlayStation console received two GT titles except for the PS4. The the game that the PS4 received wasn't even a real Gran Turismo game. Pretty disappointing.
  13. Wow. The Japanese cover for The Last Revelation is a million times better than the cover we got.
  14. What brand are you using?. Most dish soaps will eat away at the clear coat on car paint. I know you were technically putting it on another substance that was on your car paint, but it would be pretty difficult to completely keep it off the car paint.
  15. Definitely getting Shantae, but I undecided on which version. I would like the have the soundtrack, but I don't really want any of the other stuff, so I will probably end up with the standard edition. I see a price for the CE, but I haven't seen a price for the standard yet. I was originally hoping for it to be $30, but now I'm guessing $40.
  16. It may be incomplete, but is by far the best resource for PS1 information. The site owner has a full US PS1 set with all known variants. Unfortunately, he has had hosting issues with his website, and he has lost loads of information on more than one occasion. He used to actually have a lot more data.
  17. In a perfect world, everything would stay original, but realistically, that's not going to happen once something gets opened. Therefore, I don't have a big problem with people doing it. With that said, I still try to avoid it simply because I haven't had good luck piecing things together. I find it's just easier to buy something complete.
  18. I can think of one song that I actually like, but that's about it.
  19. I mentioned earlier that I tried it a bunch of different ways and it would not accept it.
  20. I figured that out once I saw Gloves post. I checked my messages, but I didn't get it. I had a handful of things I was interested in too. Oh well.
  21. I got the email. I filled it out. I was honest with my answers.
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