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Everything posted by TDIRunner

  1. I just noticed them and wondered what was going on. I like them a lot better then the previous ones. Was never a fan of the heart for a "like."
  2. Didn't work for me. I tried two items that added up to greater than $25, and then I tried one item over $25 and neither situation worked. Member since 9/8/2002 Not sure how you guys are looking up your sales history. My feedback goes back to the beginning, but I don't see any links to the information on those sales.
  3. Pay $500 deductible to get $250 of loses back + ??????????????? = profit.
  4. TDIRunner


    No one else has claimed those, so you can have them, but FYI, you really should send me a PM as, per forum rules, the PM trumps the forum post when it comes to "first come, first served."
  5. My last post was somewhat confusing. When I said I was referring to watching this: (I forgot to post the link)
  6. To be honest, there are no bad console startups (maybe Tiger). But watching this just confirms for me that the PS1 was the best, with the US model 2 Sega CD and GameCube near the top as well.
  7. I found a minor nit pick on the Switch. We've been playing Super Mario Party which requires the use of the Joy Cons. I'm not a big fan of the Joy Cons, but fine, I can put up with it for this type of game. That's not the issue. The problem is when I put the game in sleep mode and quit for the night. The next day, I want to play an SNES game, so I pickup my pro controller and turn the System on. I plan to just close the software and start the SNES package of games. Nope. Since Super Mario Party requires Joy Cons, I have to get a Joy Con out in order to close the game, before I can pickup my Pro Controller to play something else. There is nothing involved with closing the Software that requires the use of the Joy Con which means it's piss poor design. Oh well. That's a minor complaint for an overall fun game to play.
  8. I enjoyed that video mainly because I hate life hack videos so much.
  9. You mean the super small subset of elitists that equal a tiny fraction of the Nintendo elitists? That pretty much supports my stance.
  10. I disagree. You are seeing more elitists in the PS group simply because there are more collectors in that group. It's the same reason why you see more elitist Nintendo collectors compared to Sega. The numbers are bigger, so statistically you are going to see more of those types of collectors. The question is why are there more PS collectors compared to Xbox? I would argue it's because PS has more exclusive content, and due to Sony's lower minimum orders, you are also much more likely to see physical versions of games on the PS library. Once people start collecting those exclusives and physical versions, they tend to stay with Sony, even if Xbox has superior ports. Most people like to collect for one type of System.
  11. As far as I'm concerned, RH still has dibs over me. If he passes, I'm interested in the console and games. With that said, I am curious if I can plug the system into my American 110 outlet without issues. I have had no power issues powering my PC Engine Core Grafx and Duo R in my home, but I don't know if there would be any difference with a PSOne. If anyone could confirm, I would appreciate it.
  12. Can we play games during the downtime? Some of us might have to open a game or two..........
  13. I'm not sure if I understand the question, but if you are asking what I think you are asking, the PS version of any particular game will almost certainly be worth more than the Xbox version with some exceptions. I'm basing this off the fact that PS systems tend to be more collectible than their Xbox counterparts, regardless of which port is technically the superior port. Often times, the 360 had a better port of a game than the PS3, but the PS3 version tends to sell for more. Of course, there will always be exceptions. The Xbox games that tend to be worth more are usually exclusives for the system.
  14. Upon closer inspection, I'm not sure they would have worked on my unit anyway. Maybe the top row, but certainly not both rows.
  15. I kind of wish I had found those back in 2018. I spent A LOT of time making my own. I don't regret it though because it was sort of fun. I was pretty damn efficient at it by the time I finished my 20th unit. I ended up making 16 for inputs and 4 for outputs. If my memory serves, the inputs were ever so slightly different from the outputs.
  16. I paid $50 for mine back in 2018, but I have no idea what they go for today. $50 included all of the blue Phoenix connectors that I needed which is good because those are hard to find. However there was additional cost. I had to buy a bunch of BNC to RCA adapters because it only came with a few. Luckily, those are easy and cheap to find. Next, I had to buy a bunch of RCA Y adapters which I had to cut up to splice into the Pheonix connectors. Those are also easy to find, but time consuming if you are using all 16 inputs. I can walk you through that stuff if you decide to get one. The programming is also tedious, but you only need to do it one for for the initial setup. It saves your programming even if you unplug the unit. I can also walk you through that stuff. I would just need to give myself a refresher, because I haven't done any of this stuff since 2018.
  17. Have you considered looking into used matrix switchers? Yes, they might be older and used, but since these were commercial grade equipment, they usually still hold up very well. I've been using mine for several years now with no issues. My model has 16 inputs (composite, s-video or component) and 8 outputs. You also have the ability to run one multiple inputs and outputs at the same time. For example, I can have my SNES playing on my tube TV and my PS2 playing on my HD TV at the same time all running through one switch. If there are any downsides, they can be quite big depending on the number of inputs, and you will need to get adapters since the video connectors are BNC and the audio connectors are the Pheonix style connectors. For me, it was worth the time to put it all together.
  18. I've heard of it and remember when it was in theaters, but I've never seen it. It isn't really on my list of movies to watch, but that doesn't mean I wouldn't watch it if the opportunity arose.
  19. I will do that going forward. Also, I'm pretty sure there is an option to get notifications for any new post.
  20. RH is definitely ahead of me, so I know I'm not first. Let me know how it works out. I'm still interested if it comes to me.
  21. Consider me on hold/next if RH doesn't take. Despite PS1 being my biggest passion in gaming, I own absolutely zero imports for the system.
  22. Ever since we "finished" Mario Odyssey, my son and I have switched over to Super Mario Party. This is the first Mario Party game that I've actually put a decent amount of time into. It's been fun because my son can pickup and play without much help from me. My youngest son (age 3) has been playing it as well. He can't do much, but he can do more with this game then the others he has "played" (Mario Kart 8 and Odyssey).
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