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Everything posted by TDIRunner

  1. PO'ed I rarely ever hear anyone talk about PO'ed. It's one of the most quirky first person shooters. It's a little dated by today's standards and predates modern first person shooter controls, but if you can get around that, it's actually a very fun game. It originated on the 3DO, but the PS1 version is far superior. Critical Depth Critical Depth is another fun game that few people talk about. If you enjoyed Twisted Metal 1 and 2, but wondered why the series started to suck after that, it's because the people who make TM1&2 had no involvement in the further sequels on the PS1. They ended making their own underwater vehicular combat game, and it plays very similar to the original 2 Twisted Metals. Vigilante 8 Speaking of vehicular combat, there are actually a surprising number of games in the genre on the PS1. Vigilante 8 is better than Twisted Metal in my opinion (I still love TM), but again, you hardly ever hear anyone talk about it. 2Xtreme 2Xtreme is also a fun game that gets very little credit. It plays very similar to Road Rash, but with skateboards, bicycles, etc. You can still punch and kick, but you can also do tricks in the air. Graphically, it doesn't look great today, but it's still fun. I mentioned this elsewhere, but this game is significant for me because it was the first brand new game I ever bought with my own money.
  2. I'm not going to say it's overpriced, but it's certainly more than I would be willing to pay. I would absolutely love to put that together, although that could be said for nearly any Lego set out there. If I did't collect video games, I would probably collect Lego. Either way, it's easy to go broke.
  3. Most of us here are close to the same age, which means that most of us were pretty young when those Shore movies came out, meaning that we were more likely to find them funny and enjoy them. While I never saw Encino Man, I enjoyed Jury Duty, Bio-Dome, Son In Law, and In the Army Now. However, I don't think I would get much enjoyment, if any, from those movies today.
  4. I have to say that out of the movies on the list that I've seen, the ratings seem pretty appropriate. Glad to see Heat and The Prestige at the top.
  5. Not gaming related, but it's still an eBay rant. I bought some car parts for my father in law. I had to order 4 different door actuators from 4 different sellers. All listed them as "new." 3 of the sellers sent the parts in sealed AC Delco boxes. The 4th seller sent the part in an opened box with a giant sticker applied to it saying "GM Outlet Shop - Imperfect, Sold As Is." I went back and double checked, and sure enough the listing said the part was brand new OEM. I sent a message, but of course the seller claimed that it was a new part that had never been used. However, considering the high failure rate of GM door actuators, I'm not taking the risk. Luckily, the seller accepted the return with no trouble. The part that is a pain in the ass, is that my father in law wanted these parts by today or tomorrow so they could be installed before he goes on a road trip. Now, I might have trouble getting the reordered part here in time. Sure I got my money back from the seller, but now I've lost a lot of time and we won't have the parts in time to install before the trip.
  6. I've been wearing my contacts for almost the exact same amount of time. I was in 4th grade when I started wearing them. I started wearing glasses in 2nd grade and I was by far the earliest in my class, and therefor the only one wearing glasses. My parents very rarely splurged on things back then, and I was extremely surprised they were willing to pay for contacts, but I was always thankful because to this day, I HATE wearing glasses.
  7. My wife and I each had our own dogs before we met and got married. Up until yesterday we still had both of those dogs, and while both dogs are part of the family, we've always considered one dog to be "hers" and one dog to be "mine." Marley was "my" dog, and since my kids are too young to fully understand it's definitely impacted me more than anyone else. We still have my wife's dog who is about 15 or 16. She is healthier, but we also know she is getting close to the end. We have no plans to get another dog until sometime after she is gone and then we will figure it out as we go. I'm more likely to wait and take time to get another dog, but my wife is more likely to want to move on quicker, so it's hard to saw what we will do. I did decide to keep my dog's ashes so I will get those back in a few weeks. I haven't decided what kind of memorial I will do yet. Still thinking on that.
  8. After watching some gameplay, I'm still excited about this game, but I'm not seeing anything that makes me thing it will be as good as the original or TTYD. I like the new battle system, but the idea of collecting confetti and spreading it out over open/missing areas looks like a pain in the ass to me.
  9. Similar thought process here. I've never had any intention of selling and I've never bought anything for the sole purpose of selling. However, with prices the way they are, I'm considering selling some of the games for systems that I''m not passionate about in order to help fund the systems that I am passionate about. Especially if the games in question that I might sell have a good alternative for playing them (flash cart for example).
  10. Are you planning to put matching white bookshelves on the left side as well? I love the spacing of the floating shelves with the standing bookshelves.
  11. Here is another sub set that I cam up with that might be a bit odd. I call this the Atari subset. This is all of the PS1 Atari collection games along with the remakes or sequels to old Atari arcade games. I'm leaving out games that may have been developed or published by Atari if they are unrelated to their original arcade games. EDIT: I didn't realize how poor this picture turned out. I will try to replace it later. Of course, I didn't notice how bad the picture was until 5 minutes after putting all of the games back on the shelf.
  12. Haven't played it. Definitely not my style of game. Respect to the developers for making as much money as they did with a free game. Whether or not you like that kind of gaming, it's still pretty impressive what they've done.
  13. Thanks everyone. I've known for some time now that we were near the end and I prepared myself as much as I could, but of course it's very different when the time actually comes.
  14. Rest in peace Marley. You were a good boy. Marley 2005-2020
  15. I don't mind it to be honest because I like the way it looks. However, if I wanted to sit down and read through each comic, it would be a little difficult. It's hard to get a sense of scale, but the 3 volume version still looks pretty big. Do you know what it weighs? My version weighs over 10 lbs. I don't know the exact amount because my shipping scale tops out at 10.
  16. I would think it would have a larger impact on the cart only price since people wanting to buy it just to have it, or people buying it to actually play it won't have much issue buying the reprint. However, I don't see the CIB pricing changing much since the only people really interested in that are the die hard collectors who want the original thing. They may also be interested in the reprint, but I would only see them buying the reprint as an odd collectible, not as a replacement for the original in their collection.
  17. Last group for today. Found some more on my lunch break. Arcade's Greatest Hits (both Atari and Midway collections) Contra Driver 1/2/3Xtreme (2Xtreme is significant for me because it was the first brand new game I ever bought for myself with my own money) Jet Moto Medal of Honor (one of my favorite game series despite the fact that I never really got into the PS1 games) Metal Gear Solid (absolute classic) Nightmare Creatures (I believe I mentioned elsewhere that I played the demo of the game more than the actual game itself) Suikoden Syphon Filter Vandal Hearts (the first one is one of my favorite games of all time, but unfortunately, despite two attempts, I cannot get into the sequel.
  18. One more for now. Not a super high dollar set by any means, but this pictures represents a LOT of hours of my high school years.
  19. I guess I'll start including 2 game sets as well. Here are the Oddworld games including Greatest Hits version.
  20. OK. I forgot that I had the GH version of Spyro, so I'll post this for now until I can find the proper black label version. All three games were available as black label, greatest hits and collector's edition. Eventually, I would like to have all 9 copies.
  21. When I started this thread, I was only planning on showing subsets that had at least 3 games, although there is certainly nothing wrong with including subsets with only 2 games. And I guess if you really wanted to, you could include subsets with only 1 game. I mean, back at NA, we used to have an award for a full Earthbound "set." As far as Spyro, I'm actually missing the first game. For some reason, I've actually had a hard time finding that one complete. It seems like the manuals for most copies of that game grew legs and walked away. There are still many other subsets that I'm only missing one game for.
  22. Here is another subset that I know you will all be jealous of. Every Barbie game for the PS1.
  23. Haven't had to say this in a while, but I haven't seen it.
  24. "More manageable." That's funny because the two volume version I own is a beast. You get a work out just from picking it up.
  25. Thanks for the offer. I'll think about it since there is still time. Plus there is a slim chance that my schedule will change before that day.
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