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Everything posted by TDIRunner

  1. Where do you stay in Branson? We go to Table Rock every year.
  2. Looks good. Looking forward to seeing it when it's done. I also love the game cases. I've been a fan for a long time, and I'm a huge fan of what Shadowfox has done in recent years.
  3. Unless of course, the rental fee is less then the difference between the purchase price and resale price. I rented all of my books when I was in college and saved a ton of money. Edit for clarification: I attended a university that allowed you to rent books for free. That is another thing to think about when looking at schools. Some are a better value than others. I attended an excellent, highly rated university, which also happened to be one of the cheapest 4 year universities in my state. This is one of the reasons why I was able to get a degree without the burden of student loans. I had to work my ass off to pay for it, but it was still doable. I know a lot of people with a degree that is no more valuable than mine, but spent 4 times as much money. If you can afford it, there is nothing wrong with going to an expensive school. But if you have to take out massive loans just to go to a cool/popular university, consider finding something more affordable.
  4. So are you a fan of the TV series and movie? The movie probably falls into my top ten all time favorites, and the TV series is one of my favorites as well. I tried to start a Fargo discussion thread back on NA after the first season, but I couldn't' get anyone to join in on the discussion unfortunately.
  5. I remember reading about that one. I've known for a long time that the "This is a true story" part is BS, but many parts are loosely based off real stuff. Very much looking forward to that.
  6. I see it everywhere now. Not just with video games. It's almost like people are afraid to say that something looks great, because they feel they will look stupid once someone points out some kind of flaw. In addition, the person pointing out the flaw feels some sort of superiority for finding such a flaw. I can't think of a better example then the release of the appearance of the PS5.
  7. I've never heard that story before. I wonder if it inspired a portion of Fargo season 2 at all. Edit: Yep, it sure did.
  8. For the original Metroid, I have to give it a six. It's certainly a good game, but I've never been able to play it for very long before putting it down. It's just missing too many things that were added to later titles to perfect the series. I absolutely appreciate the game for what it started. Without Metroid, we wouldn't have Super Metroid which I still consider one of the greatest games of all time. If I were rating the music separate, I would certainly go with a 10.
  9. Rest in Peace. The Fifth Element, which he had a very prominent role in, is one of my favorite movies of all time.
  10. 10. I can't believe I can enjoy and love a game that is so new and modern, but it's that good. It's a nearly perfect game.
  11. 10. Definitely one of my favorite movies of all time. Not only top 10, but probably top 5.
  12. If you are adding minis to your list, don't forget to add this.
  13. I agree. Although to clarify, while TR Anniversary takes place first in the story of those three games, it was released second. Tomb Raider Legend was the first game released under the new game engine after the reboot after Angle of Darkness didn't do very well. TR Anniversary followed up second as a prequel and Underworld wrapped up the story. Both Legend and Underworld are great games, but Legend is a bit short and Underworld doesn't have as much variety. I prefer Anniversary out of the three. If you see it cheap, definitely grab Tomb Raider Trilogy for the PS3. Easiest way to play all three games in HD.
  14. I really enjoyed Tomb Raider Anniversary and I've played through it many times on both PS2 and PS3 (PS3 version is an HD remaster of the PS2 remake). It's also available with other consoles from those generations. . Keep in mind that it isn't perfect. The control is a bit sloppy and sometimes you won't jump in the direction you want which causes you to die. This can get frustrating at times. The game is also not an a 1:1 remake like Twin Snakes. It's more of a imagining like the Resident Evil Remake. But the game is absolutely beautiful and includes a lot of stuff that you will appreciate if you know the original game really well. It includes some optional pickups which lead to unlockable content. It also includes a really fun playable version of Laura's mansion which pretty much acts like an extra level. It's absolutely worth playing on any system (the HD versions being the preferred method for me).
  15. Tomb Raider Anniversary is a remake of the original Tomb Raider. To date, that is the only one so far. I would love to see a remake of TR II, but I don't see it happening any time soon.
  16. TDIRunner


    Going digital doesn't stop the big retailers from selling games. Wal-Mart and Target (and many others) have been selling digital games for years.
  17. Would it be acceptable to leave feedback for transactions that occurred prior to the addition of the feedback system? Many of us setup "feedback threads" earlier before the system was setup. I only had 3 transactions myself, but I'm sure others had many more.
  18. It was a 9 when it was new and it's a 9 today. I feel bad for younger people who only know modern FPS controls. I can understand why they would have a hard time controlling the game, but that doesn't make it a bad game or take anything away from what the game is. I see no reason to rate it any lower now than when it was new.
  19. I've been saying it for years, but an all digital world is where I draw the line. That's where I stop buying video games and I just enjoy what I have. It's coming and there is no way to stop it. Honestly, I don't even care. I almost see it as an excuse to stop buying games. Besides, as I get older, I enjoy modern games less and less. All the more reason to enjoy what I have. My backlog is big enough to keep me busy for most of the rest of my life.
  20. TDIRunner


    The Wii U was our best chance to do that and Nintendo passed on it. Digitally it worked pretty well for a small number of games. Sadly, I don't think we will ever have a good way to play actual physical 3DS games on a big screen TV.
  21. TDIRunner


    I've been saying that for a while now. For me, I think that cut off will be when things go all digital, which more than likely means everything after the PS5. I'm completely fine with that. My thinking is that at this moment in time, there are more than enough great games to keep me happy for the rest of my gaming life. I can skip out on the all digital world and be ok.
  22. TDIRunner


    I'm just now getting caught up and I have a lot to watch, but I find it interesting that they are now acknowledging the failure of Gran Turismo Sport and calling the next one Gran Turismo 7. It doesn't make me feel any better about how disappointing Sport was, but at least the next installment might be an actual racing game (hopefully).
  23. TDIRunner


    Whether you like or hate the look, you can't deny that it looks a million times better than any console from the current gen.
  24. Yes. Same situation as above, except that you didn't miss it. You were first to arrive for the stuff in the local ad, but someone backdoored you, and then you see the stuff on eBay a few hours later. I consider that much more frustrating.
  25. I don't care either way because I'm not interested in variants for my SNES games. With that said, to this day, I still hit the eject button on my SNES to take the games out regardless of the type of cartridge. Always have. Always will.
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