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Everything posted by TDIRunner

  1. Don't be disappointed when you see there is nothing there. Maybe one of these days I will get around to making a course, but I"m just not as creative as I was when I was a kid.
  2. The only example I have was a friend who bought a 3DO right after the first price drop. We were both still in grade school, but he had a paper route which gave him some expendable cash (that's what made me get my own paper route later that year). We really enjoyed playing it, and I wanted to get one for myself, but the PS1 was just around the corner, and i just made more sense to wait for that. I was well aware of all of the other consoles on the market because I subscribed to a few different gaming magazines that covered that kind of stuff. But I didn't know anyone who owned any of the other obscure consoles.
  3. Just finished the level. It took me a few tries, but I enjoyed it.
  4. I know exactly what you are talking about. Like an antagonist from a Nicholas Sparks film, everything is over the top.
  5. I've had good luck with my Psyclone HDMI switcher, but I can only suggest it for HDMI systems prior to HDR. I can't confirm that it's compatible with HDR on more modern systems, but I would assume that it isn't compatible. I currently use mine for Wii U, Xbox 360, OUYA and Neo Geo X.
  6. So now the question: Do I keep my pre-order and pay full price, or cancel it and hope to find one cheap a few months after release?
  7. I guess it depends on what you consider "huge" but you can get 75" TVs for $700. I'm in an unfortunate situation because the space I will have in my basement will be perfect for a 70" TV, but 70" TVs don't exists for the brands that are worth buying. So I have to decide if I want to go with 65" and have wasted space on either side, or go with 75" and just figure out how to make it fit.
  8. My TV went out last year as well. I've been living without it and just using my computer monitor as a TV. I've also been in the process of finishing my basement, so it's kind of pointless to buy a new TV until the basement is done. Since TVs get better and cheaper over time, I might as well wait until I can actually use it before i buy one. And as far as spending $1,000 on a TV, there is a huge different in quality between a $500 TV and a $1,000 TV of the same size. I'm pretty picky about my picture quality, and since I plan to game off this TV, I plan to get a pretty nice TV when the time comes.
  9. I've been killing my personal budget since March. It's actually kind of sad how much less I'm spending on food, while at the same time eating just a much as I normally would (possibly slightly more). I haven't bought a single video game except for one steam purchase, and an adapter to run my 360 controller on my computer. I'm spending almost no money on gas. Two weeks ago, I put gas in my truck for the first time THIS YEAR. On the flip side, I've been spending more on side projects. I've been doing a lot of work outside the house and I finally got around to rebuilding the rear diff on my ATV which has needed work for a long time. It ended up being worse than I thought, so I've had to order some expensive parts, but there was plenty of leftover money in the budget for it. So far the stimulus money has been able to sit in my bank. However, that might change in the next few months. I survived the furloughs at work, but they are talking about pay cuts for those still around. I'm still waiting to hear about the final decision. I may or may not be included, and I may or may not get a sizable cut.
  10. At first glance, I thought meh, but the more I think about it, the more interesting this is. There will probably be some strategy with lining up similar enemies for an attack. Obviously, you won't want a Goomba and Spiny in the same line. However, lining up one group of enemies for an attack might make another group dissimilar, so it might make you think several steps ahead.
  11. I'm pretty optimistic as well. This looks like the closest thing we've seen to the original formula since TTYD. I'll need to see a little more gameplay before I commit, but this has a chance to be a day 1 buy for me. I heard Michael Scofield has already pre-ordered it.
  12. I ordered an adapter to use my 360 controllers on my PC. Using a 360 controller with Xpadder has been working with Dark Forces. I'm not sure why the PS4 controller wasn't working, but whatever. I'm finally able to play Dark Forces with a modern controller. It's probably been over 15 since I've played through this game from start to finish. I still love it today.
  13. As I've said before, I tend to be a late adopter of new consoles, and the Switch was no exception. I didn't get a Switch until last December. Since that time I've experienced several instances of a character (usually in Mario Kart) moving in some direction despite me not even touching the joy con. This is unrelated to the auto-steer feature since I usually have that turned off, and the issue I'm experiencing moves my character in one direction constantly even to the point of moving them off course if I don't correct it. I don't know if that is "Joy Con drift" or not, but I have usually been successful in getting rid of it by recalibrating the sticks on the Joy Cons. The fix isn't permanent, but it usually lasts a while before the problem returns. The main reason I'm posting this here is because from my experience, this problem has not been limited to my Joy Cons. I have had the exact same experience with my Pro Controller on multiple occasions. Recalibrating the sticks fixes the issue, just like with the Joy Cons, but ultimately, the problem will eventually come back. Pretty disappointing overall, especially considering that I waited almost 3 years before buying it. There is no excuse for an issue on launch consoles to exist 3 years later without a fix.
  14. Just finished another play through of Vandal Hearts. Despite the number of times I've played through this game (more than I could count), this was the first time ever that I advanced Ash to Vandalier class. Super over powered character, but it's fund to do at least once. I've been trying to move onto a new game. With the LRG release of Dark Forces, and the Humble Bundle Star Wars sale on May 5th, I decided to get the Dark Forces/Jedi Knight bundle on Steam. Dark Forces was always one of my favorite games back when it came out, and I"ve been wanting to play it again. I figured that getting the Steam version would make it easier to play on my current computer, but unfortunately that hasn't been the case. I really want to play the game with a modern controller, but it's been extremely frustrating. I ended up installing Xpadder on my computer to use my PS4 controller, but unfortunately, it doesn't work correctly with Dark Forces. No matter what I do, it maps multiple commands to one button. For example, hitting the fire button, causes you to fire and duck. Hitting the interact button causes you to interact and jump. How has this game not been either remade for a modern console, or at the very least re-released on a modern console with modern controls (like the original Doom games on PS3 or Duke Nukem on PS4)? I also have the game on PS1, but that game takes a big step down from the original and has no analogue control.
  15. I don't necessarily disagree, but I do believe my kiosk looks cooler in my home than it did next to the dumpster I found it by. Also, mine is in my garage.
  16. Someone spent a lot of time getting the camera setup in just the right way to get her face and his body perfectly visible in the shot. The acting is pretty well done to appear genuine, but it's 100% staged. I honesty don't care if it's staged so long as it's funny.
  17. Surprisingly funny despite being obviously staged.
  18. I didn't forget about Frasier. I almost even mentioned it. But the extremely rare instance of a spin off show working doesn't change the fact that it's still usually a bad idea. I knew immediately after leaving my post that I was going to regret wording it as though it was absolute, but I was too lazy to edit it.
  19. The better you know the game, the more noticeable the lag will be. Any game that you've played enough to develop muscle memory from will be nearly unplayable when lag is introduced. For me, I have a hard time playing NES and SNES games on emulators or anything else else with lag. However, I have very little trouble playing TG16 games on emulators because I don't have the experience with those games.
  20. I never claimed that Dwight deserved a spin off. In fact, I claimed the opposite. Spin offs are a terrible idea and in the few instances where networks were dumb enough to proceed with them, their failure is not somehow proof that a character is bad. I don't know why this argument keeps coming up, but it doesn't hold water. A spin off with Michael Scott would also be a terrible idea and I would refuse to watch such a thing.
  21. They rewrote Michael's character because they didn't want the show to get canceled, which is technically the same thing you said, so at least we agree there. As far as Dwight goes, I guess you are just going to have to get used to the fact that some people disagree with you. I don't know what else to tell you.
  22. I"ll put it another way. The show wouldn't even have made it the seven seasons that Michael was in without Dwight. Michael's character had to be almost completely rewritten for season 2. Michael is easily the second best character in the show, but it couldn't have survived without Dwight.
  23. Terrible argument. The fact that that spin off didn't work out is the only thing that kept the last two seasons from being a complete disaster (yes it could have and would have been MUCH worse without Dwight).
  24. The fact that the show went downhill after Michael leaving is more of a coincidence than anything. Steve Carell knew when to get out and he got out at the right time. The writing was the problem, and while Michael presence could have helped offset it, he couldn't have saved it.
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