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Everything posted by TDIRunner

  1. Don't know the value either, but I love that display case. Unfortunately I have no place to keep it. Best of luck on the sale.
  2. I'm late, but I would have voted Alien as well.
  3. I have the exact same mask, and I just happened to replace the cartridges in it late last year after a big project. I haven't needed it much since then, so they are still relatively new. I'm glad I replaced them because, while I haven't checked yet, I"m guessing replacement cartridges are difficult to come by right now.
  4. That's super helpful. I've never gotten into any of the Animal Crossing games in the past, so I'm not sure if I want to try this one out or not, but it sounds like it would be best for me to be playing it as well if my 6 year old wants to enjoy it, unless of course I wait a year or two for him to get older. I'll definitely think about it. Fortunately, since getting the Switch for Christmas, my son still hasn't gotten tired of Mario Kart yet, and we haven't even tried out Mario Party yet. So I might have enough to keep him busy for a while.
  5. Question for those of you playing the game. I know it's rated E for Everyone, but is the game playable for someone who is just now learning to read? I'm thinking my son would enjoy this game, but he is in Kindergarten and in the very early stages of reading. I don't mind helping him with the games he plays, but I don't always have time to sit over his shoulder and read everything for him. Will he be lost? If so, I might wait until next year to get it for him.
  6. I'm surprised that @Californication hasn't commented yet.
  7. Don't forget the part where he explains that he doesn't have the games anymore because he gave them to charity.
  8. I've been saying that for so long. If you want to make a retro styled game, why not go with 16 bit era graphics? That era has aged probably better than any era of gaming.
  9. Very easy 8/10 for me. Lots of good songs, plus they were great in The Chase.
  10. That Fifth Element artwork is amazing. I might need to check that out.
  11. This is a good point that I forgot about. Going off past performance probably isn't a good indicator right now. I would plan on long delays for the foreseeable future.
  12. @RH Yeah, I can't really help you there. Like I said, I haven't bought any Switch games yet. When I look at my order history, I've ordered about 10 games in the past 6 months, and I've had all of them in my possession for a while now. Only one of those games was a pre-order (PS4), and obviously that one took the longest, but I still got it sometime between 4 and 5 months.
  13. Are you talking about pre-orders, or regular orders? Obviously pre-orders will always take longer. I have very rarely, if ever, waited 6 months for a game, but the vast majority of the orders I've made were NOT pre-orders. I haven't even ordered a Switch game from them yet. If the Switch games are talking 6 months, that might be possible, but I can't confirm.
  14. I kinda know what you are talking about. I remember when the Poop Slinger fiasco was all the range on the Facebook gaming pages. That's all anyone talked about for weeks. After it finally died down, it came to NA and someone asked what it was all about. I tried to answer, but by that point, I was too sick of hearing about it to talk about it again.
  15. Not on that album. I have it in front of me right now. The insert for that album was deliberately made to look like it was done on a '90s ink jet printer.
  16. In 6th grade when we got back from Christmas break, everyone was able to talk about one thing they got for Christmas. I remember being the only kid in my class that didn't say they received a CD player for Christmas. My parents made me pay for my own with money I earned (mostly from cutting grass). Eventually I finally bought my first CD player. It was an Aiwa Carry Component Audio System CA-DW500 (pictures here https://www.shopgoodwill.com/Item/83762182). I liked this model because it was designed to look like separate A/V components stacked up on each other (tuner, amp, CD and cassette) even though it was all one piece. The speakers could be connected so it could be carried at once, or separated about six feat apart for better audio. I loved this thing and used it for years. I want to say I paid $200 for it new, but I'm not sure if I'm remembering that correctly. Pretty nuts to think about that today. But I was pretty proud of myself to get it with my own money. Just seeing those pictures online brought back some good memories. My first CD was Boyz II Men II. Not exactly my type of music now, but there were some goods songs on the album. I still have that CD today. On a related note, my first gaming CDs were Tomb Raider and Crash Bandicoot which I received at the same time. The first gaming CD that I bought on my own was 2Xtreme.
  17. Bingo. I came here to say almost exactly the same thing. I love and prefer the BOTW formula for Zelda games, but I also loved the modern take of Link's Awakening. I honestly don't see why they can't do both types of games. Open world BOTW style games along side with traditional linear Zelda games. The traditional games don't have to be remakes. You could make an all new Zelda game with the LA remake game engine and it would probably be amazing. While we are on the subject, the same thing could be said for Mario. Odyssey is a great game, but I'm still not in love with 3D Mario games. But I don't see why they can't make 3D Mario games like Odyssey along side 2D games like a new installment of NSMB. I know they brought NSMBU Deluxe to the Switch, but I want a new installment in that series. And for the record, I realize that it probably sounds strange that I prefer the new modern 3D Zelda games and the old traditional 2D Mario games, but that's just how I am.
  18. It's pretty much been the exact opposite of that. What you are describing sounds like the perfect LE to me. I've never purchased an LE from LRG for the very reason that nearly all LE's have NOT been setup that way. I don't want or need any of the extra stuff they throw in, so I always pass.
  19. MK for me. Easily the most hours I've ever spent playing multi player. Lots of memories with that game.
  20. I've never been into portable gaming enough to even imagine that many carts. If I was in your boat I would be doing something similar. For me, I have the games that meant something to me from my childhood, plus a hand full of others that I've acquired over the years, and the rest is covered by my lineup of Everdrives. That's good enough for me.
  21. Yeah, the definitely helps. I like the idea, but I still prefer the cases.
  22. I'm not really following, but I would love to see pictures once you have them.
  23. You can buy foam at any craft place, but the specific foam that I used is the following: https://www.searsoutlet.com/br/pdp/craftsman-foam-drawer-organizers/12230 I bought it because the black matched the inside of the case, and it's designed to cut very easily without leaving a mess of debris from the foam. I also bought it YEARS ago when Sears was still a place people went to, but I'm sure it can still be found somewhere.
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