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Everything posted by TDIRunner

  1. I know that the original PC Engine didn't have turbo switches on the controller, but considering that all other versions did, it's a little disappointing that they left them off. My understanding is that they are also doing a Core Grafx mini in addition to the US TG16, both of which will have turbo switches, so I guess it's forgivable.
  2. Obviously I'm exaggerating, but everything I own from when I was a kid is worth less than nothing. It would actually cost me money to get rid of it.
  3. There was a time when I would keep any revision/variant of a console that I could find. But eventually, I decided it wasn't worth it and now I stick to major variants, such as the original model and the "slim" or whatever smaller version was released later in life. You learn some interesting things while collecting revisions. For example, I was really surprised to learn that there was a version of the PS2 slim that had a built in A/C adapter so you didn't need to have the large brick in the middle of the power cord. Never knew that until about 5 years ago. There were lots of different PS2 slims. Some were glossy black, some were matte. Lots of different button styles for power and reset. Strange.
  4. I'm probably leaning towards PS2 as well since you can get a working console with controllers for about $20, and it will play the entire PS1 and PS2 library which is a huge list of titles with many good games still reasonably priced. PS3 or 360 have super cheap games right now, but you will still blow about half the budget on getting a good quality working console with controllers.
  5. If they really want their money to go far, they could collect basketball cards from the 90s. I think $100 would get you just about every basketball card produce during that period of time, with enough money left over to go to dinner.
  6. Yes, definitely yes. PLEASE do not base your opinion of the Paper Mario series on Sticker Star.
  7. Even that's a lot compared to several games in the 2600 library. That's why no one ever has or ever will have a full 2600 set.
  8. It's funny. People complain that these companies create artificial demand by not making enough copies for everyone to buy. But back in the Atari 2600 days, people used to make games in their basements at home and sell them in catalogs and sell less than 10 copies. Remember, it could always be worse.
  9. I loved RE1 and RE2 on the PS1, but for whatever reason, I never got into RE3, so I don't have the nostalgia for it. I loved REmake 2, but like others have said, I'm not a big fan of being chased. I like to go at my own pace and having someone chase you is pretty much the same as a time limit which I also don't enjoy. At least with the original RE2, you don't need to worry about Mr. X until the second playthrough. With the remake, he is there in every scenario. I was able to live with it in REmake 2, but if Nemesis is just a supercharged version of Mr. X, I might not enjoy REmake 3 as much. I bought REmake 2 at launch (pre-ordered it actually), but I will wait for REmake 3 to go down in price.
  10. Yeah, hard to say for sure. We already know that a REMAKE of a Game Boy game costs $60. But maybe remasters will be slightly cheaper. I would be truly amazed and surprised if they grouped them together in a fashion similar to Super Mario All Stars.
  11. At least during those times it was understood by all that no odometer was truly reliable.
  12. I've spent most of my time here talking about Paper Mario, but the news of the other games is interesting as well. While I played and beaten every 2D Mario game out there, the ONLY 3D Mario game that I've played for more than a few minutes is Odyssey. I've always wanted to get around to the others, but maybe HD remasters of those games on the Switch might get me to actually do it. It makes me wonder how they will release them. I'm thinking individual games priced at $60 each.
  13. This will sound strange, but I played Super Paper Mario first. I loved the game and made it about 90% into the game before I had to take a break due to other things in life. My break from it was so long that I felt lost trying to pick it back up from where I left off. However, instead of starting the game over from scratch, I decided to start the series from the beginning. So Paper Mario ended up being the first game that I played through to completion (I actually did it as part of the beat all N64 games in a year challenge). I loved the game so much, I immediately went straight into TTYD. I loved that game as well. Both games are still today my favorites for their respective consoles. At the time, I favored PM over TTYD, but in hindsight, I think that was because I had a little bit of burnout with TTYD since I played them back to back. Looking back on it, I have more positive memories of TTYD. I eventually got around to starting SPM again and finishing it, but I agree that it isn't nearly as good as the first two. Those 3 are the only Paper Mario games that I've played (although I own the rest). I definitely want to go back and play PM and TTYD again. I think both games could be successful on the Switch. However, if they never get around to remaking them, the good thing is that the "paper" graphic style ages very well. Both games still look great today on their original consoles.
  14. That all sounds great, but if they want to drum up excitement for a new Paper Mario game, they should make HD remakes of PM and TTYD. Also, if they really want to get people excited, they should announce that the new Paper Mario game will have similar gameplay to PM and TTYD.
  15. There was a time when it wasn't illegal, and nearly all cars sold at used car lots were sold with zero miles on the odometer.
  16. It took me a minute to get it. I was like, since when is 80k a milestone? But yeah, I see it now. However, to be honest, I'm more impressed that you got over 1,400 miles on a tank of gas.
  17. I never ordered from Warned Collectors, but I know of a lot of people who did. I'm not sure if anyone got their money or not, but I will look into it. I didn't consider it a scam at the time, but it seemed pretty obvious to me long ago that they weren't going to make. The fact that they closed completely without warning certainly raises even more red flags.
  18. FYI. LRG announced that they will not be shipping games while their area is under their county's stay at home order. So keep in mind that shipping may be delayed even longer than normal. Fortunately, they also announced that they are moving as much as possible to open pre-order with an extended amount of time to put the pre-order in. That will hopefully make it easier to get the games that you want since the decision time is longer, and you don't have to worry about most stuff selling out.
  19. I've never heard of it, but it looks like something I might enjoy.
  20. The point of their existence was to make physical copies of games that would have otherwise been digital only. While I acknowledge that there have a been some exceptions to that point, such as the republished Star Wars games for NES, GB, N64 ect, but those types of games have been are few and far between compared to everything else. Panzer Dragoon is a perfect example of what they set out to do from the beginning.
  21. I'm definitely more of a sub set collector. I have no real desire to go for full sets of anything except for PS1. I currently have around 570 PS1 games, of which 515 are unique titles, which is about 40% of the full set. So I still have a LONG way to go. But I'm in no rush.
  22. I'm going with a 5. I never really got into them, but I always enjoyed their version of Holy Diver.
  23. I've ironed money before, but never boxes. I can see how it might work under certain circumstances if the right precautions are taken. That box looks bad enough that I wouldn't be too worried about making it worse.
  24. 100% scam. Improper English. Excuse for why they can't meet you in person. Offering more than asking with no real reason to do so. 100% scam. The only thing missing is that their spouse just recently died.
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