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Everything posted by TDIRunner

  1. Donkey Kong definitely got the better games on the SNES. The NES games are classics, but they just don't compare to DKC.
  2. I'm pretty sure he was referring to the troll post from last night. I certainly don't want to see that shit. I turn those threads off, but I want to be able to read this one.
  3. Apparently so many people are trying to get these games, that you have to wait in line before you can access the site. It's almost lice social distancing, except it's online.
  4. Is that a serious question? Have you been living under a rock? How have you not heard of the Williamsburg Area Transit Authority, better known as WATA? https://www.gowata.org/
  5. I'm sitting here waiting for HD remakes or remasters of games like Dark Forces or Tomb Raider II, and then I read about this.
  6. My NES and SNES controllers arrived yesterday. I'm impressed with how good they feel. It really makes playing the online classic games a lot of fun. The NES games were basically unplayable with a Pro Controller.
  7. The black "border" you are seeing is the plastic case. The cover doesn't go to the edge of the case, just like all other Genesis cases. And odds are that the hang tab will be flexible enough to fit in short shelves.
  8. If we are talking about games that I played the demo more than the actual game: Nightmare Creatures, and Intelligent Cube.
  9. I spent most of my time with Test Drive 4. The San Francisco course was epic. Racing down the interstate trying not to crash into traffic, the huge jumps in town, and trying to avoid the cross traffic all blew my mind back in the day. Back then, I loved the idea of "point to point" races and not many games offered that. I also had a lot of hours in the original Test Drive Off Road. It doesn't hold up as well today, but it was extremely fun when it first came out.
  10. Still haven't seen it yet. This would be a good time to push the streaming date up like they did with Frozen 2.
  11. Welcome. Don't worry, we don't ONLY talk about WATA. We also talk about VGA.
  12. SMW is probably a close second for me. I agree with everything you say about the game. As a kid, there was nothing like the feeling of finding some of the more difficult to find secret exits on your own without the help of any guide. But at the same time, it was also fun sharing the hidden things you found with your friends and learning new secrets from them. And of course I will never forget just how blown away I was from the discovery of the Secret World. Just last night I played through the GBA version of the game just for fun.
  13. They were huge when I was in high school. My junior year, my AP chemistry teacher's name was Mrs. Jackson. One day in class a student was messing around and the teacher scolded him. Afterwards he said, "Sorry Ms. Jackson." Sure enough, the rest of the class went "oooooh, I am for reeeeeeal."
  14. I'm going with Super Metroid. The game just doesn't get old no matter how many times I play it. The graphics, the gameplay, the music. Everything is nearly perfect.
  15. The visuals mainly. There are lots of side by side comparisons out there to look at. But it shouldn't come as a surprise that it had to be downgraded to run well on the Switch. But I would bet that nearly all would agree that it's worth it to play Doom on the go.
  16. Although, to be fair, there are lots of compromises and changes in the Switch version which are what allow it to run smoothly. All things considered, I think it's pretty impressive what they were able to accomplish with the Switch version.
  17. I guess that's fair. I had forgotten about the discount program, but I never considered a two week window as a time period that required a quick decision. I always thought that seem more than enough time to think it over.
  18. 3 hours is very doable if you know where to go and you aren't trying to find every item. Keep in mind that you can get 50% to 60% of the items without much searching and that is more than enough to easily beat the game. Although if you haven't played the game in that many years, you might forget about some of the trickier areas. I play through this game usually several times a year so remembering where to go has never been a problem for me. World Record for SM with 100% items is under 90 minutes. I'm no where near that and I never will be because I'm not a speedrunner. The only reason I'm going for under 3 hours is because that qualifies as the "best ending." Last night I finished at 2 hours and 30 minutes with 81% of the items. I saved before getting to Tourian, so that I could start again and go for the rest of the items. Not sure if I will be able to get the rest of the items and beat the game in under 30 minutes or not.
  19. The article read to me as though the author was not a big fan of Doom. There is nothing wrong with not liking Doom (it's certainly not for everyone), but if you aren't a fan of Doom, then your opinion of Doom Eternal is pretty much meaningless to me.
  20. I'm in a fortunate enough position where I don't expect any impact on our income for either myself or my wife. But I still plan to buy less. For the most part I only buy games used and for the foreseeable future, I don't plan to interact with many people in person outside of family, and that pretty much means not buying games. Besides, the way I see it, now is the time to reduce my backlog, not increase it.
  21. That's too bad, although it makes sense. But it's a pass for me since I don't use handheld mode enough to justify it.
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