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Everything posted by TDIRunner

  1. I'm doing something similar with Super Metroid right now. I've beaten this game more time than I can count. I've finished the game under 3 hours on multiple occasions, and I've also gotten 100% of the times on multiple occasions. However, I've never gotten 100% of the items while also completing the game in under 3 hours in the same playthrough. But to be honest, I've never even really tried to do it. So I'm currently working on that now.
  2. That's tempting, but if I'm reading correctly, the only work when attached to the Switch. So I think that means they won't work when connected to the Joy Con Grip.
  3. Wow, that's the first time I've ever heard DKC referred to as "unfair." I've been playing through that game since it was released and it's probably the third most completed SNES game for me (after SMW and Super Metroid). There are definitely some challenging levels near the end, but in all of that time playing the game, I've never once died and not felt that it was my own fault.
  4. I haven't heard much about Best Buy ordering any more games, but honestly that one never made much sense to me. Why would anyone wait and see if they could get it at Best Buy when it would be much easier to just order it from LRG? Outside of the desirability of getting a variant, I didn't really see much of a point.
  5. I'm torn on the Dark Forces. When I first heard about it, I was as excited for a LRG release as I've ever been even though I assumed that it would be a PC only release. However, now that it's here, the fact that it's PC only is still pretty disappointing. I'm still undecided if I will get it or not, but if I do, it will probably just be the game and not the CE.
  6. Ugh. I watched half the video before reading the caption. Obviously it's a long funnier if you read the caption first. But yes, this has been my life the past few days.
  7. I remember in my home town after 9/11 several gas stations gouged their prices to about triple the market value. All of them were fined and required to sell gasoline at $0.99/gallon for 24 hours. But I don't remember if that was a local city thing or a state thing.
  8. Same picture I posted on the first page, but taken in winter.
  9. All jokes aside, I was thinking about this the other day. On the radio, they said that a lot of people will finally get around to reading that book they always wanted to read. I might get to play that game I've always wanted to play. Unfortunately, most of my gaming systems are disconnected due to the fact that I'm currently finishing my basement.
  10. Metal Gear Solid 4 was the first game I ever played that truly took advantage of the 7.1 surround sound. The sound really comes from the direction that it should. It was a really cool experience at the time because not too many other games were doing that.
  11. I don't have a problem with the fuel issue itself. I have more of a problem with how inconsistently it was handled compared to all other SW movies. Also, if you completely ignore the fuel issue, the movie is still a huge mess with a terrible story, terrible characters, and terrible choices. It all comes down to lazy writing/directing.
  12. I'll definitely grab that. I would love Radiant Silvergun as well.
  13. 3 By far the worst Star Wars movie I've seen (I still haven't seen Solo or Episode 9). I wanted to give it a 1, but if I have to be honest, I can think or one or two scenes that were sort of cool. But those 30 to 60 seconds don't make up for one of the biggest story blunders that I've ever seen.
  14. I still have my original copy, plus the PS1 version, plus the Dreamcast version. I'll be ok.
  15. I would say this is a 6 for me. I love a lot of his songs, but I've never really considered myself a fan.
  16. It does seem like a lot, but there is also a $60 version. Either way, I'm passing on this one.
  17. Sure, as long as it FITS on my bookshelf with my other art books.
  18. Hard to tell from the picture, but it sort of looks like a hardbound book. Unfortunately, it looks like it's a rectangular shape. I don't like non-standard sized books because they often don't line up well on a bookshelf.
  19. I LOVED this game back when it was new and spent hours playing it as a "sim game" just to build bases more than playing the actual game. With that said, this set is more or less the exact opposite of what I want. I'm only interested in the game itself, and none of the items that they are throwing in, so it's an easy pass for me. Also, I'm torn because I sort of want a console version of this, but then I have to remember that this game doesn't play very well on a console. It's a really good example of a game that just plays better on PC. Edit: I would love to get just the art book if I could. I love art books.
  20. Mario Maker 2 is on sale for $40 so I picked it up and I've been playing that. Since that game pretty much requires the online service I had to finally sign up for that as well so I've also been playing the SNES games on the Switch online service. My 5 year old son loves Mario Odyssey and Mario Kart 8, so it was fun showing him SMW and the original Mario Kart.
  21. Nice. I was not aware. As long as the price is $30 or under, that is a day one buy for me. I usually play the Dreamcast version on my GDEmu, but I would love a physical copy.
  22. Thanks. I'll look into it a bit more, but I'll almost certainly be getting these.
  23. That's a partial solution, but since X is so high on the controller it's not ideal for anyone who has been playing these games for 30 years and developed muscle memory. I play these games to relax and changing the button placement takes all of the enjoyment out of the games for me. It's extremely disappointing considering how simple it would be for Nintendo to fix their mistake.
  24. Please forgive the timing of this question because I know I'm way behind the curve here. I'm rarely an early adopter with new consoles, so I didn't get my first Switch until last Christmas, and I didn't sign up for the Nintendo Online service until last night. I was playing the SNES games that are available online and really enjoyed them. Then I started playing the NES games while using my Pro Controller. The A and B buttons in the NES games are assigned to the A and B buttons on the Pro Controller. This makes obvious sense on paper, but in practice, those buttons angle up on the controller making it very difficult to run and jump in platform games like Super Mario Bros. The obvious fix would be to assign the A and B buttons to the Y and B buttons so that your thumb can push both at the same time if needed. If I'm wrong, someone please correct me, but I don't believe it's possible to reassign buttons in the NES games on the Switch. If that's true, how did Nintendo screw this up so badly? This could be such a simple fix, but the vast majority of NES games are completely unplayable unless I have my thumb surgically altered to angle the other direction. And I don't play on doing that. I assume there are some 2 button NES controllers that work on the Switch. If so, which do you all recommend?
  25. As a person who typically defends GameStop, I just want to make it clear that I certainly don't think they are perfect. I recognize that they have made a lot of mistakes and their reaction time to the changing game industry may be too slow to save them. But I also recognize that they have provided a very valuable service to me over the years. I have bought probably hundreds of games from them for much cheaper than I could ever expect to find anywhere else besides flea markets or Goodwill, and in the case of GameStop, I'm much more likely to find what I want compared to flea markets or Goodwill.
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