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Everything posted by TDIRunner

  1. This is the perfect example of the fact that people can and will complain about ANYTHING no matter how trivial it may be. It's sad, but clearly no amount of logic or reasoning will ever make it stop.
  2. This began with me saying that LRG provides a service to the collecting community with you threw back in my face. If I'm wrong, show me. As the gaming market has moved closer and closer to digital only, collectors have been crying out for physical copies of games. In the past 4 years, no other company has done more to keep physical games around as long as possible than LRG. Give me an example of anyone who has done more for the collecting community in the past 4 years than LRG. Well over 300 games published, and only a tiny fraction of those would have ever seen physical form without LRG's existence. I'm no fanboy, but I have a HUGE appreciate for that. However, watching grown adults cry because they re-released some old NES Star Wars games is just a little off-putting. I have a hard time not calling that out.
  3. Show me ONE example of a game published by Limited Run Games where more than 50% of the games sold have ended up on eBay or in the hands of resellers. Show me ONE example of a game published by Limited Run Games where more than 25% of the games sold have ended up on eBay or in the hands of resellers. The fact of the matter is that the vast majority of games published by LRG have ended up in the hands of collectors. LRG has provided a service to the collecting community that many of us had been looking for before for a long time before they showed up. When we see childish fools complaining about their services because they saw a couple games listed that they weren't interested in, it gets annoying quick. If you don't like people calling you out for your ignorant posts, I highly recommend putting more thought before you post next time.
  4. I got my PS1 and PS2 at Christmas time in the years they were launched. However, for PS3, I waited about a year after release before buying it. For PS4, I waited nearly two years. There is about a .0000001% chance that I will buy anything at launch next year regardless of the specs.
  5. Microsoft is truly terrible at naming video game consoles.
  6. Which require you to start from the beginning of the game. They are a nice feature, but at the end of the day, it's a cheap alternative to a save battery. There is no excuse to go cheap on one of the greatest games ever created.
  7. Because I shouldn't be forced to play the entire game in a single sitting.
  8. Because it doesn't put you back in the same spot. With a battery save, you can play through the first 3 worlds, save, and turn it off for the night, and the next day you start where you left off. Warp whistles don't allow you to do that. It's not even close to the same thing. If we were talking about just about any other game, we wouldn't give it the free pass that SMB3 gets. Again, it's not like the technology didn't exists, or that it was too new to test out on such a big title. Nintendo was being cheap. End of story. I love Nintendo as much as anyone else here, but sometimes you have to call them on their BS. SMB3 is still one of the greatest games ever created. But like any game it has its share of issues.
  9. While everything you mention after the bold is true, none of it negates the need for a battery save. The length of the game alone is more than enough to justify a battery save. Warp whistles are great for creating short cuts, but they are not an alternative for battery saves. The lack of a battery save was a cheap way of cutting costs and nothing more.
  10. Breath of the Wild would certainly be at the top of my list with Horizon Zero Dawn probably second. Axion Verge is up there as well despite the fact that I never got around to finishing it. Lots of other indie games come to mind as well such as Limbo, Inside, Little Nightmares and Rime. I hate to throw remakes into lists like these since the original games are from a previous era, but since they were new from the ground up, I will also say that the Shadow of the Colossus remake and the Resident Evil 2 remake were among the best games in the past 10 years as well.
  11. I've almost forgotten about that game. That's probably the only gave I've ever ordered from them that I wished I hadn't. I don't have a problem with the game or anything. It was just that I ordered the game, and later thought to myself, "Why did I do that?" I planned to sell it, but honestly I completely forgot I even had it until you mentioned it.
  12. I wasn't able to make that even, but that reminds me of when they visited Missouri Game Con a few years ago. I was able to meet Doug and a few of they employees at the time. It was cool talking to them. I was also able to attend the forum they had later that afternoon. We were the first to learn about the announcement of ESRB ratings coming to their published games.
  13. Others have covered it already, but this advice should apply to anything with batteries. If you don't plan to use it for a while, get those batteries out of there. Energizer has a high end version of their AAA and AA batteries that are supposedly guaranteed to never leak. I guess time will tell on those, but just to be safe, I keep the batteries out of anything gaming related that isn't actively being used on a regular basis.
  14. OK, I thought of another one. In Super Mario Bros. 2, when you beat Wart, scrolling is locked. However, with Luigi, it's possible to jump high enough right before he dies to move the door off the screen. If this happens and the scrolling becomes locked, there is no way to enter the door and officially beat the game.
  15. Sorry, one more post. When I was really little, I used to think you could get soft locked in Super Metroid in that lower level where you are supposed to learn about wall jumping. Since there is a save point down there, if you save and can't figure out the wall jumping, there is no where else to go. I later learned what you are supposed to do, but I used to fear that area.
  16. I loved that game as a kid, but I never completely beat it. The closest I ever got was after completing all objectives and heading to the heliport, upon getting there, I received a message that 1 raptor egg remained on the island. I spent the better part of an hour looking for that last egg, but had to give up. I still consider that game to be the best Jurassic Park video game.
  17. I know I've talked about this before, but I guess that's all gone now. Tomb Raider Legend on PS2. In the King Arthur level, if you try to activate the cages hanging from the ceiling before entering the tomb, they will not function at all during the later boss battle, making the boss battle impossible. If you save after creating this bug and you don't have any backup saves, it becomes impossible to complete the level, and all you can do is start the game over from the beginning. I learned about that one the hard way. I can't remember if the bug was in other versions of the game or not. I just know about the PS2 for sure because that's the version I got stuck on.
  18. I remember the Tim Atwood stuff really well. For whatever reason, I followed that entire thread very closely from day one. I always felt that Tim wasn't as much of a troll as he simply didn't understand typical forum etiquette. I personally never had a problem with him, but I also fully understood why he received the temporary ban when it happened. Of course a lot of people complained that the NA mods were overstepping their bounds, but I fully felt that they waited longer to ban him than they would with most people in that situation. That was one of those threads that continued to entertain for a pretty long period of time.
  19. That's actually what I'm doing with those of mine that are complete, and a lot of my Sega CD games are complete. But of course, several are disc only. I buy disc only, ONLY when the price is right, and I have a decent chance of never seeing the game again in the wild.
  20. Awesome. I really need to go back and finish the first. I made it probably 80% of the way through, but just never got around to finishing it.
  21. I also keep my Sega CD games in blue DVD cases, but mine aren't Wii U cases. They are just a blue case that I found online. They actually match really closely to the Sega CD blue. I also found yellow cases for my CD 32x games.
  22. If you can get your hands on one cheap like I did, it's worth it, otherwise, I wouldn't bother. There are a lot of fun games, but not really worth the current asking prices.
  23. That's a nice set. I've always loved the home console versions of the Paper Mario games (even Super Paper Mario), but I've never played any of the Mario & Luigi games. I've always wanted to, but never got around to it. I wish they weren't on portable devices. That would make it easier for me to play them. I know that I can play Superstar Saga on the GB Player, but that doesn't help for the others.
  24. Caveman Games on NES. I had several friends who had this game, and I always wanted it just because it looked cool at the rental stores. I remembering playing it at their house and not really understanding how to play it properly, but still wanting it. Sure enough, many years later when I started picking up NES games as an adult, it was on my early list to grab. Also, I knew ONE guy that had a 3DO while it was still an active system. He bought it right after the first round of price drops. It seemed awesome at the time. We always played Gex and PO'ed. I eventually got a PS1 instead, but I was super happy when I realized that a slightly better version of PO'ed was available for the PS1. I played the hell out of that game.
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