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Everything posted by TDIRunner

  1. I'm saving my vacation for something coming up soon. When I got married I lived in Missouri, but I planned to move to Illinois since my wife lived there. In addition to my wife, her family and my family lived in Illinois. so it made sense to move there. Unfortunately, this was right after the housing crash and my house was worth less then what I paid for it. Luckily I didn't buy more house than I could afford, so I wasn't upside down on my house, BUT I certainly didn't want to sell it for a loss either. So I decided to rent it out and I've been renting it ever since. So with the way the housing market is today, I've decided to finally sell it. I would have sold it earlier this year, but I didn't want to sell it with the rental contract in place. Since that contract ends this month, I'm going to list it in June. On June 1st, I'm going to haul a shit load of cleaning and painting supplies along with a sleeping bad and air mattress and move into the house for a week to fix it up to sell it. I'm not planning on putting much money into it, but I will clean everything and put fresh paint on the walls. It will be a long week, but I'm looking forward to getting this thing sold and out of my life. I've been lucky to have good renters over these years, but it's still a 90 minute drive round trip when I have to go out and fix things. I once drove 90 minutes round trip to spend 90 seconds fixing a clogged garbage disposal. I'm looking forward to that being over.
  2. I always liked Slash, but he certainly wasn't a favorite.
  3. Unfortunately, the prices have gotten crazy lately as they have with most consoles. But you are correct that the homebrew scene is huge over at Atari Age. There are lots of guys over there that truly love the console and can help out with questions about the system. The good news is that an SD card based flash cart was released recently that will allow you to play just about any cart based game for the console. It's not cheap, but if you can get one along with a console itself, it can help save a lot of money over getting a library of the best games. Just something to think about.
  4. Do you mean this site? https://www.best-electronics-ca.com/
  5. I remember when that forum burned to the ground. I also remember thinking how unfortunate that was, but luckily something like that could never happen to NintendoAge. Then 6 months later, NA was gone too.
  6. I can't believe I'm giving the highest rating so far (tied with another member), but I feel 6 is fair. Sure it's fun to make fun of the Jaguar, but as a kid, out of all of weird, non mainstream consoles that came out during that era, the Jaguar was the one I wanted the most. Now that I own one with a decent collection of games (plus a flash cart), I can say that I get a decent amount of enjoyment out of this console. Oddly enough, the game that made me want to buy the console (AvP) is just ok, but not really recommended. Luckily, I've found many other games that are a lot of fun. Doom and Wolfenstein are obviously enjoyable, but everyone knows about those. I hardly ever hear anyone talk about Flip Out or Power Drive Rally and both of those games are a ton of fun. It's certainly not a console I play a lot, but every once and a while I will power it on and have some fun.
  7. I agree that, long term, they need a Jeopardy host who will stick around for many years. However, in the short term, I think it's fine to go through several different hosts just for fun. Have they considered Will Ferrell for just one show? (just for fun)
  8. That really seems like a no brainer. They sell all of those wired controllers in all sorts of different color schemes. Why not the pro controller?
  9. Because why not? Nintendo, when someone copies their IP: DELETE THIS NOW!!! Sega, when someone copies their IP: That's sweet. I can't believe people still think about us sometimes.
  10. Tried to play it a few different times, but I could not get into it. Sonic does not work for me in 3D.
  11. Ralph was always my favorite. As a kid I would always pick him in the video games, not fully understanding that he was one of the more difficult Turtles to use. Looing back as an adult, he is still my favorite.
  12. Genetically enhanced marsupial crashes into boxes to save the day.
  13. Yeah, I'm going to pass on Among Us as well.
  14. Full disclosure: there were 8 adults there as well (including my wife and I). So we weren't outnumbered. But yes, it was still a lot of work. On the way home we stopped at Fort Walton Beach for two days. 6 kids under 6 is also a lot of fun when sand is involved. For anyone not familiar, sand is course, rough and irritating....... and it gets everywhere.
  15. I finally unlocked Crown World today and once you have that, it starts to list which characters have beaten which levels. I was able to confirm today, that you only need to get the gold flag (top of the pole) with once character. After that, you just need to finish each level (any height on the pole) with the rest of the characters. I officially have 4 shinning stars on my save profile. Not much left to do.
  16. We went there in 2019 with my two kids and 4 nieces/nephews (6 kids total under the age of 6). I brought a 3DS with a bunch of games to play in the evenings after the kids went to bed, but before I went to sleep. I never turned in on once the entire week.
  17. As a kid, I was super excited for this movie. Despite the fact that it was nothing like was I expected, I still absolutely loved the movie. At the time, I was really only familiar with the original cartoon and toy line, so the darker themes of the movie were surprising to me, but I loved it because it felt a "adult" to me. My friends and I LOVED the fact that the turtles were swearing. The crazy thing is that even watching it again as an adult, it wasn't that bad of a movie. It's far from perfect, but I would still recommend it to anyone who was a TMNT fan.
  18. That makes the most sense to me. I'm 3 levels into the Flower world, so just 9 more levels plus the 3 crown levels. So far, I have all stars, stamps, and gold flags for every level I've completed. I plan to finish everything with Mario, and maybe at a later date go through the levels again with the other characters.
  19. Probably my favorite console after the original PlayStation. A lot of it has to do with the excitement and hype of waiting for the sequel to the NES, and the fact that it delivered on that hype. I know I've told this story before, but my brother and I got one for Christmas the year it came out, but we truly didn't expect to get it. My parents rarely spent big money on new things (we were very late to get an NES). So we figured we would get one a few years after it came out. Christmas came and we opened our presents and had a great day. Then a few hours later, my parents brought out one last present that had been "missed." It was for both of us and we opened our brand new SNES. We couldn't believe it and playing Super Mario World (I was surprised it wasn't called Super Mario Bros. 4) absolutely blew my mind. Also, I found out many years later that it technically wasn't brand new. My Dad had opened it the night before after we went to sleep and played it for a few hours before packing it back up and my Mom wrapped it.
  20. I agree with the upgrade to LED as well. Just make sure you are upgrading to LED and not CFL.
  21. I haven't been able to get a straight answer on this. Do you need to get every character to hit to top of the pole, or just one character? I know you eventually need to finish every level with every character to get 100%, and I know you need to get a gold flag on every level, but I can't figure out if the gold flag is with all characters, or just one.
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