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Everything posted by TDIRunner

  1. Very funny. Remind me, how long does April Fools last again?
  2. Maybe not with the Vita carts. It seems like the 6 people in the world who collect Vita have bought just about all of them.
  3. Have you seen this book? I have it and it's pretty nice. https://www.bitmapbooks.co.uk/products/super-famicom-the-box-art-collection
  4. For what it's worth, I would be interested except that I have almost all of them. The only one I don't have is South Park and since I'm not really a sealed collector, I'm not really looking to pay the sealed premium for it. I only say this since you seemed discouraged. It's certainly possible the other PS1 collectors here also have these games. Good luck with the sale.
  5. Seeing that poster reminds me of how excited I was when that game came out. I also remember how surprised I was at the fact it wasn't a traditional Mario game. However, I was never disappointed by that fact, and I still consider it one of my favorite SNES games of all time.
  6. Definitely in agreement here. I would love to see another 2D Mario game in the near future. I would also love to see some kind of collection of all 2D Mario games with the ability to change the graphical style to any of the styles used in Mario Maker. I think it would be fun to play the original in NSMB style or play the NSMB games with the graphics of the original.
  7. I definitely it's pricy. I like the idea of the shadow box, but since it's the only thing added to the CE over the SE, I'm not sure it's worth the extra money. If they included an art book, I would be all over it. That's the best way to get me to spend more money on a special or collector's edition. Throw in an art book and I will always pick it up. I'm definitely ordering the game, I just need to decide which version I want to get.
  8. There has definitely been a trend in recent years for first party Nintendo games to be pretty easy to get through the main part of the game to the ending. Then the challenge comes from 100%ing the game by completing everything else. I guess it's Nintendo's way of adding "difficulty settings" without having to add "difficulty settings." Personally, I don't hate it because I have younger children and it's nice to see them enjoy the game and not get stuck with difficulty on level 2. Obviously, some traditionalists will argue that games used to challenge you to get better and work your way through the game. But it was different back then. During the NES era, I was LUCKY to own 4 games during the entire lifespan of the NES. We played the same games over and over and having that difficulty prevented them from getting stale. Nowadays, we have hundreds, if not thousands of games to choose from and sometimes I enjoy being able to get through a game in a month or two and move onto something else.
  9. Yeah, I would never pay more than the original price for it. Plus, there is always a chance another publisher might do it. Some of the more popular games get a double dip with another publisher. I'm not really looking to play it so much as it would be cool to just have all of the Doom games on one platform. I can always play it on N64 if I want.
  10. I know there are a few exceptions to that, but I don't remember any titles off the top of my head. However, in general you are correct. Also, nice pickup. I'm curious what all you found. I would love to fall into a bunch of clearance PS1 games. Were they mostly CIB or disc only?
  11. All 1s for me. Not too difficult, but super easy picks either.
  12. Sure, but it fits better as a collection with 1 and 2 compared to 3. Or hell, just put them all together in a package. Now that this is coming out, I'm really regretting not getting Doom 64. It didn't occur to me that I would be able to get everything on PS4.
  13. I'm just now realizing that this isn't exactly what I was referring to in my request, but it's close. I was thinking this was the same as Doom Classic Complete which I own on the PS3. That is Doom 1, 2 and Final Doom along with all expansions. I would actually rather have that and drop Doom 3, but I will still probably get this. I'll have to think about it, but this might be the fist CE that I've ever ordered from LRG since Doom is actually a big deal for me.
  14. I loved that movie when I was in grade school. I haven't seen it in a really long time.
  15. Yeah, I wasn't sure how I felt about that. I mean, if people are smart and not leaving the house if they are sick, washing their hands, and even sanitizing their hands again before going to the buffet, I really don't think it's a problem. But all of these things should be happening regardless of COVID. It bothers me that many people consider that type of stuff to be "the new norm" when it should have been the norm all along. In fact, outside of wearing masks, nearly everything that the CDC has recommended for the purposes of social distancing is stuff I've been doing most of my life. That only recommendation that I didn't really care for was the 6 foot distance because I really don't like to stand that close to other people.
  16. I actually requested this game during their last official survey. Kind of cool that they are actually making it.
  17. Illinois. It's listed under my name.
  18. The last two restaurants I went to were seating every table, and one of them had an open salad bar.
  19. That was a HUGE disappointment, but you know Nintendo wasn't going to allow the Wii U version of BOTW to be better than the Switch version.
  20. Definitely a 9 for me. I still enjoy this movie to this day. Also, I'm one of the few people who also enjoy part 2 and 3 of this trilogy.
  21. I forgot to mention earlier, if I'm looking at used video games in any type of store and I pull my phone out, 99% of the time it's because I'm looking at my collection list to confirm that I have or don't have something. I'm almost never checking the price. But with that said, if anyone told me to stop looking at my phone because they thought I was internet price checking, I would immediately turn into the most annoying customer they have ever dealt with.
  22. I would check the online price anyway. I prefer to shop locally and I'm willing to pay a little more to do so, but I always check the price to make sure it's at least fair. The sign is meaningless anyway. I can just say I'm doing one of a million other things with my phone.
  23. The Wii U was one of the best consoles Nintendo ever made. It's just a shame they handled it do poorly. The sad thing is that most people who complain about it don't even know what they are talking about. Many complain about the tablet, but it's rarely required. I have hundreds of hours with the Wii U and I've turned on the tablet maybe 3 or 4 times. If you like it it's there. If not, don't use it. The Wii U has by far the best ratio of good games to bad of any Nintendo console. Of course that's easier when the library is under 200 games with almost no 3rd party support. However, shovelware is almost nonexistent. Sadly the system has been made mostly obsolete by porting all of the games to thg he Switch. But I'm glad Nintendo did this because some really amazing games were released for the Wii U and many people would have missed out otherwise.
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