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Everything posted by TDIRunner

  1. I just saw someone on Facebook brag about getting 3D Dot Game Heroes for $40 which I thought was silly for a $12 game. Then I looked up the going rate for that game today. Shit.
  2. It's actually really easy. Just skip. I've played through the games more times than I can count, and I've never watched any cut scene more than once.
  3. As the years have gone by, I've grown to enjoy the story less and less and sure, if you try to piece everything together from all of the games, it becomes a huge mess. But I've said it before and I will say it now: if you hate the story, or even ignore it completely, the gameplay stands on its own and it's still an amazing game. My opinion of the storyline has little to no bearing on my overall impression of these games. I'm still comfortable rating them highly.
  4. If you can find a working system and, much more importantly working controllers, this is a fun console. People like to shit on the joy stick, but it actually feels fine with most games (again assuming that is functions). I have the model shown at the top of the picture with 4 controller ports and the huge empty space for controller storage. It makes my original Xbox look tiny in comparison. I also have the track ball controller which is nearly as big as the console itself. Many games are a lot of fun and look great for the time period. It's a shame that Atari handled it so poorly. I recommend trying it out if you can, but at this point, I'm not sure if it's worth paying the money for it.
  5. If James Bond played video games, he would probably exclusively play Analogue systems.
  6. It definitely lasted longer last time, but there were almost certainly much more available then. It seems that the availability today was from leftover units from the last production run, so much smaller numbers. At least those were limited to 1 per person.
  7. I would guess the first more so than the second. For whatever reason, the announcement of the Pocket seems to really put them on the map and when those pre-orders sold out so fast, I think people started to go back and want their previous consoles. The Mega SG was available for a really long time after it was initially released, then suddenly the rest of them sold quick. I think a lot of people started to realized how good Analogue's quality is compared to your cheaper clone systems. Throw in the fear of missing out on something that's limited and people go nuts.
  8. Uh oh. We are about to derail into ANOTHER bag of milk thread.
  9. I actually own an Odyssey 1 since I found one once for $20. It's neat, but I don't really recommend it to anyone. Funny story is that my Dad had an old box for an original Odyssey from before I was born, but he didn't have the console. He gave it to me years ago and I just kept it in my basement. When I found the matching console randomly at a game store, I had to buy it because it went with my empty box.
  10. The voices were rerecorded for the Twin Snakes because the higher quality audio on the GC picked up some noise from the original recordings that you couldn't hear on the PS1 version. They brought back all of the original actors to play their same roles, with one exception (one actor did two voices in the PS1 version, and he only did one voice in TS). The new audio in TS used the same script as the original. However, in my opinion, the voices in the remake sound rushed as if they wanted to get everyone in one take if possible. Therefore, I rank the voices better in the original than the remake.
  11. I don't know if they take Discover or not, but the fist time I ever ordered from them, my credit card declined the purchase because they didn't like the purchase. I had to confirm the purchase with my credit card before it went through. I'm just wondering if that happened instead of them just not taking Discover.
  12. I didn't notice either, but I revised mine as well. I think there is one more quote that needs to be fixed.
  13. Awesome. So can I officially upgrade your generous "fuck you" to a "congrats?"
  14. The damage to my keyboard this morning was worth it. NOTE: Don't use this key during checkout.
  15. That's exactly what I've been wanting for years. I already have an NT Mini Noir, but if I could get an NT priced similar to the Super NT or Mega SG, I would sell my Noir and go with that. I don't dislike the original NT or NT Mini, but I don't need the extra stuff that brings the price up. My thought is use a plastic case, because the other systems (Super NT, Mega SG, Pocket) are using plastic as well. Drop the analogue output and make it compatible with the DAC. Drop the 4 controller ports down to 2 and remove the FC slot and sell it as an adapter (which I would probably buy anyway). I can't say for sure that would crop the price down to Super NT or Mega SG levels, but it would certainly help.
  16. Yes. That game is the reason why I decided to get a PS3. I've never been a day 1 adopter, and I knew I would get a PS3 eventually, but when MGS4 came out, that's when I decided to pull the trigger. I wanted to get one of the gun metal grey PS3 models that was themed around MGS4, but unfortunately, they sold out quick, and I bought a normal fat PS3 (non backwards compatible) about a month after that release. Also, I don't want to give much away, but if you played through MGS1 and enjoyed it, you will be in for a pleasant surprise during Act 4.
  17. Aluminum case. Includes both HDMI and analogue output. 4 controller ports. 2 cartridge slots. Comes with one controller. I'm sure there are a few other reasons, but those all add cost.
  18. I have no issue with it when it's done legally. I actually enjoy the look of it most of the time (again, when it's legal). I just have no patience for one person destroying another person's property. St. Louis has a long flood wall along the Mississippi, just south of the city, and my understanding is that they do not enforce any type of graffiti laws or regulations on the wall, and anyone can paint on it as they wish. I think it's a good idea to encourage it in some places since it gives some people an outlet to use.
  19. I would probably buy that. Considering that I sold off my O2 despite the fact that I did enjoy some of the games, a classic would be a perfect way to still paly some of the games without going emulation. But at the same time, it doesn't bother me that I know this will never happen.
  20. I really recommend trying out 4. As I mentioned before, 2 and 3 were great games, but I never enjoyed either as much as 1. But when 4 came out, it blew everything out of the water for me.
  21. 10. Amazing game and it still holds up well today in my opinion. My only major complaint with the game was the forced backtracking to help pad the game length, but that was super common during that era. It was always my favorite MGS game until 4 came out. MGS 2 and 3 were amazing as well, but I never quite liked them as much. MGS4 took everything that worked from the first 3 games and perfected it. Twin Snakes is amazing as well, but I still prefer the original. My complaints with Twins Snakes come from the re-recorded voices. I was super happy they brought back the original cast and used the same script, but unfortunately, much of the dialogue felt rushed. Also, the GC controller was awful for this type of game. This game is one of the reasons why I'm in the camp that hates the GC controller. Lastly, while the first person view is an interesting add-on, it also sort of breaks some of the boss battles. Of course, you could always chose not to use if if you don't like it. At the end of the day, I will just stick with the original. Edit: To clarify, my vote of 10 is specifically for the PS1 version. I would rate Twin Snakes a 9.
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