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Everything posted by TDIRunner

  1. Illinois really doesn't care about Lincoln so much as Springfield does. I grew up and lived in Springfield for 18 years, so I grew up with the mind set that Lincoln was a pretty big deal. I was always surprised and a little disappointed when I traveled and learned that pretty much no one outside of Springfield cares much about Lincoln.
  2. Same for me. I went with 1 because I think it's probably the better song, but I have memories with 2 because my coach in college was named Eileen and we serenaded her with that song one time completely randomly in the middle of practice.
  3. It's really not that complicated. Even with sales tax, you could round things off.
  4. Also, I used to work for the largest supplier of strip to the US Mint. So I know a lot of people who don't want to see it go away.
  5. The law can be changed to account for the removal of the penny. Considering how expensive it is to make a penny, it makes sense to get rid of it (pun intended).
  6. I was never a huge fan of the green styling of the PS1 GH, but I also didn't hate it as much as some people. It's too bad they didn't decide to go with the red label on the GH discs because they have always been red since the PS2 era, and I think that the red looks a lot better.
  7. In the US it's legal tender, but that doesn't mean they won't be pissed off about it. I always turn coins into a bank or some place that doesn't charge you for it. NEVER pay a fee to convert coins into paper currency.
  8. Doom, Doom 2 and Final Doom absolutely hold up today, no question. The speed running and moding communities are quite large as well. It's the type of game that will never get old.
  9. I've never met anyone who didn't know this, and I've never met anyone who has cared.
  10. Possibly, but I would be willing to bet they would have gone that direction regardless.
  11. Nintendo fans are very different from Sony fans and LRG acknowledged that by going with the open pre-order system for all (or nearly all, I can't remember) Switch games. They knew that going with low print runs on Switch games would not go over well for them.
  12. Like I said, I can't comment on those games, but I still stand by my opinion, that the games made specifically for the O2 to compete against Atari 2600 games (copied if you will), still look and sound better than their rivals. It's just unfortunate that they were not necessarily more fun to play. I don't know enough about the specific hardware to say what was more powerful, but I would argue that it seems the O2 had more potential than the 2600. But history has shown that it really doesn't matter. The most powerful console has rarely, if ever been the best selling console in any given generation.
  13. I obviously agree with most of what you say, but I have to point out that I feel you are off base with your comments about the PS4. If you didn't care for the PS3 generation because of the number of FPS's and sandbox games, that's understandable, but the PS4 seems to have avoided that. The PS4 generation has exploded with more indie games than anything before it. There are so many different and unique games on that console. I've said it before, but I consider the PS4 to be one of the greatest consoles of all time because it has one of the most unique libraries of all time. I own several hundred PS4 games and only a small handful are AAA titles. Of course I admit that it seems a little silly using the PS4 to play some of these indie game that only use a fraction of the PS4's power, but it is what it is. If you skip the PS4 because you don't like modern FPS's and sandbox games, you are still missing out on a huge library of unique and fun games.
  14. I'm not familiar with any Atari 2600 games that were ported to the Odyssey, so I can't comment on those, but for the games that were made for the Odyssey that were clearly copied off Atari games, they usually looked and sounded better than the Atari counterparts. Unfortunately, they usually controlled or played worse than their Atari counterparts.
  15. When I bought my first PS3, I also bought Rock Band along with it. Funny thing is that with the PS3 store shutting down, it got me looking into my old downloads, and I found that I never bothered to redownload all of my old Rock Band song purchases onto my newer model PS3. I must have bought about 40 songs back in the day and I made sure to get those installed on my current PS3. It's got me wanting to get the old guitar out and play them again.
  16. Is it weird that I actually have some nostalgia for those types of toys?
  17. I got a really good deal on one years ago and it included about 25 complete games. I later found a voice module, so I was able to play a lot of games and experience a lot of what the console had to offer. Overall, it's a fun system, and it surprisingly does lots of things better than the Atari 2600. However, this generation of gaming is like many others in that the better console doesn't always get the best games. At the end of the day, the Atari 2600's library beats out the Odyssey2 and for me, the games are more important than what the console is capable of. This is one of the rare instances that I decided to sell the console and games because I just don't have much interest in the first and second generations of gaming, and what little gaming from that generation that I enjoy comes from the 2600. I highly recommend anyone try this system out if you have the opportunity, but I don't recommend shelling out the money for one unless you really like to own something from every system. Also, the box are is amazing, but I think everyone knows that already.
  18. I didn't say everyone would get used to it. I said I would get used to it. I don't care if others don't like it, but I already mentioned that I'm selfish. My point was that no matter when you do it, there will be an entire generation that has to live with the change and a percentage of that generation will always be upset. However, any future generations will have no issues because they will be born into it. Also, Celsius and Fahrenheit would probably be the one that would take me the longest to get used to (even though I say we go with Kelvin). I've pretty much got distance and velocity down already (being a runner helps). Weight is another fun one. I used to work in the lead industry and we measured everything in tons. However, since we shipped a lot of stuff overseas, we measured everything in both short tons and metric tons. That was always fun. 2204.62 pounds in a metric ton. That number is burned into my memory.
  19. Probably referring to the small number of awards that NA had that referred to one-time unique events. I'm not sure that this would qualify, but who knows? I'm in the camp of keeping the charms few and far between to make them more interesting.
  20. It's been tried multiple times including at least once in the 60s. It's funny which things have already transitioned and stuck. For example, engine volumes used to be commonly measured in cubic inches, and are now universally measured in liters. Of course, we can't agree on how to spell liter, but that's another discussion (and matters much less).
  21. There is definitely a learning/transition period, which is why I wish it had been done before I was born and I wouldn't have to worry about it. But that's just me being selfish. If given the choice, I would still do it now and just deal with it for a few months until it became more natural. I really don't think it would take all that long.
  22. You should try to get 100 people to ask him the same question you did.
  23. Unfortunately this is true. I wish we would just pull off the Band-Aid and do it. But even more so, I wish they had done it before I was born, so I wouldn't have to go through the transition.
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