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Everything posted by TDIRunner

  1. The last two restaurants I went to were seating every table, and one of them had an open salad bar.
  2. That was a HUGE disappointment, but you know Nintendo wasn't going to allow the Wii U version of BOTW to be better than the Switch version.
  3. Definitely a 9 for me. I still enjoy this movie to this day. Also, I'm one of the few people who also enjoy part 2 and 3 of this trilogy.
  4. I forgot to mention earlier, if I'm looking at used video games in any type of store and I pull my phone out, 99% of the time it's because I'm looking at my collection list to confirm that I have or don't have something. I'm almost never checking the price. But with that said, if anyone told me to stop looking at my phone because they thought I was internet price checking, I would immediately turn into the most annoying customer they have ever dealt with.
  5. I would check the online price anyway. I prefer to shop locally and I'm willing to pay a little more to do so, but I always check the price to make sure it's at least fair. The sign is meaningless anyway. I can just say I'm doing one of a million other things with my phone.
  6. The Wii U was one of the best consoles Nintendo ever made. It's just a shame they handled it do poorly. The sad thing is that most people who complain about it don't even know what they are talking about. Many complain about the tablet, but it's rarely required. I have hundreds of hours with the Wii U and I've turned on the tablet maybe 3 or 4 times. If you like it it's there. If not, don't use it. The Wii U has by far the best ratio of good games to bad of any Nintendo console. Of course that's easier when the library is under 200 games with almost no 3rd party support. However, shovelware is almost nonexistent. Sadly the system has been made mostly obsolete by porting all of the games to thg he Switch. But I'm glad Nintendo did this because some really amazing games were released for the Wii U and many people would have missed out otherwise.
  7. Obviously you can get around the ordering limits. But LRG is pretty good about canceling orders from those who break the limits. Regardless, there was plenty of time to get one this afternoon for anyone who wanted one and was ready.
  8. If the afternoon batch is still available now, the people who bought multiples in the morning to resell might end up disappointed.
  9. I was back and forth all afternoon and at the last minute I decided to buy one. I figure, it should be easy to sell it if I change my mind. For the afternoon order, they limited it to 1 per customer, so it was pretty easy to snag it even though I didn't click through the checkout very fast.
  10. I used to have a launch model and it was the first console I ever owned that failed on me. After I bought a Slim to replace it, I ended up selling it as a "repair" model. I even threw in the original box, cables and paperwork and I sold it for next to nothing. I really regret that today. Whoever bought it got a hell of a deal if they were able to fix it (actually it was a good deal even if it couldn't be fixed).
  11. I bought it at launch, but I haven't opened it because it was meant as a birthday present for my son. He will get it in early April. He sort of knows he is getting it because I showed him the trailer when they first announced it and he said he wanted it for his birthday. He has been watching YouTube videos of the game for weeks now, so I know he is excited. Hopefully he won't be disappointed, but luckily since he is only 7, I don't think he will be as picky as you or I would be about camera angles. For example, Joy Con drift doesn't really bother him since his skills aren't developed enough for it to really make a difference. He just likes playing Mario games.
  12. I was so excited for this game when it came out, but it was so disappointing. I didn't like it as a kid and I don't like it now, even though I can actually play through the early levels without much trouble. At least they made up for it with the next three games in the series. TMNT is perfect for a beat'em up style game. 2 and 4 are some of the best games for their respective systems and they made it really easy to forget about the original. The music was fantastic. So at least it had that going for it.
  13. Unfortunately, I wasn't available at 9. I watch my kid in the morning until about 9:30, plus I typically start working around 8:30. Usually I can make time at 9 to put my orders in, but today it didn't work out. It was after 9:20 by the time I could check, and I knew they would be gone before then. For me, it's ok because I was sort of on the fence. I didn't really want to spend that much money on something I probably wasn't going to use. I might still try to get one of the Japanese models.
  14. Personally, I would disagree simply because the card isn't included inside the sealed part of the game when it ships. Also any games sold outside of the initial sale (such as Black Friday sales or at conventions) usually don't include the card, so they aren't really considered part of the complete game.
  15. Agreed. I know it's coming. I almost wish they would have just gone all digital with this generation instead of trying to act like physical is an option. Just rip the band aid off and get it over with. I've said it before, the there are more than enough video games in existence that are truly physical to keep be busy forever. I don't really feel as though I will be missing much if I decide to just ignore modern gaming going forward.
  16. So this has been bouncing around Twitter, but with the announcement of the PS3, PSP and Vita servers shutting down, it's getting even more attention. Apparently, when the internal clock battery dies on the PS4, it loses the ability to play both digital and physical games until the battery is replaced. The problem: Once you replace the battery, you must update the clock through PSN. Not a problem right now, but could become a problem in the future. I mentioned in another thread, that I believe there will be enough of a community to fix these issues once the systems are officially abandoned by the console manufacturers, but this is still another example why I have so much less desire to even look at the current gen systems. https://screenrant.com/playstation-4-clock-battery-dies-games-stop-working/
  17. @OptOut It really seems to me like there should be a few other choices available.
  18. This is getting weird because I almost posted a very similar meme, but my laziness took over.
  19. Since we are talking about cards, I will mention this as well. Since LRG only prints the cards one time, they give away the printing plate randomly to customers. I've seen a hand full of people online who have received them, and I personally know a collector who lives 10 minutes from me who received one. His plate was for one of the Star Wars games which was super cool for him because he is also a huge Star Wars collector. Those plates are actually very valuable because there is only one for each card. I've never bothered to see what they sell for, but it would be super cool to get one someday.
  20. This isn't a meme, but I'm posting it here anyway because of one of the comments below this video. Possibly one of the funniest YouTube comments I've ever read. Car wash speedrun any% WORLD RECORD
  21. My speedy typing skills came in handy today.
  22. While your point is completely valid and I share your despise for digital gaming, I believe that long term, there will be enough of a community to work on and create their own patches to fix these things in the future long after Sony has abandoned it. I don't believe most of these games will become completely unplayable.
  23. I can't see your Night Trap card very well, but if that's a gold card, I would expect that one to sell easily. Again, I haven't checked the prices on this stuff in a while, so I'm just guessing. But I would try to sell any gold cards individually and sell the non gold cards as a bundle.
  24. A small percentage of the trading cards are gold colored. They are given out randomly (although some of the larger bundles are sometimes guaranteed to include one). They tend to be worth a little more simply because they aren't common and even if you buy everything, you might not always get one. I've only received two in all of the purchases I've made. I sold one to a NA member who wanted it and I've kept the other. Although if it's worth $15 or more, I would probably sell that one too. I'm just too lazy to bother listing it right now.
  25. I'm in the same boat as @RH. I actually love the cards and I keep them in a binder. But I told myself long ago, that I'm not going to pay money for them. I will only collect the ones I get with the games I buy, and any free ones I might find along the way. @Reed Rothchild @Sumez As a general rule of thumb, any gold card can typically be sold for at least $15. The standard cards are typically worth much less, but of course there are some exceptions. I personally don't follow the values, so I'm probably not the best person to ask. But as I mentioned before, there are so super die hard LRG collectors on Facebook. Many of them have purchased EVERYTHING from LRG including both SE and CE. Some of these guys are even going for full cards sets as well. It's pretty nuts.
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