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Everything posted by TDIRunner

  1. If that's true, it's not working for me. I'll stick with the regular version.
  2. Playing through Portal again. I haven't played it in so long, most of the puzzles feel new again.
  3. I always enjoyed both Sonic 3 and S&K, but Sonic 2 has always been my favorite. I love playing Sonic 2 with Knuckles.
  4. I was pretty disappointed with GT5. It's not terrible like GT Sport was, but it's just not as good as GT4, which I consider to be the best in the series. I used to consider Gran Turismo to be one of my favorite series of all time, but lately they have been pretty disappointing. How is it possible that they couldn't release a single mainline series game during the entire life of the PS4?
  5. MotorStorm - It was a launch title, but it was a lot of fun and actually holds up well today. Dirt - Another early release. Really run rally game with lots of different types of racing vehicles including off road truck, hill climb, and big rig. Ico/Shadow of the Colossus Collection - HD remasters of two PS2 games. SOTC has been remade for the PS4 and that's a better version, but this is the best way to play Ico which I highly recommend. It often gets overlooked compared to its sisters games (SOTC, Last Guardian) 3D Dot Game Heroes - It's already been mentioned, but this is one of the best Zelda clones out there Journey - Fairly short indi game, but with a very unique experience and a lot of fun to play The Orange Box - The PS3 port is often considered inferior to the Xbox 360, but if you are looking for PS3 games, it's still worth a play. I'm not into Half life personally, but the Orange Box is worth it just for Portal (which I happen to be playing through right now on PS3) Portal 2 - Even better than the original Metal Gear Solid 4 - The game is available on other consoles, but I played it first on the PS3. Probably my favorite MGS game. Bioshock - the best way to play Bioshock is with the HD Collection on any of the modern consoles, but it's still worth mentioning that all 3 Bioshock games are available on PS3 and they tend to be very cheap. Medal of Honor - Warfighter - I've never actually played this game, but it comes with an HD remaster of Frontline, and that's one of the best FPS WWII games ever. God of War Saga - If you are into any of the God of War games, make sure you pickup Saga. It includes HD remasters of GoW 1 and 2, plus a copy of GOW 3 and digital downloads of the HD remasters of both PSP GoW games. If you don't like the PSP versions being digital, you can pickup the HD remasters of both of those on a PS3 disc called God of War Origins.
  6. I don't have a 4K player yet, but I plan to get one when I upgrade my TV this year along with a new sound system (I'm well overdue). I haven't purchased any 4K movies yet, but my wife has by accident. She tends to get movies at Christmas time when they are on sale, and she doesn't understand the different between the formats. Luckily, the few 4K movies she has bought included a normal Blue Ray version that we can watch with our current hardware.
  7. I definitely notice lag, but I'm also running mine through a fairly cheap LCD TV, so that could be making it worse. While the lag is noticeable, for me, it's really only a problem on games that I've developed muscle memory for. For example, any of the Mario games for the NES or SNES are more difficult because I know those games so well. I don't have the issue on games for other systems such as TG16 because I simply haven't played those games enough to feel the difference. In other words, the lag doesn't make the games unplayable.
  8. I remember this, but I've never actually used one. I know a few people who collect for this, but pretty much only because it has the Sega name on it. But I have no real desire to ever get one.
  9. Ugh. It's taking a lot of restraint to not order this. I have to keep telling myself that two Switches is enough.
  10. It's pretty incredible that nearly 4 years in and around 80 million units sold, Nintendo can still charge full price without having to throw a game in. While I wish I could get one cheaper, it speaks to how amazing this console is.
  11. I'm using one for my Wii U kiosk that I got from GameStop several years ago. It was obviously missing the demo Wii U console, so I put a Retro Pie in it's place and use it to run emulators. It makes for an interesting conversation piece when we have people over and it allows for playing video games in the garage. I'm obviously not a huge fan of emulation, but if I want to play the real thing, I have all of that in my basement. The Retro Pie in the garage is just for fun. I don't remember which version it is, but it was the nicest one you could get at the time I bought it. It was always my plan to put the Retro Pie inside the guts of an old broken Wii U console because that would look really cool with the Kiosk, but I never got around to that.
  12. It would be interesting if everyone who voted who mention which version of Tetris is their go to version. If I were to play it today, I would probably grab one of the NES versions. However, whenever I think about Tetris, my mind still goes to the Game Boy version which was the first version I ever played, and probably the version that I have the most time with.
  13. I've always avoided third party memory cards in the past, but this is clearly designed differently, so the third party nature doesn't bother me. I just don't know that I would use it enough to justify the money.
  14. Not much activity here lately, so how about some new PS1 news? It's a little pricy, and I'm not a fan of the color choices, but one of these with even a 256MB card is essentially unlimited save space for your PS1 with lots of other features as well. I'm undecided if I will pick one up since I have more original PS1 memory cards than I know what to do with, but I still like the fact that groups are working on stuff like this.
  15. Amazing game. It never gets old for me regardless of which version. If you haven't seen this video, I highly recommend watching it. It's pretty long, but it's well worth it.
  16. I thought it was pretty well established that there has always been a market over here for imports, even in the early NES and SNES years. I won't say it was common, but I've seen and heard enough to know it shouldn't be too surprising anymore.
  17. I started Plague and King for a level each, but I feel like if I keep going I will get burned out. Maybe I will come back to them at a later time. My first impression with each was that it was fun, but neither character felt as fun as Shovel Knight.
  18. Well, it wasn't on my list but I finished Shovel Knight anyway. First time completing the game. I managed to find all items, upgrades and music sheets. Not sure if I will bother with new game plus or not, but definitely not right away. I finished about 75% of the feats, but most of the remaining feats will be impossible for me, so I have no desire to go after those. Great game and it's a shame I waited this long to finally play through it.
  19. JP for SNES can't be completed without finding all eggs. That was the only thing I missed as a kid. I have all objectives completed, but when I got to the helipad, it said I still had one egg remaining. I never did find that egg, so I never got to see the "ending." Still a great game and the best JP of that era.
  20. I would MAYBE considering buying a third model if they end up making a special edition that I really like. The third model would be "my" Switch, but I really don't need it as most of my gaming is done after the kids go to sleep, so I just play one of their models. Having the family online plan is nice because I can transfer my save files between Switches easily.
  21. The back of the Fortnite edition isn't all black. It's the same black, but with some type of Fortnite graphics added to it (same on the dock). I don't know enough about the game to know what they are, but I didn't really care about that part. The yellow and blue Joy Cons look really good and both of those colors are unique to that set. But I agree that the red in this set looks really good, and a yellow set would be pretty cool too. My nephew has a yellow Switch Lite and it looks pretty nice. Considering how many Switches they have been selling, I'm surprised we haven't seen more colors.
  22. When we bought a second Switch for my younger son, we wanted a different color from the normal red/blue that we bought last year, but I didn't want grey because I thought it was sort of boring. We ended up getting the Fortnite edition because not only are the Joy Cons different colors, but the Switch and Dock are slightly different as well which makes it super easy to differentiate everything quickly. I actually like the Mario themed Switch a lot better, but it's too late now. I'm not buying a third Switch.
  23. About six months ago, I had a package delivered to my house that wasn't for me. It had someone else's name and address on it. I have no idea how UPS managed to leave it at my door, but they did. I ended up driving the package over to the person's house and gave it to them and they were very grateful. They had a "package delivered" notification, but no package, so they figured it was gone forever. Then a few months later close to Christmas time, we had a similar incident. My wife had a "package delivered" notification, with a picture of the delivery. There was no package outside. We looked at the picture and sure enough it was NOT our front door. I was hoping that maybe it went to another house on our same street, so I walked up and down the block and sure enough I found a door that matched the one in the picture. I talked to the person and they were kind enough to give me the package. Here is the funny part, the delivered package did not have any name or address on it. It only had a shipping label with a bar code. So I had no real way of proving that the package was mine. The other person knew the package didn't belong to them, but since they get their daughter's mail so often, they just assumed it belonged to her. Luckily, they were nice enough to let us have our package, because if they had said no, there wouldn't have been much I could do about it. I always felt like it was good karma coming back to me for returning the other person's package several months earlier. Also, for anyone interested, our package that was delivered to the wrong house was one of those Hoverboards. Those aren't cheap, so it would have been a huge hassle to try and prove that we never received a high dollar item since tracking showed it as delivered. On top of all of that, Wal-Mart shipped the Hoverboard in it's original packaging instead of a brown box. So this thing was sitting out in the open that anyone could see if they drove by. That's an easy target for theft.
  24. It's not "kinda" unnecessary. It's COMPLETELY unnecessary. But I still sort of like the idea. I think it would work better for display purposes as opposed to storage.
  25. The only reason I can think of for voting for The Darkness is that they don't want to vote for a Sinead O'Connor song.
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