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Everything posted by TDIRunner

  1. About six months ago, I had a package delivered to my house that wasn't for me. It had someone else's name and address on it. I have no idea how UPS managed to leave it at my door, but they did. I ended up driving the package over to the person's house and gave it to them and they were very grateful. They had a "package delivered" notification, but no package, so they figured it was gone forever. Then a few months later close to Christmas time, we had a similar incident. My wife had a "package delivered" notification, with a picture of the delivery. There was no package outside. We looked at the picture and sure enough it was NOT our front door. I was hoping that maybe it went to another house on our same street, so I walked up and down the block and sure enough I found a door that matched the one in the picture. I talked to the person and they were kind enough to give me the package. Here is the funny part, the delivered package did not have any name or address on it. It only had a shipping label with a bar code. So I had no real way of proving that the package was mine. The other person knew the package didn't belong to them, but since they get their daughter's mail so often, they just assumed it belonged to her. Luckily, they were nice enough to let us have our package, because if they had said no, there wouldn't have been much I could do about it. I always felt like it was good karma coming back to me for returning the other person's package several months earlier. Also, for anyone interested, our package that was delivered to the wrong house was one of those Hoverboards. Those aren't cheap, so it would have been a huge hassle to try and prove that we never received a high dollar item since tracking showed it as delivered. On top of all of that, Wal-Mart shipped the Hoverboard in it's original packaging instead of a brown box. So this thing was sitting out in the open that anyone could see if they drove by. That's an easy target for theft.
  2. It's not "kinda" unnecessary. It's COMPLETELY unnecessary. But I still sort of like the idea. I think it would work better for display purposes as opposed to storage.
  3. The only reason I can think of for voting for The Darkness is that they don't want to vote for a Sinead O'Connor song.
  4. Sometimes people will post the seller's name in the Ebay rant threat, but no one in that thread is keeping an active list. At the very least, you can use that thread to vent your frustration.
  5. Did anyone see these? https://retrofighters.com/our-collection/retro85-mini-nes-cartridge-switch-game-cases/?utm_source=Retro+Fighters&utm_campaign=644f947b51-July+4th+Buy+One+B64+Get+Red+or+Blue+50%+OFF_COPY_&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_36ebcca722-644f947b51-47125067&goal=0_36ebcca722-644f947b51-47125067&mc_cid=644f947b51&mc_eid=437a51b753
  6. Wow. Last time I was on the winning end of each pole. This time it looks like I will be on the losing end for all but one.
  7. #1 is a lessor of two evils thing for me. #2 could have gone either way. #3 and #4 were easy picks.
  8. Fair enough. It just sounded a little odd to say you would never buy "any" flashcart without the disclaimer that you buy anythingng outside of NES anyway. And to answer your other question, with only a few exceptions, pretty much every cart based console.
  9. In the event of a backdoor transaction, the second buyer is just as much of a scumbag as the seller. End of story.
  10. 7 for me. I haven't seen it in a long time, but I remember enjoying it for what it was.
  11. This is what I was going to say. I believe that's correct. I think they leave them up just to show what they've created in the past. It's not like they have a huge catalog of products, so it doesn't clutter up their website showing the discontinued stuff.
  12. Again, I stand by the fact that you did nothing wrong, but simply going by the odds, the other buyer had plenty of reason to believe what he thought happened. I probably would have done the exact same thing he did if I was in that situation. And the other buyer didn't really bully you. A single message calling out scummy behavior isn't bullying. It's just unfortunately that in this extremely unusual situation, he was wrong about his assumption. I've been in the same situation (except in my case, I was able to verify 100% backdooring). I called the guy out and blasted him on a local Facebook page. Considering he had done it many times to others, I believe it's important for others to know who to stay away from in local groups. Your situation definitely sucks, but in my opinion, your beef should be with the seller only.
  13. I don't have my spreadsheet in front of me, but I did the math a long time ago and 1/3 fighting sounds about right to me. As I mentioned before, even if you hate fighters, there are PLENTY of great games to play on this system.
  14. I've never had to wait more than a few days between shipping notification and game in hand. I've never bought a single CE from LRG. I don't understand what people do with that extra stuff, whether high quality or not. I like physical games, but that's about it. I don't want the other crap.
  15. I feel I could rank it an 8 just on the Metal Slug games alone. None of the AES/MVS versions of Metal Slug have even gotten old for me in all of the years playing them. And yet, there are still lots of other fun games to play. I'm not a huge fan of fighters, but even if I completely ignore fighters, I still consider the system worth playing. I was fortunate enough to get a consolized MVS for a very fair price and I just use one of the multi carts for playing games. I have no desire to spend money on real games or collect for the system in any way. I highly recommend checking this system out, even if you have to do it through emulation.
  16. Based on the information that the other buy had, he had all the reason in the world to be upset. You don't mention in your post whether or not you explained to him what actually happened. I honestly hope you told him more than that and explained what actually happened. Just to be clear, you did nothing wrong. But the other buyer has absolutely no way of knowing that you did nothing wrong. Based on the information available to him, any reasonable person would assume you backdoored the sale and stole it at a higher price. It sucks for you that the seller screwed up and made you look like the bad guy, but you have no reason to be upset at the other buyer. He didn't act unreasonable based on the information you provided in your post.
  17. PS4 or Switch? Mine is PS4 regular edition.
  18. I've been playing a game that's been in my back log for a while, but it isn't a game that I put on my list....... Oh well, I'm having too much fun to stop now. For those interested, the game is Shovel Knight. I had only ever played the first level or two and never got around to paying it any further. Now I'm a ways in with lots of upgrades and I'm loving it. I wish I had played it earlier.
  19. I just got my Grandia and Atooi games last week, so yours might be there soon. I also had Return of the Obra Dinn on the same order. I'm not sure which game took the longest to get in hand, but I know it wasn't Atooi. I saw others who ordered just that game receiving it a long time ago. I'm guessing Grandia was probably the hold up since it was a pre-order and those tend to take a little longer than the smaller batches.
  20. This is good advice. I tend to wait even longer because I try to combine as many games into a single order as possible to save on shipping, which means I have to wait on all of them until every game is available to ship. I don't understand the issue with waiting. Most of us have plenty of games to play while we wait. I wish the turn around time was quicker, but a long wait time is still better than digital only.
  21. @docile tapeworm, Remember that box of gold I sent you a while back? Enjoy your retirement!!!
  22. Once when Crazy was playing on the radio, my wife asked me who was singing. I told her Gnarls Barkley. She of course thought I was joking around, and to this day she doesn't believe me. I never bothered to show her the actual proof. It's just funnier to let her think that's a fake name.
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