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Everything posted by TDIRunner

  1. I knew a guy who bought a Little Samson that turned out to be fake, and when he use the pictures of the board to prove it was fake, he was denied his case because he "broke the game" by opening it. That was years ago, and I don't even think it's an eBay policy. I think he just got a really ignorant customer service rep.
  2. Yes, I'm always referring to that quote whenever I say that (which is quite a bit).
  3. No, but I still remember the day the PS4 launched, someone on Facebook was saying, "Now that the PS4 is out, we can finally start referring to the PS3 as retro."
  4. 2 > 1 > Remake 2 Those are the only ones I can properly rate.
  5. Getting stuck with a bad grain pattern because you were given your block is the opposite of fair. What stops the leader from assigning the good blocks the his friends? I never said to work outside the kit. But you HAVE to be given the chance to choose your own kit or replace it with a better kit. Forcing a kit on someone is a huge red flag for cheating.
  6. Our derby has been pushed back to Feb 28th in an attempt to hold the event with everyone present. realistically, that probably won't happen. I'm guessing we will watch our cars race on a live stream. I've started on the car, but I still need to do the body.
  7. That sucks. The official rules don't require you to use the block you are given. There are obviously a lot of rules about what kind of block you can use, but you should be allowed to pick your own to keep things fair.
  8. That sucks. The official rules don't require you to use the block you are given. There are obviously a lot of rules about what kind of block you can use, but you should be allowed to pick your own to keep things fair.
  9. I eat mine whole, but not until after making quadruple stuffs first.
  10. I guess you haven't played many games then. You must be new to modern gaming if you are unfamiliar with the concept of DLC (whether traditional or Amiibo). The good news is that the items that the Amiibo provide are not required to 100% the game. They are purely optional. Why did you put 1,000 ours into a game that you clearly didn't enjoy?
  11. I haven't played it in a while, but I remember enjoying what I played. I never got around to finishing it.
  12. I'll probably do my taxes this weekend. It's normally not that big of a deal for me, but this year might be interesting. My normal office is in one state (and my state withholding goes to that state), but since I worked from home most of the year, I was supposed to have withholding from my home state. My work never bothered to fix it so I will have to figure that out.
  13. Depends on what you mean by value. Dollar wise, there is a lot of money sitting there. Gameplay wise, there are some really fun games, but the ratio of good games to bad is pretty low for me. Display wise, I think Sega CD games look awesome. Both the jewel cases and the cardboard boxes look really good in my opinion.
  14. I've tried watching it on multiple occasions, and I just can't get into it. It's probably the best of the bad Terminator movies, but I still have to call it a bad movie.
  15. This talk of time travel is interesting and probably deserves its own thread. As far as the movie goes, I always thought the original was a pretty good movie but not great. T2 is probably one of the greatest movies ever made. And the first two movies make up the only good Terminator movies that currently exist. It's pretty crazy to think that there are that many bad Terminator movies, but that's the world we live in until we figure out time travel and go back to stop the bad movies from ever existing.
  16. Like others have said, I highly recommend removing the baseboard that will be behind the shelves as opposed to cutting out a notch. It will be a lot easier that way. If the shelves don't run along the entire wall, you can always run the baseboard up to the edge of the shelf, so it's only missing where the shelves are sitting. One other option. If you leave the baseboard in place, cut out some type of spacer that's the same thickness as the baseboard and attach it to the back of the shelving at the top. This will keep the shelves parallel to the wall with about a half inch gap between the shelves and the wall. Having the half inch gap isn't a terrible idea, especially if it's on an exterior wall.
  17. I've been receiving lots of LRG shipping notifications, so they seem to be catching up with their orders. This was the first to arrive, and it included my second ever gold card.
  18. I don't remember which service they used to ship my NT Mini Noir, but it had a huge hole in it like someone stabbed it. Luckily, there was a huge amount of empty space inside the box and nothing touched the actual NT.
  19. I grew up with an SNES, but several of my friends had a Genesis. I'm proud to say that I was not a fanboy during those years. I was always excited to play the Genesis at my friends house when I visited. It was nice having friends who had the system because it was my only chance to play those games because there was absolutely zero chance my parents were going to purchase both an SNES and a Genesis. I can also say that I never knew a single person who owned both while the systems were still active during that generation. While I was a huge fan of the system, at the end of the day, I was glad we had the SNES because I felt at the time (and still do today) that it was the superior system. But even if the Genesis was second best, it can still be considered one of the best consoles of all time. The 4th generation just happened to be the most competitive generation in video game history. It truly was the greatest "console war" ever and I'm happy that I got to live through it during a time in my life where I could take advantage of the amazing games. One other thing I want to note is that while most people today consider the Sega CD and 32x to be failures, I still look back and think that it was impressive that Sega was at least trying to improve their console. As a kid, I didn't know much about this stuff, but I knew enough to know that the ports on the Nintendo and Sega consoles could have been used to improve the performance in some capacity. I was always frustrated that Nintendo would never use these (at least in the US). As an adult looking back at the history and seeing what happened to Sega, it makes much more sense to put your resources into the next generation console. It didn't work out for Sega, but at least they tried.
  20. Sorry, I won't be much help, but I'm still curious. Are you using the headset just for Zoom meetings, or do you use it for your normal calls as well? I'm not on my phone enough to need a headset for that, and when it comes to Zoom meetings, I've opted to use my computer speakers and the microphone built into my camera. I personally don't like using headsets, and while some of the information I discuss is confidential (financial information), I don't have an issue with other people listening in, so using my speakers hasn't been a problem.
  21. I started playing it once and got about 30 minutes into the game. It didn't really draw me into it, but I don't feel I've played it enough to give it a proper rating. I still want to play through all of them eventually.
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