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Everything posted by TDIRunner

  1. I played the 3DS 3D Land (which came free with my New 3DS), and I felt the same way. Not a terrible game, but nothing that kept me coming back to play more levels. I think my kids will dig it though.
  2. I have 3D World for the Wii U, but I haven't played it yet. Is this the game ported over to the Switch, but with extra content (Bower's Fury), or is this a new game entirely? I guess it doesn't matter, because my kids will be excited for this either way and it's releasing just in time for my oldest son's birthday.
  3. That's a shame that someone would cut up a box to fit it in a clamshell. I understand the desire to put 32x games in proper cases, but it would be so much simpler to just print out a new cover for the clamshell and put the original box in storage.
  4. The PC version of the original game allowed you to save anywhere, so I don't think that's the reason. I think the game developers simply treated it the same way the developers treated the Japanese version of SMB2. They only expected seasoned veterans of the original to play it, and therefore, no reason to include simple "trainer" levels in the beginning.
  5. It's a fun game for me. I enjoy the polarity gimmick. I've been playing it for years on a gdemu in my Dreamcast, but recently bought the Switch version. I'm not great at it by any means, but I still enjoy it. With that said, I enjoyed Radiant Silvergun on the Saturn a little more. I just liked the idea of having so many different weapon types mapped to each button.
  6. I won't claim it's the hardest level ever, but one that is surprisingly difficult is the first level of Tomb Raider II. This level either assumes that you mastered the original game, or spent a ton of time in the training stage at Laura's Home. The first level does not mess around and definitely doesn't qualify as a "training" level.
  7. Would you mind sharing the colors of the DSi and DSi XL models? Depending on the color and exterior condition, I might be interested.
  8. This is another one that's difficult to rate because if I rated them in high school, it would be a 10, but to rate them today would be a 7 or 8. I just don't get the enjoyment out of their music the way I did in high school. But I will never forget how often I would use November Rain to get pumped up before a race.
  9. They had Animal Crossing e-Reader cars as well. I have a lot of them, but not a full set. In fact, the Animal Crossing cards are the only US e-Reader cards that I don't have a full set for. I have a full set for the SMB 3 cards, a full set of cards for NES games, and all of the other minor US stuff.
  10. Yeah, I read about that a while back except the thing I was looking at would be one unit instead of one card per Amiibo. Sort of like an "Everdrive" for Amiibo. I would still like to do that sometime because I do enjoy having access to some of the extra stuff (Breath of the Wild is a good example of good Amiibo use).
  11. Original is still my favorite even though I probably have more hours on Final Doom. Doom 2016 is great as well, but I wasn't able to finish it. I got Doom Eternal for Christmas so I hope to try that one sometime this year. From what I've watched online, I will probably enjoy Eternal, but not more than the original. I'm getting old and there is just too much shit going on at once in these newer games. I love the look of it, and it's fun for a little bit, but it's too much for me to play through the entire game.
  12. I was happy to not be interested in Amiibos. I like the idea of making DLC into a physical format, but they still take up too much space for my taste, and watching people freak out over trying to find the difficult to find figures looked stressful. I was glad I didn't have to worry about that. If they had made Amiibo into a card format (like e-Reader), I probably would have been all over it trying to get all of them.
  13. I wish I had the room for more of these, because there are several more that I would be interested in, but I can barely justify the room for the two I have.
  14. The biggest issue with using other gaming stuff as a spacer is What I meant was, use a uniform spacer, such as a 1x6 (or whatever depth you need) that sits across the entire shelf. When you put your games in, the bottom of the game will hit the board and display on the edge of the shelf. Since the spacer board is only 3/4" tall, you can store stuff on top of it in the empty space behind the games.
  15. Looks good. If you are only doing one row of games in each shelf, have you thought about using spacers to bring the games to the front of the shelf so they sit at the edge? If you do that, you can use the space behind the games to store gaming related stuff that you don't want to display in view. Edit: I think the short shelves in the middle of the room work pretty well since they aren't very tall. I would have no problem leaving them there until you can actually expand the room into the unfinished area.
  16. I enjoyed Rogue One as well. It's certainly the best Star Wars movie that Disney has handled. Disney hasn't been a complete disaster with Star Wars. There have been several good aspects of the purchase. Rogue One is good. The Mandalorian is good. The Star Wars stuff at the Disney parks is great. Honestly, the only problem I have with any of it is the way they have handled the mainline Star Wars movies. The sequel trilogy movies were written in a way that makes me believe they have little to no understanding of the source material, and that's pretty unfortunate.
  17. I don't disagree with this in general, but it doesn't apply to me. I've been a defender of the prequel trilogy since it came out. I don't argue that the prequel trilogy is amazing, and I certainly don't argue that it's better than the original trilogy, but I have always maintained that it isn't as bad as most people say.
  18. The sequel trilogy makes the prequel trilogy look like the original trilogy.
  19. Nevermind. Already mentioned above. But I still stand by the fact that Scott Pilgrim has almost certainly been their most requested game over the past few years.
  20. 100% of my experience with this console is on the Japanese side. I own a Core Grafx II and a Duo R. I got into this console about 7 or 8 years ago with the plan of buying just buying hardware I needed and passing on the games. I have an Everdrive for the hu card games and I burn my own discs for the disc based games. The system is a lot of fun, but not worth the asking prices of most of the games in my opinion. The system absolutely deserved to get more attention in the states while it was out, but looking back, NEC made a lot of stupid marketing mistakes that prevented it from being competitive with Sega and Nintendo. I highly recommend everyone try out the games on this system, but due to the current market prices, I also recommend doing it with emulation. This is my advice. If you want to get into this system today and you insist on buying original hardware, start with a Duo system. Don't do what I did and start with hu card only and the plan to add CD functionality later. You will save a lot of money, time and headache if you just go with a Duo system from the start. If the price of a Duo turns you off, emulate the games.
  21. That's the best description of that area yet.
  22. That's weird. I swear I mentioned this the other day, but now I don't see my post. I'm guessing that I typed it up, but never hit submit. Anyway, I meant to say that I updated the PS1 portion of your spreadsheet with everything I had. One of the games you already had in place is an EU game, so I updated that as well. I added genre for each game. However, these types of games are often difficult to categorize because many blur the line between traditional platformer and action/adventure game. Feel free to change or update anything I added.
  23. I don't even see where you would order it online if you wanted one.
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