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Everything posted by TDIRunner

  1. The 32x port of Doom had music, it was just really bad music. You are thinking of the Jaguar port of Doom for missing music. Oddly enough, it had music in the start up.
  2. I'm in the minority of saying this, but the SNES version of Jurassic Park is by far the best Jurassic Park of the era, and possibly ever. It had multiple FPS sections in the game (anytime you went inside a building) and it played very well for a system of the time. Also, while the SNES Doom port is far from perfect, it's still impressive for a console of that era.
  3. I do the same thing. My "checkbook" is kept in Excel. Funny thing is that since nearly all of my purchases are done with a credit card, my checking account never has more than 20 transactions in a given month. So balancing my checkbook each month only takes a minute or two. Because of the number of transactions I put on my credit card every month that list is pretty long, so I keep a separate ledger that I update every day with my purchases and I tie it out every month when my CC statement comes in. That way, I will never have any hidden charges on my card that I don't know about. If my CC statement matches my ledger (less any pending items), I know I'm good to pay the CC bill.
  4. 7 for me. Definitely the best in the series. I can't even remember the last time I watched it. The 2nd one is ok too, but I can't get into any of the movies after that.
  5. I was specifically referring to MSG4, but now that I think about it, MGS on PS1 is probably on the list of games I've completed more than any other. I wish there was a way I could tell for sure which game is number 1 for me.
  6. Difficult to say for sure, but it's most likely one of the following: Super Mario Bros. 2 Super Mario World Donkey Kong Country Super Metroid Vandal Hearts Tomb Raider (PS1) Crash Bandicoot Also, the game that I've completed the most times in a row without playing another game in between is Metal Gear Solid 4. The first time I played through that game, I was so impressed by it that I wanted to immediately play it over again. I bet I played through it 9 or 10 times in a row without playing any other game. I've never done that before or since with any other game.
  7. I won't defend the woman since her actions were pretty childish. I believe she has the right to go to the park with her children without masks on. However, she needs to respect others rights who want to wear a mask, especially in a situation where the park is big enough for everyone to play on their own (which it sounds like it was). The only thing on the OPs side that I disagree with is the use of the middle finger. At this point in my life, I consider it to be pretty childish. If I see someone flipping the bird to another in a public setting and I didn't know anything else going on, I would assume the person flipping the bird lost an argument and had nothing else to fall back on.
  8. It doesn't hurt to sign up for the emails, just don't rely on it completely. In other words, keep your eyes on the normal channels for announcements. The last time something was restocked (I forget which one it was), I didn't get my email notification until an hour after it went up. Luckily, I already knew about it from Twitter, so I was there in time to buy.
  9. This has been common knowledge for over 3 years. If you put as much effort into learning about their business as you do looking for reasons to complain, you would already know. I honestly don't care if you don't want to buy games from them, but your excuses for doing so are pretty laughable.
  10. I'm going to try to cut back a little and focus on games that I definitely want to play as opposed to games that "just look good" or might be collectible.
  11. That's actually not what happened. It's already been explained to you, but you can tell yourself whatever you want to make yourself feel better. Just to be clear, based on your post, you want LRG's selling practices to be such that if someone's copy is destroyed in the mail, it's impossible to receive a replacement. I personally don't agree with that.
  12. You're welcome to do what you want, but I would love to hear the rational for why this makes sense to you.
  13. They always hold onto a few of the "high demand" games to put in blind boxes. If there is a chance of getting one of those games in a blind box, people are more likely to order them. Some people assume that the blind boxes only have the unpopular games, but I've ordered two blind boxes in the past and both times I got a game I was interested in. With that said, the odds are not in your favor, so I don't really recommend getting a blind box unless you really don't care what you get.
  14. LRG has stated from the beginning that they keep a small % of games to cover damaged or lost items. If they don't use those leftover games, they sell them in end of the year sales or blind boxes. Any leftover stock is always going to be super small, so they tend to sell out pretty quickly. This has been standard practice for over 3 years now.
  15. I didn't buy my Wii U until the November before the Switch was released. I was able to buy a new one before the last of the new stock was gone. I've absolutely love the Wii U. There is absolutely nothing wrong with it outside of the way Nintendo handled the thing. It's a shame, but it is what it is. Nintendo moved on and fortunately, the Switch is an amazing product as well.
  16. My kids both got Bluetooth headphones for Christmas, but since they won't work directly with the Switch, does anyone have a specific brand Bluetooth adapter that they like for their Switch? Do you guys prefer the adapters that plug into the headphone jack or the USB-C jack? I'm hoping for something small, so it can be stored in their Switch case when not using it. I've looked at several on Amazon and I see a few that I like, but I'm open to suggestions. Thanks.
  17. I guess I misunderstood the point of the "meme." I assumed that the joke was that the picks were from Neogaf, and therefore, nobody cares, which is why none of us would be upset at those picks.
  18. I've never played a DKC game that I didn't like, but none of the sequels caught me the way the original did.
  19. One of my favorite bands from my childhood and I still love their music today. At least a 9 for sure. Very close to a 10 for me.
  20. Well, we pulled the trigger and decided to buy a second Switch so each of our kids can have his own. I never originally planned to do that, but my wife and I had been talking about it recently. I have been impressed with how well my kids are taking care of it, using it properly and storing it correctly to keep it safe. My younger son (only 4) has really started to play some games very well by himself over the past few weeks. I figured it would be another year before he started to do that. I just happened to find a Fortnite Switch at Target so I picked it up. I don't really care about the Fortnite stuff. Neither of my kids plays that yet, but I really like the color of the blue and yellow Joy Cons. Plus, the Switch and doc both have some Fortnite logos which means that each Switch will be unique for my kids. I'll still play the Switch myself of course, but I usually only do that after the kids go to bed.
  21. I see the new limit for total attachments. It still seems pretty generous in my opinion. I feel like I've uploaded a lot of stuff and I'm only at 15% of the max. I'll still try to use attachments sparingly and link most of my images with Mediafire. A few questions: What is the new size limit for each individual attachment? And if a previously attached image is over this limit, has it been deleted or grandfathered in? Is there a chance that any of my older attachments are done due to size? No hard feelings if that's the case. I'm just curious. Thanks.
  22. If it works, yes. Have you ever heard of the story of the designated driver who stopped at every gas station he passed on the way home and collected gas money from his drunk friends each time? We could sort of do the same thing here with our own drunk members.
  23. The only other forum that I use on a regular basis doesn't allow for any uploading in the forum section because they host so many images in a different part of the website. Because of this, I've always used Mediafire to upload my images. I was doing the same here at first, but I got lazy when the restrictions were lifted on max images. I will go back to my old ways to do my part in saving space. I'll just mention that Mediafire is free up to 10GB and doesn't compress your images. I've been using it for 7 years now. The only issue I ever ran into is that embed link doesn't always jive with the newer websites such as this one and you have to make one smaller edit to the link for it to work. I haven't checked yet to see if that's been corrected on their end. It's still an easy process to link images.
  24. It's a movie from my childhood, but even as an adult watching it with my kids, I think it still holds up. 8 for me.
  25. You are correct about the 3 games (2 PAL and 1 JP). Unfortunately, not too sure about those 3 outside of eBay or getting lucky in the wild. I'll message my friend about the SS reprint and find out where he got it. Hopefully it wasn't a one off thing. I know they made several copies because I know multiple people who bought one, but that was probably 2 or 3 years ago.
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