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Everything posted by TDIRunner

  1. SS is confirmed but with only 2 known copies, I don't think anyone counts it as part of the official set. But again, because the story is so interesting, I think the reprint is worth acquiring. It's not the type of reprint that would sour a collection because of the known history. There are only 3 other non-US games. Darxide isn't that mythical from what I've seen, although it's pretty expensive. Obviously you can do what you want, but considering the full set is only 3 more games and 1 reprint over a US set, if I were a set collector, I would be looking for those. I'm not going for them myself because I'm not interested in a full set. I just own the games I want, which is about half the full set. Another way to look at it is to go for the full US set. Once you have it, if the hunt is still fun, you might as well go for the last 3.
  2. Unfortunately, I can't really help you because I don't have any plans to get rid of the small hand full of CIB 32x games I have, but I'm curious if you are going for the full US set, or the entire set since it's only a few extra games. Also, do you plan to get one of the reprint of Surgical Strike 32x? I personally don't believe you need it to have a complete set, but it would be an interesting piece to have and I'm not sure that it even costs that much. I have a friend with a complete set including the SS reprint. Again, purely optional, but I think it looks cool with the set.
  3. One of the few from this generation that I haven't played or owned. I had an opportunity to buy one several years ago with about 25 boxed games in absolutely perfect condition, but I passed on it because I was buying so much other stuff at the time.
  4. I own several games from this series including the specific one for this debate, but I've never been able to get into them. I've tried playing several, but they have never been able to keep my interest for very long. I'm sill debating with myself as to whether or not I've played the Genesis version enough to give it an actual rating. Honestly, I probably haven't played it enough to give it a proper rating, but at the same time, the main reason why I didn't play it that much was because I simply didn't care for it.
  5. Wow. I signed up within the first two weeks, but there were still over 400 people who signed up before me.
  6. In the other thread we are celebrating 2,000 members, which is great. However, the unfortunate side effect is that 2,000 members makes it that much more difficult to guess the Secret Santa.
  7. I won't put my second guess per the rules, but I had it narrowed down to two people I wanted to guess, so I flipped a coin. I'll be disappointed if it's my second choice, who hasn't been named yet.
  8. And I'm the only eligible participant who is guaranteed to not win.
  9. You seem to be under the impression that all people who use a card spend what they don't have. That might be true for many, but it isn't true for all. Some people use a card simply because it's cheaper then using cash.
  10. That's happening regardless of what I do. At least I get some of that back through the CC. Considering that discounts are rarely offered with cash, I consider the cash option to be too expensive for me.
  11. But if cash gets stolen, it's usually gone forever. You can usually prove a fraudulent credit card purchase and get your money back. Neither method is perfect, and you can lose money with either method, but I will take my chances with a credit card over cash. I've never lost a single penny to a fraudulent credit card purchase (despite people trying), but I have had cash stolen from me.
  12. I'm glad to be one of them.
  13. In their defense, Nintendo only discovered the internet about 3 years ago. I think they are still figuring it out.
  14. How did you all do this year? Based on some that I've seen on Facebook, I hardly played at all. I'm pretty sure these stats don't include my kids play time because I'm sure they have me beat.
  15. Breath of the Wild 2 is up there for me as well. Also, the sequel to Horizon Zero Dawn. Maybe they can be released at the same time again.
  16. They also make special blades for those types of cuts. It's not just the particle board, but the laminate that they put over it that likes to chip with the wrong blade. Regardless, it looks good. Those shelves look like they belong in that room.
  17. This January will be six years since I pre-ordered/funded Justice Beaver. It's not quite the same situation as Paprium because they have been pretty open about updates, so I do feel that I will receive something eventually. It's just taking years and years longer than they originally planned. I can honestly say that I'm not upset about the situation, but it's a primary example why I never crowdfund games anymore.
  18. One suggestion if you are going this route. Find something thing that can slide in between the top and bottom row (like cardboard or something). This can act and a mini shelf, and if you pull out a game from the bottom, the games from the top won't fall down. It might not help if you pull out a bunch of games all at once, but if you only pull out one or two it should work.
  19. The DAC sold by Analogue is the only one I'm familiar with, but I know it doesn't check off every item on your list.
  20. I love this idea. I'm in too. I'll try to get a list together this week. Edit: This will be my official list. One of my goals was to keep my list short, but realistic. Part 1 is a list of games I've never played before other than maybe the first 10 minutes or so. All of these are games that I've always wanted to play but for whatever reason, never got around to. Resident Evil 3 (will play the PS1 version on original hardware) Tomb Raider III (will play the PS1 version on original hardware) Super Mario RPG (will play on original hardware) Okami (I plan to play the HD version on PS4) Part 2 is a list is games that I've played before, possibly as far as 80%, but I've never finished. I love all of these games, but for whatever reason, something came up that caused me to stop playing, and enough time passed that I didn't want to pick it back up in the middle of a long session. My plan is to start each of these games from the beginning. The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past (will play SNES version on original hardware) Journey (will play PS3 version on original hardware) Axiom Verge (will play PS4 version on original hardware) Not sure on the order yet. I will decide that as I go. And I will update this list throughout the year with my progress. Wish me luck.
  21. Easy 10 for me. One of my favorites of all time. The first time I watched it was by accident. I was pretty young (probably too young to watch it) and my parents had a copy. I put it in thinking it was something else (I have no idea anymore what I thought I was going to watch), but I ended up watching the entire thing and I loved it. It has never gotten old for me. I still love it to this day.
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