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Astro Bot

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  1. Upon further reflection I have to acknowledge the significance of this game. It's the reason we got this: and also this: Not one of my favorite Castlevania games, but Castlevania III certainly has my respect
  2. Yeah, we seem to be a pretty small group in the Playstation community LOL. It's probably my favorite thing Sony did with the PS 4. I do have a few issues with the headset, camera, etc., but some of the software available for the PSVR is wonderful. Astro Bot was the first one that won me over and pretty much converted me into a fan of VR games. That game is just pure joy in virtual form. I don't have a PSVR 2 yet, but I may pick one up at some point. I don't actually know much yet about the PSVR 2 library though. Really happy to meet you FireHazard51!
  3. It's so hard to find fault with this game other than the graphics not standing the test of time. Final Fantasy X is one of my favorite games of all time and one of my favorite entries in the franchise, but it has a few minor issues. As I sit here and think about FF VII though, I'm struggling to find anything to nitpick about it. The only thing I can think of is maybe some of the mini games not being all that great, or maybe some of the localization criticisms it has gotten from some people. None of that really had a noticeable impact on my enjoyment of the game though. I think I'm going with a 10 for this one. It's one of my top FF games.
  4. Sonic & Knuckles is and always will be the best Sonic game.
  5. Probably STILL the best Yoshi game 9 out of 10 That's what I actually LOVE about platform games. Finding every secret and grabbing every coin/ring/whatever makes me appreciate the masterful level design. For me, it's the ONLY way to play a platform game.
  6. I was amazed by the original RE at the time, it was one of those early PS 1 games that really reflected how the gaming industry was really evolving into some new and exciting with 3D gameplay and FMV. I give it only an 8 though for a few reasons. I never finished it, but would later end up playing RE 2, which I finished with both characters and unlocked everything (I hated the ranking requirements). It also gets overshadowed for me by Resident Evil 4, which is a masterpiece, and Dino Crisis, which is one of my favorite PS 1 games. I really liked DC 2 as well I don't think I'll ever play the remake, just not enough interest.
  7. It's an excellent game, though it can get a bit tiresome just going from boss fight to boss fight and having to roam around the map so much. There's really nothing more to the game. I love Ico more because it has emotional weight to it and Shadow of the Colossus doesn't. It has tons of epic encounters but never triggered my emotions like Ico did. Ico is a masterpiece and left big shoes to fill. Shadow of the Colossus comes close, but doesn't succeed. I give it a 9 and I gave Ico a 10
  8. The original Resident Evil 2 is really a perfect game. My only real issue with it and some other RE games is those annoying ranking requirements. For that reason it gets a 9 and not a 10. I don't care about the remake
  9. Been a while since this thread was updated, I will echo the last post. I don't see Cody as a top guy, and he's not who I would have chosen to end Roman's reign (no pun intended). Anyway, anyone have any thoughts on anything happening now? Excited about Mercedes Moné feuding with DMD? Thoughts on Forbidden Door? Or the upcoming Money in the Bank? Who are some of your favorite wrestlers at the moment? A few of mine: Hangman Adam Page Chad Gable Speedball Mike Bailey Tam Nakano Gunther Orange Cassidy Just to name a few, didn't feel like making a really long list.
  10. That's an interesting question. LIke what is the difference between a game you like and a game you love, or the difference between a game you enjoy and then eventually forget about and a game that stays with you forever? Having given it some thought, a few things stand out in my mind. I really like POLISH in a game. It's one thing that makes me love some games more than others. When every aspect of a game feels like it was play tested thoroughly, and honed and refined to perfection. Everything about the level design just works and makes sense. The controls are immaculate and intuitive. The boss battles are smartly designed and never frustrating. The puzzles make sense and don't feel like they were thought up by a crazy person. The camera is smart and always knows where it needs to be. Checkpoints are spaced out perfectly. The difficulty of the game is perfectly balanced to not be too easy or too hard. You feel like no part of that game wasn't thoroughly thought about. Games like that make me feel like I'm playing something from a master craftsman, like a painter who has spent several days or weeks trying to make a masterpiece painting. If someone asked me what some of my favorite games of all time are, a lot of the games on that list are games that I think are perfectly designed or very close to perfectly designed. Off the top of my head, Mark of the Ninja is one such game. It's on my list of GOATs. The amount of thought and care that went into every part of that game's design is impossible not to appreciate. One of the developers mentioned a time when someone play testing the game got past one obstacle in a way that the developer didn't expect, and the dev didn't change anything in the game because he WANTED players to have that kind of freedom. He viewed that as a success. Stealth games have a tendency to be very restrictive and he wanted Mark of the Ninja to NOT be that. Speaking of which... I also like games that go against the status quo, or show someone thinking outside the box. The game industry has a LOT of conformity. One thing succeeds and suddenly EVERYONE is doing it. So when a game comes along that just has its own vibe and doesn't feel like anything else I have played before, that impresses me greatly. Some of my favorite games have given me an experience that felt different at the time that I played them, and some of them still feel unique to this very day. Like I can't think of anything I have played that is quite like Viva Pinata, or some of the Tecmo Deception games like Deception IV Blood Ties/Nightmare Princess. Those games stay with me year after year for that reason because I can't find another similar experience. Meanwhile I can find tons of first person shooters, beat 'em ups, and other types of games where its different developers just repeating the same formula over and over again. Don't get me wrong, I may really enjoy some of those games, if it ain't broke don't fix it as they say, but the games that just did something very different are more likely to be remembered by me over the years and they are also the games I will likely revisit and replay over and over again. Emotional connection is another. There are games that actually make me FEEL something like an emotional connection to a certain character, or a poignant scene that makes me remember the game for a long time. A game that made you cry is one you'll not likely forget. I'm sure many of you are familiar with a certain scene in Final Fantasy 7 that forever connected people to that game. Lastly, I can't discount the power of nostalgia and how it can make you love something maybe more than you should. Sometimes a certain game can just connect you to a certain time or moment in your life and you forever love it as a result.
  11. I was so amazed by this game when it came out. The graphics and music were AMAZING back then, and it was so different. We had Super Mario World that same year and I think that game is great, but it was just another Mario game and arguably not as good as SMB 2 and 3. Sonic was fresh and exciting. There are certainly better entries that would come later, but I still give this a 9. It's impact can't be understated. This was the game that embodied "Sega does what Nintendon't" and really pushed the whole "blast processing" marketing with the speedy gameplay and gave us an industry icon who was cooler than Mario (and still is). It's also a solid game that still holds up. It doesn't have any major flaws, unlike Sonic 2 with its garbage bonus levels.
  12. I was never super impressed with this one for all the hype it's gotten. There are other platformers on the system I have enjoyed more like Mischief Makers and Conker's Bad Fur Day. Pus, Super Mario 64's camera sucked. A lot of people were blown away by it because it was one of the earlier 3D games, but Tomb Raider was the game that had that effect on me. I have so many great memories with SMB 2, SMB 3, and the Super Mario World games. Super Mario 64 just did NOT have that same kind of magic for me. Looking back now, the franchise has certainly had better games than Super Mario 64. It's a 6 out of 10 for me personally.
  13. The original Star Fox on the SNES is one of my favorite games of all time and a perfect 10. I love this one almost as much. There was a time in my life when I was in love with Star Fox 64 and would have easily given it a 10. As I've replayed both games over the years though, I've found myself liking the original game more. Star Fox 64 gets a 9 out of 10
  14. I played this a lot when I was younger and did eventually beat this brutally hard game. I really liked it back then because I was really into the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles cartoon and at one time this was the only option for turtles fans. It has not aged well though and there have been MASSIVELY better games in this franchise that make this one completely irrelevant. I have a CIB copy of this purely for nostalgia reasons. However, this is one of those games where I have to take off the nostalgia goggles, tell the kid in me to shut up, and be objective. 3 out of 10
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