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  1. I'm playing thru Resident Evil 2 OG. Having a fucking blast blowing monsters into bloody chunks. The shotguns in the original trilogy feel so good to use. I loved the remake but nothing beats the original.
  2. I went on a full blown Final Fantasy kick, played thru 15 and 16. Then I went back and beat OG7 and Crisis Core Reunion. I'm mentally preparing myself for remake and Rebirth here soon.
  3. I'm playing Wild Arms. About 15 hours in so far. I like it, the dungeons and the tools you use to bypass the obstacles reminds me alot of Zelda and Alundra. Nothing more exhilarating that bombing a new wall hole and getting the loot hidden inside!
  4. Hey dudes, my name is Joey and I was around back for the Nintendo and Sega Age days. Hoping I see some of the old crew from back in the day. Is Joel here?
  5. The Regulators by Stephen King. I plan on reading Desperation again afterwards since they are connected.
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