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Everything posted by cj_robot

  1. Just beat a few more 8-bit games for the first time. Quartet (Master System) : Not a bad game, but plenty of annoying things to deal with, like enemies respawning just seconds after you kill them. Wonder Boy (Master System) : Man, I always liked this game until I realized that it just goes on and on forever. It takes well over an hour to finish, and I didn't even bother to unlock the bonus 10th world. Not that that's so bad in itself, but the levels just get so repetitive, it just kills it. Rush'n Attack (NES) : Wow, this one was frustrating as hell, but after nailing down the proper strategy for each level, it become doable. The only part I couldn't get through consistently is the level 5 boss, a group a paratroopers that fire a barrage of bullets at you that are really tough to dodge, but after that the final level was a breeze. Worst enemy in this game: ladders.
  2. The Space Quest games are the first to come to mind. I always thought the writing was hilarious. Also, playing GTA Vice City and later the Saints Row games with my old college buddies. We used to just screw around doing everything but the actual missions. All the wacky crap you could do in those games was just nuts.
  3. Lucky you. In my lifetime I've killed a Sega CD, several PS1s, a PS2, a PS3, an Xbox, a Wii U, and just recently my PS4 crapped out on me.
  4. Super Adventure Island II and Demon's Crest had overworld maps. Two very cool SNES adventure games. Also Gex, Rayman and Clockwork Knight had them as well.
  5. Been on an old school kick. This week I beat Trojan for NES, Kung Fu Kid for Master System and Space Quest I (yeah I eventually used a guide, whatever), all for the first time.
  6. Haven't played too many, but I enjoyed the hell out of Shining in the Darkness.
  7. Yeah, seems like a weird choice to be ported to VR.
  8. PlayStation 1 has a link cable that connects two consoles, and requires both consoles connected to its own TV and two copies of the game. Looking into it, there's actually more compatible games than I thought (about 50). Atari Jaguar also had a link cable, but I couldn't find much info on it. Also, one game for the Sega Genesis, Accolade's Zero Tolerance, was housed in a special cartridge that you could attach a cable to link it up with another Genesis with the game to play multiplayer, again two TV's required. That's all I know of, off the top of my head, aside from all the portable consoles that have link capabilities.
  9. Kabuki: Quantum Fighter is a game pretty similar to the style of Ninja Gaiden, though certainly not as well known. It's been a long time since I've played it, but I remember it being a pretty solid action game, and challenging but beatable.
  10. Understandable. The best course is for everyone to be respectful of each other, on every side of the issue. Once again, nobody here is supporting the online harassment the translator received. Some people just want to fight. But also, some people have had to deal with so much hate in their lives that one instance can push them over the edge, where they let their emotions go out of control. That, to me, is also understandable. It's why MLK Jr had to work so hard to promote PEACEFUL protests, in a time where tensions were so high that many people's natural reactions would have been to literally fight back and cause harm to their oppressors.
  11. When it's as simple as changing one word in your vocabulary, then yeah, it is the only decent thing to do.
  12. Never mind, pal. My entire analogy clearly went way over your head. I'm not explaining myself any further.
  13. Lol, noone is trying to clean up the past. Gnabare Goemon 3 (c) 1994 Konami still exists and always will with derogatory term intact. Translation patch written for Western culture in 2020 is not required to conform to 1994 Japanese social norms.
  14. You did read my analagy where I used the word "traumatizing", right? Anyway, my point is, if somebody is being caused harm by some action that you are committing, wouldn't the decent response be to stop doing that thing? It doesn't matter if you care about their life story or not. To casually dismiss someone else's pain is truly awful.
  15. So basically, if you know someone personally, you will treat them with respect. If you don't know them, then who the hell cares? Screw em, right? Wow, real nice.
  16. Political correctness is not about censorship, or suppressing freedom of speech, or about forcing people to think my way. It's not supposed to be anyway. It'sabout being respectful of other's feelings, even when you don't understand them. It's about being decent human beings. It's about caring for people other than ourselves. It's that fucking simple.
  17. Imagine you work with somebody and you find out that you've been calling them by the wrong name for a week. You'd probably feel kinda crappy. Now imagine the person tells you that in fact that name you've been calling is actually the name of a person who's been traumatizing them for their whole life. Just hearing the name keeps bringing back painful memories. Now you perhaps had no way of knowing the pain you've unintentionally been causing, but discovering this information, you'd still probably feel like shit and apologize. Hopefully you wouldn't be like, "Well suck it up, sissy! BTW, I'm going to keep calling you that name anyway because it's my right! Stop being so sensitive!"
  18. The DF Retro series is freakin amazing. I love the amount of detail they go into for each episode. I'd also like to mention: Mr. Gentleman has a really good "History of RPGs" series going. His video editing and voiceover isn't the greatest, but he definitely puts a lot of effort and info into each video and it's obvious he is passionate about the subject. GmanLives has reviewed probably every first-person shooter ever made. FUgameCrue are not professional, probably not a great source of info, not very serious at all... but I find them hilarious. It's pretty wacky comedy that is probably not for everyone, though.
  19. Read through these comments. Nobody here is condoning the harassment that this individual received. Yes, the people who competely flip out and start hurling disgusting insults at people for things like this can be just as bad (or worse) than the people they are fighting against. But that doesn't justify the original action, nor should it stop decent, reasonable people from having civilized conversations about the issue. Again, I give the translator the benefit of doubt, and believe him when he says he didn't realize the impact it would have, and I competely understand the motivation of trying to complete an as accurate as possible work. But the real issue here is that there are people who still don't understand that certain kinds of language simply are not socially acceptable, and are actually legitimately hurtful to groups of people.
  20. This isn't about content that someone just doesn't like. This is about including words that are actually insulting to a group of people. This is about a derogatory term continuing to be used, when it needs to be put to an end.
  21. What we'd like is for bigotry to end, not for you to simply accommodate us with a bigotry-free zone for us to live in.
  22. Final Fight CD is a great port of the arcade game. WAY better than the SNES port. The two Ecco games are pretty cool. The gameplay is exactly the same as the Genesis versions, but the CDs added much better audio and little video cutscenes in between levels that add to the story. Also can't go wrong with the 4-in-1 compilation disc that has Golden Axe, Streets of Rage, Columns and Revenge of Shinobi. It doesn't take any advantage of the Sega CD hardware whatspever, but it's 4 awesome Genesis games on one disc, so cool beans.
  23. I'm sorry, but you do not get to decide what should or should not offend somebody else.
  24. Yes. The thing is, if somebody politely told him, "Hey man, this will probably piss people off, you might consider changing that bit..." he may have actually listened. Instead people had to act like douchebags and start posting hateful things towards him on Twitter. Ya know, because it's important to be respectful of others, you evil racist Nazi scumbag! <insert Captain Picard facepalm here>
  25. It's all about how far you go with the localization. I believe most people want an accurate translation, but where people differ in opinion is how far the translater goes in adapting the work to the different culture. Some people seem to want 100% authenticity. Personally, I have no problem when Nintendo does things like removing the sexualization of teenage girls or racist stereotypes from their games for Western markets. I'd say this particular line in the Goemon translation falls into that category for me. Obviously, there are also those who would rather keep everything intact, or as close as possible I guess, regardless of how people may react.
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