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Everything posted by cj_robot

  1. My point was that proper translation is more than just translating each word. Does it really make any sense for this character to refer to themselves using a derogatory term? Was that really the intention of the original script? Does it really do any harm to change that one word to avoid controversy? In fact, does it not make more sense to change it in this context? The line could have been, "I'm actually transgender" and I don't believe a single person on either side would have had an issue with that. What if the Japanese script had some derogatory term for a black person? Do you really think the translator would have even considered using the n-word in that case? Who would seriously be that dumb? And how is this particular case any different, other than the fact that transgender people don't have as long a history of having to stand up for their rights? I don't believe the translator should have been harrassed for this, however. But it doesn't mean he was right.
  2. Accuracy means more than just literally translating each word. "I'm actually a tranny." Not that "newhalf" would be any better, but I'm pretty sure no English-speaking transgender person would ever refer to themselves in that way.
  3. Shadow Squadron was always one of my favorites for the 32X. Solid space shooter that is WAY more polished (and way more fun IMHO) than Star Wars Arcade. It's still pretty basic and short (only 6 missions), but this is the case for many 32X games, as most were rushed out the door. Doom is another great game. Yes, there were many compromises made, but it still runs pretty well, and at it's core it's still Doom, one of the best games ever made. After Burner and Space Harrier are two great arcade conversions that are pretty darn close to the arcade (definitely the best ports at the time) and alot of fun. Virtua Racing and Virtua Fighter are also really good ports. That's all that I would consider "must-own" Everything else is rather mediocre in my opinion, yes even including Kolibri, Knuckles Chaotix, Star Wars, etc.
  4. Hope everyone enjoys the holidays this year! Stay warm, relax and play some fun video games!
  5. Unless you're taking part in a competition or something, then there's really no such thing as cheating. Games were meant to be fun. Play them however you want and feel good about it. That being said, if you aren't playing with the controller upside down and the sound turned off and blindfolded, then you are clearly cheating.
  6. Yes! Had a few of those. Definitely would not have gotten through Castlevania II as a kid without one of them. (#3 I think?)
  7. Wow, thinking about this made me realize I've only played a handful of games from this entire decade. That said, my personal pick would be the Last of Us.
  8. Wow, interesting. I've never opened a cartridge I've bought. I would always clean the connectors, as well as the cartridge itself (stickers, dirt, etc) and test each game I got, but never opened any. Guess I never considered that they might be fake, but it's been almost a decade since I've collected anything, so maybe it wasn't a thing back then.
  9. There are so many well-known, great games that I've still yet to play, it's tough for me to take the time to dive much deeper into any consoles library to look for those 'hidden gems'. Lately I've been trying to go through all the 16-bit classics I missed out on. This year I've played through Phantasy Star IV, Beyond Oasis, Crusader of Centy, Ristar, Shining Force CD, and Earthbound all for the first time, as well as a few early 32-bit games, like Shadow Squadron (32X) and Gex (3DO). Next up, I really want to start diving into the Saturn library, a console I've actually owned for a long time but haven't really explored much of at all.
  10. Took care of Chrono Trigger. Completed it, with all the side-quests done, in just under 20 hours. What an amazing game. It's been a long time since the last time I've played through it, probably since the '90s. Still probably my favorite RPG ever (real close with FF VI) and one of my favorite video games overall. I feel like they achieved the perfect balance for an RPG, where it's pretty easy to get into and never gets over-complicated, but with just enough depth in the magic (Tech) system and combos to keep it interesting. It doesn't overwhelm you with a humongous cast of characters, but instead focuses on telling really good stories with the few there are. Really gorgeous graphics and nice effects throughout the game, wonderful music score. Just awesome!
  11. "Of course, it's Candy Crush, sweetie! " -Everybody's Grandma
  12. I've finished NES 1,2 & 3 several times in my life. Done them all without warping at least once. Finished 100% Super Mario World many, many times. Probably played this the most besides the original SMB. Got all 120 stars in Super Mario 64 twice I think, and did it in the DS versions as well (I think that one had 150 stars.) Beat New Super Mario Bros DS (never got 100% though) Finished 100% NSMB Wii, NSMB U, and Super Mario 3D Land and 3D World. Mario is one of my favorite franchises of all time. The original is the first video game I ever played and got me hooked for life. They are just good, simple fun. Sad to say I've never played the Galaxy games, though, nor have I played Odyssey yet. My favorite has to be Super Mario World.
  13. I start with the default. If I can't do it, then I try an easier setting to get more practice and see more of the game, then move the difficulty back up. If I can finish a game on the default, and I enjoy playing the game, I always give harder modes a shot. This goes for games back then and now.
  14. Anyone ever play Enchanted Arms? The main character in that game (Atsuma) is a total doofus. You'd think that going on a long quest to save the world, along the way the character would grow and develop, but no. He stays a doofus the whole time. The other characters are constantly picking on him for being a doofus, all the way to the end of the game. No vindication at the end, no learning from anything that happens throughout the story, just a doofus who somehow saves the world, despite almost screwing it up several times. Stupid, dumb, I hate him. Side note: From Software made that game. I really disliked everything they did for a long time. I find it interesting that they spent a decade and a half making obscure games that nobody played and weren't much fun, and now (since Dark Souls, obviously) everybody loves them. Eh, whatever.
  15. For some reason, my previous comment posted twice, so.... I changed it to this
  16. Just started Axiom Verge on the Switch. Seems pretty cool so far. It's cool to play a new game like classic Metroid, but it kind of bugs me when games are a little toooo much like the games that inspired them. Also started playing Heroes of Might & Magic that I picked up on sale from GoG a while ago. I was addicted to this game back in the day, and sure enough, it sucked up half my day today. Man, I forgot how goofy the artwork is in that game! Haha, 90s DOS game memories!
  17. Finished Final Fantasy II. Time was 13:05 at the last save before the final boss. I think the game took me about 40 hours the first time I played it, but doesn't take nearly that long if you know where you're going.
  18. Honestly, I didn't enjoy 4 as much as I thought I would. But I think the mistake I made was playing the HD remasters of 1, 2, and 3 all in a row right before starting 4 for the first time, which really burnt me out. It definitely had some great moments, and I will for sure give it another shot one day. For me, it's 2>1>3 with 4's placement to be determined.
  19. For me: Super Mario Bros, Super Mario World, Turtles in Time, Streets of Rage 2 Basically games that are easy to pick up and play whenever I'm bored, that are really fun, and easy enough that I can play through them without trouble. Modern games for me would be Uncharted 1 & 2, and That Last of Us. I've beaten them each several times in an era where most games I play through just once and never again.
  20. It's this particular issue that really made Earthbound almost intolerable for me. Saving your game, inventory management, even accessing the money you earn from battles are things that should be really simple, but are instead ridiculously annoying. Even back in 1995 those kinds of things were already pretty much figured out, but Earthbound seemed intent on mimicking the oldest of old-school RPGs in every facet. I can't believe nobody ever mentions that stuff when they talk about Earthbound, because it drove me nuts.
  21. Every character in every JRPG for the last 20 or so years.
  22. Area 51 is not compatible with the GunCon, which pretty much only works with Namco's Point Blank and Time Crisis games. I believe any other non-Namco gun should work, like Konami's Justifier, but they're a bit harder to find. Remember that those light guns only work on old CRT televisions as well. Found this thread on this topic: https://forum.digitpress.com/forum/showthread.php?55041-PlayStation-Light-Gun-Question
  23. Nice, that game is tough. I've beaten the Genesis one, but I could never get through the SNES version, always got stuck on that level with the lava. Can't remember what the difference might have been, I think there were some jumps that just seemed easier to make on Genesis for whatever reason.
  24. Finished John Madden Football '92. Made it through the playoffs with San Francisco.
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