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Everything posted by cj_robot

  1. It's just that we've already passed the point where the artists' visions can be fully realized without any compromises due to hardware limitations. Going forward, it will mostly be about achieving better resolutions and framerates, while being able to keep track of more and more objects/characters within the game space.
  2. Finished Jurassic Park. Normal Difficulty with Grant. Not a bad game. Feels a little unpolished in a lot of ways, but I had fun with it.
  3. It should be saving your game even after you turn the console off. I believe Sonic 3 is one of the few Genesis games that uses F-RAM rather than a battery for save data, and I'm not sure if it can be fixed.
  4. My PC is pretty dope. I use it to play SimCity and Space Quest III: The Pirates of Pestulon.
  5. I think it's pretty crazy that in 1990 most of us were playing peak NES games and maybe some very early 16-bit games, and by 1999 we had the Dreamcast. I don't think you can find a 10-year period that saw such a dramatic jump in technology. What a time to be a gamer!
  6. I've enjoyed shooters since I first played Life Force on the NES way back in the day. For some reason, I rarely saw any in the arcades, except for Raiden which I used to play a whole bunch. I tried to play as many as I could find for my Genesis, SNES, and PS1, but once bullet hells started taking over the genre, I kinda lost interest. That's my story, anyway.
  7. I never really spent much time with the original GameBoy. I didn't get mine until '93. Played a lot of Tetris, DuckTales, Mario Land 2, and Zelda but that's about it, until... Not sure how obscure this is, but once I got Mario's Picross I became obsessed with it. It's such a fun, simple puzzle game, and it's such a great time-killer when you're on a plane, or just bored somewhere. It's a little rough playing the original these days, but now I satisfy my Picross cravings with the DS version or the Pokemon one on 3DS.
  8. Yeah, I always liked that one best of the trilogy as well. Not an easy game, but a little less difficult than the others, I believe. I think I've beaten it once, but usually I get stuck on that last level, trying to escape from the Death Star.
  9. Man, I was trying that one the other day. Kept getting stuck on those two girls that jump around all over the place. Could not, for the life of me, figure out how to hit them.
  10. Disney's Aladdin is done. Always liked this game. Not very tough, but oddly the hardest level is right in the middle of the game (The Escape) with lots of tough jumps and boulders chasing you and crap. Burned through a bunch of lives on that one, but the game is very generous with extra lives, so no big deal.
  11. I always loved the music in Flashback, even though there's not very much of it. The ending music in that game is one of my favorite 16-bit music tracks.
  12. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Hyperstone Heist is done. Finished on Hard difficulty with Michaelangelo. This game is too easy, but oh so much fun!
  13. Yeah, sounds like minor stuff as I would have expected from a brand new service. I figured these articles were blowing stuff out of proportion. Thanks everyone.
  14. Has anybody been having any isssues with Disney+ so far? I've been considering signing up but I keep seeing articles about what a "disaster" the launch has been so far. Reading all the comments here though, it seems like you all have been enjoying it. Just wondering.
  15. In the US, Saturn debuted in May 1995, and was effectively dead by mid 1998. The Dreamcast launched in September 1999, and was done by early 2002, so they both lasted about the same amount of time on the market. Yeah, the Saturn lasted a bit longer in Japan because it was more successful there, but it still got crushed by the PlayStation and was on its last legs by 1999.
  16. I always liked messing around with the window color and style in those Squaresoft games, but if I actually started playing the game with anything but the default, it felt wrong for some reason. I'm weird like that.
  17. Found out classic Doom is out on the Switch (how did I miss this?!) so downloaded that and been playing it all week. So far finished the first two episodes, and halfway through the third on Ultra-Violence difficulty.
  18. Ok, me, my wife and the little one lost in a corn maze.
  19. Finished NHLPA Hockey '93. Got the "EA Cup" with San Jose (yeah, one of the worst teams in this game) Best-of-seven playoffs, 10-minute periods, penalties on, line changes on. I know people tend to love '94 the best, but this is the one I owned as a kid. Always love playing it.
  20. Streets of Rage 1 & 2 are the obvious ones. Revenge of Shinobi and Shinobi III have very good soundtracks and most Konami games as well.
  21. Probably Wing Commander or something like that. I would totally go for space fighter pilot as a profession. Or maybe Space Quest. I feel like Roger Wilco IRL most of the time anyway lol
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