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Everything posted by Tanooki

  1. Well not much debate, I actually do own just one, but by nature, it's a cheat as i have options. (150~ options technically.) I've got 35~ carts for this plus the 161in1 which has around 95-99 unique titles on there with the UniBIOS4 installed so I can Pick n Mix to the game I want from a popup menu. Wished I could afford the AES in the day as it was the rolls royce of consoles since it wasn't, just a repinned arcade board, then anytime, everytime I saw the big red cabinet at any location I'd play. My college in its infancy in that era had a very small rec room with like a 1/2 dozen games and 2 pins, the Neo was there the entire time and cartridges swapped out now and again. It always was my go-to. Now I walk across the room to go to it.
  2. No doubt, going to have to find who is doing the mass immediate sale next month in the US. There's so many damned releases now it's gumming up the search results to get a real answer. The only seemingly clear enough to assume would be Last (to) Release Games will follow the pack, eventually.
  3. Ugh that's just wrong all kinds of wrong. Pandemic did a number on people with greed and disgusting behavior and it still hasn't fallen off. It's weird as when a system dies it's supposed to crater in value, not immediately skyrocket. Stuff like that is why I haven't bought a new 3DS item in a long time and haven't been motivated to. It has tempted me to locally just cash out as that kind of pricing isn't fun, it's a burden.
  4. Is signature faster with sending out stuff than Lazily Released Games are with stuff? Which would be the best seller for US buyers to get it and not wait forever because LRG blows. I realized I forgot to actually buy it from those LRG ninnies after making that post, so I'm not trapped. I'd rather give payment to someone who will deliver and not just sit on the cash and rotate. Edit: Wow signature has a July 29th date, and their $70 special box has a lot of actually good things you can not feel bad using or enjoying at least, and unlike those LRG clowns they do have the soundtrack! Oh I may just have to order off of them. Kind of curious to see what other outlets have it and what bundle.
  5. I used to have a more impressive number, probably still is if I really didn't want to categorize it into stuff, but I've been selling/traded stuff out too helping to chop some good hits into it. Usually I only count new games, new new ones... new as in Switch, or new I never played it 30 years ago so it's a first. Things I've got back into my hands, they are there for reasons, even if I did finish them before so I wouldn't count those normally, but if I did, it would probably be pretty bad into the 100s.
  6. Oooooh we're a week out on this, shock... finally a date, and not deep future. It's rare, but this is one of those I'd buy on a couple formats, and will... steam(no gog I bet...ugh) for pc and switch physical.
  7. Yeah agreed, he was probably the last really great president we had unfortunately. And this one started at the point I shared it, it fits what's going on again now too, just change out one president for the other with the final part.
  8. Guess Sunsoft grabbed more than just Final Fantasy Legend 1-3 and Adventure for re-release, and makes me wonder just how many or would Tumblepop be about it?
  9. Ouch $200, and it has a pretty neat semi-working arcade cab, no game, but it's a movie viewer? That sounds semi-decent, as do a few others like the soundtrack. Why that audio isn't included with the $65 package is strange, usually is.
  10. Try I haven't, looked in the past at some video, yeah. It did nothing for me, so I didn't bother wasting the time so you're 1/2 right. I like 1942, 43/Kai, and 45 Strikers on Neo Geo, oh and PCE I had 1941 too.
  11. I agree with cody there on that edit. There should just be one isolated thread for political comments. Political comments that get dragged into stuff like here, the law and order one, the virus...it should get moved into that one place, a war room of sorts and if people choose to hash it out, so be it, but it ends there. The other ban it. Atariage for 10-20 years now has. You can have this thread, the others, people discuss or make jokes, but once it gets into politics the posts can get erased, the thread if's massive enough closed, and some can get banned from a thread permanently or temp locked from the site to take a break. The result, people who would be at each others throats elsewhere get along great when they otherwise wouldn't. It should be that way, it's a gaming site, not a SuperPAC for your party of preference.
  12. Yup that's it. A game like those LRG has coming up or even Ikaruga and those types, etc they require you to memorize the pattern in advance or you're dead. It's like a shooter version of Dragon's Lair and other laserdisc games. You need to remember every single move on every single stage of that FMV game or you die, and not just memorize but have the split second timing(nearly) to fire off that full memorization of each stage or you die. That's why I can't stand those types of shooters...not the speed, the memorization. I can't remember that stuff, never have been able to, many people really can't so it's not a unique thing. I've really never found I had to memorize stuff in the Gradius/Parodius games. You have choices in your load out of the ships, and while it's on rails by stage you can go high, go low, go around here or there a bit differently as there's breathing room on them, even at higher difficulties. I don't really think much of bullethell on the horizontal axis, largely always related to them as the vertical type, maybe they're just more pronounced that way.
  13. Didn't intend to double post, but, since it was shared to me I'll respond just this one time and take it as you will. No I'm not a snowflake. A snowflake. A snowflake by definition is an overly sensitive or easily offended person, one who believes they are entitled to special treatment. I don't feel I need any special treatment to start. And no I'm not being sensitive and I'm not offended. What I am though is basically over it, and not you Wunderful, but a specific type of behavior, personally I don't even dislike you and when you stay off political grandstanding you're quite fine to talk/type with on here. The issue is behavior. Some people you can't reason with, you can't argue with. They go off at the tip of the hat and will drag down a conversation into a political/social raging dumpster fire time and again and refuse to ever let stuff go and just cancer up fun places (like a meme thread of all things) just to soap box once again. You demand debate and defending points from tabonga, me, others, yet if someone does it's never good enough, it's laughed off and called wrong despite what has been given. Refusing to leave the box of fringe reality refusing to accept any other position or belief and just hammering away over and over again like an ingrained need to win some points on the internet scoreboard few give a shit about. That's the issue, it's not being a snowflake. It's fed up being force fed a re-run of annoying crap that festers and drags down conversations trying to start then win battles that are utterly pointless.
  14. I do think you're intentionally trying to misread my intent. It was a dig at the extremes of it with bullethell. And pattern recognition vs pattern memorization aren't quite the same. I wouldn't put gradius, parodius, twinbee, 194x, aero fighters, blazing star, ghost pilots, captain tomaday, space megaforce, hudsons caravan collection(sfc) and others of the sort in the same category as a bullethell type of game. You have some breathing room for play on those, not a lot, but some.
  15. Not a bad commentary to be fair. I think the game was out in 2000 right? I was done with college by that point and even then it had cringe moments like the great and mighty poo or the tiddies/bees puns. What got it for me though, behavior aside for a moment, was the fact it had that same rare magic their other previous platforming adventure games did. Large worlds, great control, very nice audio, all around solid mechanics -- while lacking one grating pain in the ass thing... overkill collect-a-thon mechanics. The big problem they had, making you collect 10 of these 1000 of those to open a door to wash rinse repeat...that sucks, false garbage to make a game longer than it should be overstaying it's welcome. Conker instead relied on a consistent narrative and solid mechanics the other games had without making you linger forever in each place, so the pace was faster, more fun, and kept you motivated.
  16. I don't recall seeing any approval of vandalism, was there? Typical lashing out when there isn't total personal agreement or else. Not sure all what was said, exclusively blocked and all. I've seen those stickers, they're amusing and depressing at the same time, can say I support middle fingering who has a strong responsibility for part of the problem, but not defacing the pumps either. And yeah the gas station worker probably was removing it, not just as a good employee but enough states/counties by law will fine the pumps for having stuff like that on them other than approved stickers. That is true though, strange how if we have to play the two sided game how one largely seems to be cool with burning stuff to rubble or beating the hell out of people, causing job loss, and the other reported junk you can find online far more than the other side who typically will just get mad, mouth off, or just keep quiet and stew/walk away. One causes real damage (fire), the other (sticker removal, threat of fines) a headache... big difference. Probably best to make a side thread to whine about politics, this is supposed to be about funny shit with memes, not unfunny shit stirred up by the usual pot who can't take a joke.
  17. Oof no I get it. I've seen the stickers of Biden pop up, wouldn't exist if he didn't really make a bad situation worse due to politics. And ugh no...reed, no... while I didn't mind him bullying other despots and trolls in return instead of being a walking carpet, and I liked more of the policies than not, the man was a douche. I hope he doesn't run, we don't need that. The right needs to just say no, put up DeSantis, Cruz, Rubio, someone new....we don't need hot shots part deux.
  18. No doubt. I'm more a normal shooter fan, where it's not 50% twitchy bullshit / 50% split second pattern memorization. That's why I hate bullet hell, no fun in that at all, the closest I've come to and kept is Ikaruga (GC version) and I could let that one go if I got something fun in return at this rate.
  19. Ooow... that happened to me about the same time frame too, somehow I think I got less...I'll never own the box again, but two happenstance bits of extreme luck got me the cart for almost nothing, then a couple years later the guide in a protective cover for like $60 which was average then... I just wrote it off knowing when you get the game for so little it leaves room. I don't blame you, I got some megadrive and sega (tv usa) channel games I had picked up aliexpress boots of because the shark pit is disgusting. Gleylancer, Zero Wing, Mega Man WW, Pulseman, Duke Nukem, you get the idea on Genesis/MD. I have a pretty convincing fake of Aerofighters on SNES because $1200 can kiss my ... I'm tempted though to be fair to buy up those games I do see i listed at least from the poor side of the tracks. I mostly buy local but those would be nice not having to wait months, years, to maybe pop up. Think that marker would pop off the Dr Mario/Tetris? I recently got Super Adv Isle 2 that was markered all over the front/back for 1/3 off the usual rate, somehow I stripped it clear.
  20. I'm conflicted. I want to click laugh, but also sad face because I feel somewhat like a prisoner now because the gas prices are keeping me from doing things...bastards. Hey let's shut down this and that, then do this thing...and because... Best put: Carter: The Sequel
  21. Ok now I'm impressed, got in with what appears to be a decently good team, backed with megacat which is no slouch either. Nice, makes me curious to see what's in the pipe.
  22. @a3quit4s That's great news. I'll be blunt... I want EVO back...bad. But no matter how I can spin it, rationalize, or try and pretend up the fact remains a $300+ game I just can't do even if I do/did have the money. I couldn't on Pocky & Rocky either, ended up trading out to Japan and back with vectrex my copy of Great Greed+manual for it. Without trading I have kind of written off stuff like Knights of the Round, Demons Crest, But I totally get the dump the crap sentiment, I've offloaded quite a few and many things people here would raise an eyebrow to as of late. Yet on the exact opposite end of things, you have little things like Wing Commanders secret missions, Phalanx, up towards Wolfenstein type price etc that's more my speed and up to a point from there. .)
  23. Good point, eyes rolled right beyond those. Shooters if I remember right, bullethell I think which is why I'd never touch the stuff.
  24. Some amazing stuff there in the SNES section, very tempting, but the depth of my pocket only goes so deep. Good luck. I'm partly where you are, keeping just what I care about, dumping the rest.
  25. Hey got one, it's non-gaming, but still worth it I think considering the crap I had to go through to rig up a fix at least. 1990 (Techno) Zoids figure from TOMY. It's the Storm Tiger (US name) / Battle Cougar(JP) fairly unique toy for the US as it was the only in the line outside of Japan to get a grade-up weapon, the gu-01 dual beam cannon. The toy is battery operated on 1 AA battery, I saw it when I grabbed it for $10 figuring at worst it's a statue as that battery had blown, white/yellowy crust all over the negative pole area and ate the connector clean through on the fold with blue crust. Took a few hours to clean up the mess and repair it enough. Vinegar on the plastics and metal with rot until it chewed it off entirely then cleaned with alcohol. Keep in mind this is a kit with every individual piece outside of the motor itself and had to strip every part down to get in there. I reassembled just enough to test the box alone bypassing the rot to find a good motor. Long story short, flux paste, soldering iron, an hour or two worth of attempts and then re-tries to get the angle needed, and I was able to create a solder bridge that worked. It lives! Not a piece is missing which is shocking given the tiny rubber caps in places, and even smaller cockpit and little gold pilot inside that easily fall out. Whoever had this, rot aside, they cared not to lose things. NFS, but what I could find, $25 gets a broken one with missing parts but presentable enough, working is another matter and complete, so that's a score. This site doesn't like movies, so here's a MP4 (5sec) in action: http://tanooki.byethost8.com/avatars/TZ-StormTiger.mp4
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