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Everything posted by Tanooki

  1. Well I can think of three immediately that come to mind for the US market. 1) Neo Geo AES - It was doomed from the start considering they inflated the price of the games due to them being re-pinned arcade boards so only the truly rich or thrifty who would buy nothing else and save for ONE game could afford it. 2) Master System - Nintendo hosed Sega/Tonka with the contracts of the 80s and kept them out. The system was lacking in a few subtle ways, especially as it couldn't take a beefier game beyond memory limits (no NES like memory mapper/expansions) but it had a great library of choices no one had including the best of their 8bit arcade conversions. 3) TG16(PCE) - The system had NEC not been completely incompetent self destructive fools in the NA market could have done great. You have this system that could keep pace and even exceed commonly the quality output of what the Genesis could do, yet the Japanese overlords refused to port 2/3 of the HuCard(Turbo Chip) library and equally as bad over CD/SCDs (and no ACDs) too. Mostly what we did get were the B C and under tier mediocrity and garbage with a sprinkling of a good game for every 5-10 bad ones, and given we got around 100 on card, that's a death blow.
  2. It has been years since I've seen one locally, and it was a truly battered Blaster Master I couldn't pay up for. Today did the 1/2 off coupon at a half price books, they had Before Shadowgate on the shelf in really nice shape for the age as it's intact and not ripped/written in. It's #8 in the series and back in the 80s/90s I used to have most of them including the larger Mega Man 2 book too. I've thought about getting them again through ebay or whatever but never had the luck. I think I did well, pretty sure it's one of the rarer ones people pay up for so I'm very well keeping it and the cover art is borrowed from the NES game so I like that gargoyle on there.
  3. I never really had a back in the day. I can't recall exactly the year I joined NA but it was around 2009/2010 and I had been for a few years stuck back out in So. Cal. and hit a flea market there every sunday and one weekend I got a stack of NES games for a few bucks each, the most I paid was $7 and it was MFF and I've kept it all this time because it's a go-to for relaxing awesome stress relieving fun beating on dumb grunts. So if that counts as back in the day, yeah, and while I don't recall it this moment I could figure it out again as I just prefer using Guy, did in the arcade, saddened me it was never in the SNES game without a rental (or a well timed buy of a sold rental.) M308: The answer is easy about GQ2, it's what you said, under-utilized, but in a way it's for the better perhaps. The GB game had very pickily fired off random encounters which ranged from aggravating in frequency to/and/or annoying in what it did pop up to deal with as some were short and some were almost like a take a hit to win setup between any stage spots on the map. The complaining about it internally/externally in those pre-internet days had that removed to an empty walkable map on the NES. So I'm conflicted as the was nice, but so badly done on GB as far as FUN goes I was happy it was removed.
  4. Yeah that would be worth paying on stuff that's worth at least a $100 or higher. They already record all transactions and counter behavior anyway for thieves and scumbags, so it wouldn't be too much of a stretch to position it to digitally record these things and make a sample in some server. You'd easily expect a $10-20 fee on it, but hell that would so be worth it for easily theft worthy items.
  5. Well while I know there are surely videos and pictures online. I can't say enough nice things about the kit that has that lovely FPGA in there from Kevin Horton enough. If you want to see or know more, anyone for that matter, I'm cool doing some kind of a post about it whatever that may entail. KHAN: In my hiatus from this pack of people I couldn't say then, but I now. OUT-f'ing-standing job on that Leisure Suit Larry game as that blew me away how that one was done on the NES. You're one of those rarities who do these after market games, as i'd rather call it that than homebrew given little gems like that are on another level between your common learning/fun to do homebrew and something retail.
  6. I'd agree with that. I knew of the moves, figured it out some years back shortly after getting it, it's like a mini SF2 like dial a move bit and it's not unique, as they later re-used it again on the fun Final Fight 3 two years later. I'm with you, the game isn't terribly hard so a difficulty option would have been nice. But also because it's easier than the SNES(ports) and arcade it's more fun and relaxing just to push through it.
  7. Well given what's going with the AVS and GC/NA whatever you care to call it, and that whole mess, it seems to me if I were shopping, I'd just not bother at all. Bunny has seemingly made his bed and is laying in it, and if GC is being that immature about basically the entirety of the old 'active' membership picking up and leaving they can just go all sit in a corner and pout. I'd choose to do what I have done, use your finest looking top loader, put the HiDef NES Kit inside there, and if you really care about Famicom stuff, either get a honeybee adapter(which I have too) or perhaps one of those FDS Stick devices as well, and just call it a day. Sure the toploader is what 25 years old now but who cares, they're tough, and with HDMI kit installed you're bypassing that wretched jailbar mess RF output anyway. The kit also has a nice sized board that conveniently fits very well into that lowered part of the consoles lower frame anyway.
  8. My kid got one today and she had a hissy fit over it and didn't keep the thing. She was hoping for a Furby but as they're in sealed white bags with a date on the front for the year of the toy, while she asked hoping to get one, the young packer behind the counter likely wasn't alive in 1999 to get a Furby and thought the 1990 toy was, and it was a purple Grimace. I thought it was kind of nice they're doing that, and if you know your toys by date you can figure out what is there at least fairly well. She was already in a bit of a mood but I didn't appreciate the theatrics over Grimace.
  9. Link you had me until you got into 'patronizing bigots' so I really can't take that post as much value. From my experience they still have the best chicken sandwich and it's pretty tiresome so many want to cry like know it alls about CFA just because of the CEOs feelings which aren't those of the company on the whole. The closest of them to me here, the franchise owner employs homosexual workers and his general manager over 2 locations is part of a couple of married men. But hey, it's hate food right? I'd put the Popeye's over KFC, but not CFA as they have the most consistent quality and flavor of the fast food chicken joints. Your issues about things being soggy and flavorless inside on that sandwich aren't a thing there.
  10. Maybe? You should post a list at the least as it would help. I've been much considering the same doing a garage sale post too but like you I'm not certain how many toy lovers are around that aren't so well tied to video games. Good luck.
  11. Well if the item is truly rare and/or expensive enough there are things you can do visibly in the auction itself, but also more behind the scenes to catch a scumbag if they're up to no good. On the auction make sure you take images of everything and any side or inside parts of it that should be noted a normal person would look at to decide to buy, nothing overboard. Make sure they're like 1280x720 or better to get all the little details. On the auction itself describe it well, but don't talk it up, hell talk it down so you can't be accused of buttering up a sucker. Also in that listing, describe how you'll ship it, and how you'll pack the item so there are again no surprises. Not on the auction but to cover your ass: Take more images than you are willing to share, ever, or even admit to. Get any imperfection someone looking to scam may overlook and save that. Add a confirmed signature to the item so they have to sign for it at the door or their local post office and insure it for the full amount. Furthermore, take all your goods unpacked to the USPS, using your camera phone on a stand, visibly bundle, pack, seal, tape and label that sucker there in the USPS and then the actual hand off at the counter. Doing this I've seen people as sellers win a case because the ebay rep watching the video sees the good go in as described and handed off, so the liar on the buying end got caught trying to say something wasn't in the box and got baked for it. It just comes down to your level of paranoia and how far you'd take it. I've never put something so horribly precious out to go to the extreme of videoing the sealing and handing off at the post office, but I've read others have and it worked on the 'the item wasn't in the box' or 'not as described' scam trick. I've had someone every few years try and lie about what I put into the packing condition wise before and I've just won on a threat before of having better images than posted. Some years ago some clown tried to say I shipped a Metroid Prime 3 game in less than like new shape out claiming the disc was scratched up and stopped at X point. Having bought it new and never laying a mark on it I knew what was up, so I nicely told the person I didn't believe it, but if they wanted a return they could but that I had high resolution shots of the case and game, and if the game has a different ring code on the disc or anything else didn't match some high res pics I had I'd have to contact ebay about getting back not what I shipped out, and suddenly clownshoes 'claim' against me was closed by the buyer.
  12. I couldn't agree more. A good solid consistent Neo-Geo thread seems like a solid choice, and what better way is there than sharing what you have in pictures, discussion, and experiences (past or present.) I went out of my way and took all those shots I had put off for a stretch and uploaded them, so it's not that hard. Maybe I should do the NGPC too as that wouldn't eat up much time or space as that's small.
  13. I wouldn't knock MM6 like that, the game is like Sasori said there pretty special. I'd give you a nod though with RR2. I've tried it via secondary sources and it's a good reason why I never pulled the trigger on it in nearly 10 years and the price still then and now hasn't helped matters. But that said, post-SNES launch stuff, on the whole, lacking is an unfair statement. I've got MM6, but I also have Gargoyle's Quest II, Duck Tales 2, and Mighty Final Fight. GQ2 has everything going for it from the Gameboy, but they fixed up some odd nagging quirks it had and made for a better setup without really any compromises. MFF though may not be a huge game, but embarrassingly enough the game is more accurate to the source material arcade game than the infuriatingly and insultingly censored and chopped up SNES title with stickboys and a whole boss+stage removed entirely to name a few.
  14. I hear if you throw water on it, it starts to boil and melt, and when the vapors clear what remains is a coleco chameleon.
  15. I understand. I had my luck about a year ago with the franchise, not that one, but Red Version. I got a sealed version of the game locally for just $100 and it's in really good shape. I've got it on display on my wall in a small shadowbox as I love the Charizard art and always have.
  16. If you want the absolute best damn site online to find the best deals on anything on the Nintendo eShop/Physical look no further than here: https://www.dekudeals.com/ Perpetually updated every day as the deals change to active/expire. It's much like that wicked site for all the PC key/GoG/Amazon listings called https://isthereanydeal.com/ which is a great site too. DekuDeals is like that site in that you can search anything on the Nintendo format(Switch really at this rate, did have 3DS ...does still?) and not only will it give the current price(msrp), but also the discounted rate and the % off, plus it keeps a line graph discount/price history of each title so you can see when it last came down, lowest it ever hit, etc. The site is a valuable resource to me ever since I found it awhile back.
  17. I've never had that specific game, but I have had those circles on it and they're definitely not from some wonky pay a store to resurface your stuff system. It has to be some odd accident/failure at the plant, or much like a chemical yellow in parts SNES, something that popped up through time.
  18. From memory your 99% is 100% correct, that's a nice example of a clean box too surprising given the age and that it has been opened a few times at least over the years.
  19. Yeah if you have to get optical all in one the RX is the no brainer, it's the best built of the Duo line and that controller it has is badass. I've got my stand alone as you can see in another thread on the system where I did a quick picture of what I have that includes the Avenue 6 controller. It has all 6, turbo, slow motion, toggles for 2, 3, and 6 button mode too and it's just comfy to use. I think that is a fair statement, it is much like a cross of the SNES and NES, their worse assets when it comes to price, but also as the system is so a bridge between the 8 and 16bit era that the games and their quality output put it in this really happy valley few will be able to afford to experience legitimately anymore which is just sad. Some will when Konami in spring gets the PCE/CG/TG mini system out.
  20. Double post fun: I got bored and didn't want to really play or watch anything after that post and remembered I forgot to catalog a years worth of changes to my MVS collection/setup so I've taken pictures of all of it and archived it on flickr. https://www.flickr.com/photos/22443064@N08/albums/72157689675232071/with/38249968395/ That's everything. One group shot of all the bare carts, a few of the system on/off, misc marquees/etc with the 161, and then anything that was more than a game such as with shockbox, with mini marquee, partial kit and full kit got their own image. Going forward I know I've been lazy but I'd like to join that Sengoku and Samurai Shodown 1 mini marquee to the cart itself and I'd love to get Art of Fighting 1 as I used to enjoy that too. It would be nice to get more mini marquees but buying them individually is madness now.
  21. You would be wise. I did a lot of thinking when I decided I wanted something arcade. It came down (multicade not desired) to finding the best option. One would be to get a fantastic looking cabinet with more than enough buttons(4-6) with a pair of sticks that takes JAMMA so the board options would be far and wide. I was leaning there mentally for a time, but the MVS popped up in my mind as a true favorite of the 90s and the luck happened to tip one into my hands locally for a very overly reasonable price. The JAMMA bit would require more work, more expense, and storage of a lot of decent sized boards which pushed me off it. The MVS is basically a coin drop console hiding inside a cabinet with the oversized two board cartridge shells so they're durable, rugged, well protected and easily swapped using no more than a puffy VHS tape space basically to store each title. Those factors and others really clinched it. The Neo Geo is a huge space saver as you can keep a library of dozens of games in the space of literally one cabinet, most if you're cool using a pair of multicarts on the market as it will cover nearly ever single release. That said I'd also and always will strongly suggest taking a bite into the Neo Geo Pocket Color too as it has a good sized library of mostly great titles that aren't overly expensive on the whole with a more than reasonably priced uniquely well made click stick based system. And now with the drop in solder free backlight screen handheld legend alone sells that little issue is fixed up too for all of $60 for the custom lens cover and screen package.
  22. Wow of all things I've got to give credit where it's due on Mario Bros. I've never heard of seen of that in over 30 years about that happening, and I'd wonder why Nintendo didn't catch it but I'd assume rushed out low tested famicom game is the answer there. That is a game I've had since it more or less came out and it would never have occurred to me to hit the start button maybe a fist length away from the floor to teleport through it. To see that in action it's a cheat but also a game changer with strategy entirely for attack and evasion even more.
  23. I would think in this case it's not the software directly but whatever list it references using your IP address to figure out where in the world it is. So whatever the forum software uses as their index if it's internal or some international hub of some choice they use it grabbed that name and I would think imagine it can't be helped. It's pathetic, but may be stuck.
  24. If I had a real collecting bone left the GC would be attractive. I don't have your lead off, probably around 30 games, but I have some of the ugliest price wise like Cubivore so that would be a plus. Good luck with it, and better off that than PS1 was that's an insane amount of games and they're starting to creep up too, even the bland ones while the notable JRPGs and others are getting nuts. I'm currently sitting on a dozen or so PS1 games and I'm waffling on the whole catch or release bit (as is with PSP too.) For some less is more, for others more is happily more.
  25. That's the thing, Nintendo has lacked for quality+diversity in games from outside their own direct control since the first 1/2 or so of the Gamecube era when companies put games on a Nintendo system that wasn't just a handheld device as Gameboy and DS lines were hardly ever lacking. Nintendo clearly got the right idea after the WiiU got what it had coming to it, that doing console alone until their still set philosophy of squeezing more out of something that isn't fresh and new wasn't going to keep them in business. It works though great for handheld because people don't expect as high a bar out of handheld devices which is what primarily the Switch is. Despite the fact they used a few years old TegraX1 tech here, they got smart in customizing it and allowing for the device to handle much of the modern game development engines with scaled back model sizes being the biggest hit and it worked. Nintendo at a consistent rate getting things like Diablo, Dark Souls, Skyrim, Civilization, Doom(gba aside), and the non-indie list goes on was basically unheard of in a very very long time. It's a great device and they worked to their strengths I think better than anyone rationally imagined they would. Given their typical habits I'd be downright stunned if Christmas 2020 didn't have a TegraX2 or something similar Tegra Switch PRO/2 model out so the can still keep that parity of custom port potential with the new generation of systems while still (like all their past handhelds) letting the old games work too perhaps even hybridizing as GBC did some releases that won't need that added oomph to keep more people happy too. They're in a great space because the price isn't offensive and it works, and has worked since they caught on they can beef things up 2-4x in potential as they did with GB to GBC, GBA to DS, DS to 3DS dragging along some of the classics to the next. BC, instant library, carried over library, it carries weight.
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