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Everything posted by Tanooki

  1. No picture, but I'm a godzilla fan. In the last few years as they've popped up I've grabbed anything from the series that has hit blu-ray. Godzilla (criterion), modern Godzilla and Godzilla King of the Monsters US movies, King Kong vs Godzilla, Godzilla vs Ebirah, Godzilla Destroy All Monsters, Godzilla vs Hedorah, Godzilla vs Gigan, Godzilla 1984, The Return of Godzilla, Godzilla vs Biollante (also has some mega shark movie duo on there, Godzilla 2000, and then all the double features released in toho 2 packs (there are 5.) I also have a small selection of figures too of Godzilla, MG1/2, Gigan, Fire Rodan, and a blue/green with sparkles translucent special Gigan too along with an old mid80s Imperial King Kong with that stuff and one Ultraman original. Not godzilla related, but I do have that pair of Pacific Rim movies which are fairly entertaining.
  2. That has to be the most fitting case ever for what you accomplished there, and they seemingly fit quite nicely too. As someone who is a big enough collector in your case, you just can't top a clean intact full retail full length N64 display case for house all those colorful N64 boxes as it is. It just makes too much sense, and despite being way up there, that matching red TV would be a solid way about enjoying it too in all the same space.
  3. Even the Virtual Boy would in a way have a small hurdle with this one at least with the US library because Mario Tennis while sold in Japan was a pack-in entirely for the US market. Despite that fact, Blockbuster or Nintendo, not sure who bothered with it, but one/both of them made a run of DISPLAY ONLY boxes for the game so they could have something to shrinkwrap up for the shelf when renting out games. Someone may argue a CIB set from the US is 13 games or 14 games because of that one and it's not a cheap box, this year alone it has been over the $100 mark and creeping northward so I could see some moaning about that being a thing.
  4. You're better off for not having that urge as the AES market is like bankruptcy worthy in buying some of the games as it's the worst.
  5. Interesting, the design of the actual hardware instead of the usual nitpicking of game lists and how their quality has fared over the decades. I'd feel comfortable saying that most of the Nintendo handhelds have held up very well, especially the classic vertical designed Gameboy family of handhelds (and the original GBA too.) Visibly speaking they just work well. The designs still are copied and re-used today, both on and off the original scale but with the similar proportions with all sorts of chinese multi-game knockoff devices and emulation handhelds of some sort. The bitboy and friends from that RS- line all have that original GB/GBP style setup in layout but with more buttons that are needed. And then others have that wide grip/panel design the GBA used because that too is a comfortable controller like style layout. Some classic designs just hold up very well. I wish I could say that of like the GBA SP or anything DS, but the trends in handheld kind of tossed the whole clamshell thing into the past. Handle in the back aside your stock black and platinum gamecube would look totally clean and normal in a modern entertainment space due to the clean minimalist lines of it all.
  6. Long time no see and a gamecube journey sounds interesting as you don't see that pop up often. Maybe even dig into some regional exclusives? I have, it's fun to scratch that surface a bit.
  7. Ganbare Goemon 2 on SFC(SNES) did get nuts, it actually is like a 2D/Mode7 combination title in the style of Mystical Ninja on N64. You have your usual side scrolling action, but then IMPACT comes into play for robot fights and they're done there first(not n64) in cockpit first person style doing a battle with a mode7 layout on there.
  8. We've had to regulate it. The DSlite she has became a problem to where it would get used for hours, and what broke the trust was sneaking it into bed when she should be sleeping. Now she has to ask for it and hopefully is given time which usually is 30-60min. I don't like it, she should be able to use it more when the stuff she's working on can't do much in the shorter end of that time to be of any value. TV and her mini Nintendo classics in turn have been regulated too, not so much limited other than based on behavior and this is all around an 8 year old.
  9. I don't pick up a lot much anymore but there are a few things I've had misfortune trying to get avoiding ebay bin trolls. If anyone has something here with a reasonable trade value or price attached maybe I could afford to work it out? I have a lot of trade bait of all sorts of stuff gaming, a few pc parts, and beyond into vintage toys, antiques, and other stuff. - Konami GB Collection Vol 4 (GBC/UK) --game only I have 1-3. - Red Gameboy Pocket (intact, for a project, aftermarket doesn't make red shells stunningly) - ROB Parts (I've got a bare ROB, no battery door or any accessories attached (hands) or otherwise (spinner, gyros, holders, r/b contact plates.) - Virtual Boy Space Squash, also paper (box) for 3D-Tetris and Nester's Funky Bowling, then box+manual for Jack Bros and V-Tetris. (I doubt I have the $ for JB paper.) DOS games: Simspons Arcade, Comanche CD, Hi-Octane, Stunts, and Sam & Max Hit the Road talkie CD
  10. Thanks, and YES among other projects related to it and beyond and it's from Mellott http://www.mellottsvrpage.com/index.php/virtual-boy-projects/ Not only do you have the link cable, but games have been hacked extensively to add 2P modes or more to link such games together to play (like Mario Tennis.) Currently he's working next year on getting out a true sd card using flash kit. You're right about HF, and it has dropped the value of it quite a bit even in just recent months. Back when I got it, it was a stunning saving and now it's not so much but still ahead of the curve at least.
  11. I mean I can see why NOW people would hate on it, you have the Pinball Arcade choice if someone got it before the new owners of Williams made that huge mistake, or you just use the ripped APKs for Android as it's right. This game is right too, with compromises obviously many. The ball physics are pretty solid, especially for that time frame/system. The table is intact with all the challenging moves and ramps, but given the monochrome setup lots of detail is gone, audio is minimal with no voices, and the multiple ramps only pop into view if a ball hits them to handle the complexity. Core mechanics, it's there, has the multiball, the DMD mini games, the skill shots and the rest are all there. It's nice it's made on 5 ball as it was in the day, but odd there are no options to do less or change anything else. I'd call it as far as a single table goes one of the best/better on the handheld, but has nothing on the party stuff like Kirby's Pinball Land.
  12. I didn't see it last night when I peeked as it's just those 3. I've got Trip World which was done, but Samurai Spirits 3, Ganso Yancha Maru, and also that Nekketsu Dodgeball Bu game too from the region that's why I asked as they didn't have values assigned or listed. I own 3 of the 4 Konami GB Collection games that are GBC re-releases of old GB titles from Japan ported into english so those are choices too.
  13. I have an interesting idea I'm stealing from facebook groups, but has anyone ever considered using the discord channel for a live claim and/or fire sale if they want to move some goodies? Between PC or mobile apps meant for discord it wouldn't be hard to do rapid fire pictures with values, perhaps even a video feed.
  14. Well when I was kind of digging into a few GC games I did grab a couple I ended up just not getting into (NIntendo Puzzle Collection, but even more so Gundam vs Z-Gundam.) I had looked into Kururin Squash as I like the GBA title. Radirgy and Zoids caught my eye then, as would have Lupin if it wasn't so reading heavy. But beyond that I'd need to start watching clips to try and remember more, and I think there was a PAL game or two that had some potential.
  15. I'm glad I did keep all my college Japanese books as i took a couple semesters, but unlike the above I've forgotten most as I never had anyone to converse with after the fact for too long. Once I was out of the game industry and my former state it was entirely a dry well. At my best I knew kana and a few hundred kanji and their basic uses at a grade school level at least.
  16. Good job on the list, it's handy and gives me ideas if I want to grab another JP game sometime what I could look forward into digging into as options. I really do need to get the Adv Island Hudson Select though as I've got Bonk and Star Soldier (had Lode Runner, hated it.) I know PAL got some unique stuff too, pretty sure it's a shorter list though, and outside of wonky regional sports it would be interesting to see what goodies there were kind of like the english Doshin the Giant.
  17. My focus through August had been Virtual Boy, but with the US game set fully locked down and most the paper side along with other tidbits, it's a passive grab now. Honestly, maybe not the most normal thing for a kind of collectors focused site, but my goal is to have no goal, at least with actual growth. My goal if there is one, shrinkage, and I mean of the inventory of things I have, not just games, but also a few other odds and ends too such as some of my vintage toy collection. I kind of broke that finding a stupid cheap PSP and DS deal within weeks of each of them at the start of summer but I didn't go crazy at least. The DS I'd keep as my kid has one too, but I could see just being sad about it briefly and dumping PSP again. I got rid of the PS4 because the unique library was garbage so it was a space waster and the rest Steam/GoG covers. I've mostly repressed my buying of Switch titles as I've got backlog making me uncomfortable with it and beyond, enough that I've been dumping games I couldn't get time for on that system and others. I've totally removed Sega ownership outside of a closed handheld SMS/GG device and nothing with the Wii namesake is welcome in these walls, at all, so that's out too. So right now, selling off games (and some antiques/toys) I have no use for anymore or trading into something I could use. Trying to keep up with playing more, it's a motivation and time issue. And also as I can get them, repairing/refurbishing handhelds (and virtual boys) to either keep or sell so I can get things I could use/actually need. That's about it. If I buy now from previous eras it's strictly to play, or to sell so I can get something to play.
  18. I'd suggest (sadly it's digital only) both Blaster Master 0 games, a crime they're not on media. Also Cave Story + would be a great one that's not super long but plays well and has some leveling elements and sotn-ish stage layout to the map too. A short but fun JRPG would be I Am Setuna from Square-Enix which would be worthwhile too. I'm in the same boat, I want to do more, but life, kids, crap...wears you out, leaves you mostly with just evenings if it's not phone touch stuff so the hours are limited. Stuff like that you'll get some value from. I wouldn't skip on Breath of the Wild or Mario either. Zelda there maybe huge but you get sucked in and can be fine playing 15min or 3 hours so it's safe to stay awhile, and Mario it's still the usual 3D bite sized stuff but even more readily easy in a short time to get icons (moons in this case) to progress the game so it would fit the schedule too.
  19. I know I'm late to the game on this being November, but I decided like in past years when I could I'd do something about the Gameboy list. You can tick off this evening Parodius and The Getaway Highspeed II, and I noticed Ninja Gaiden Shadow wasn't done and it is now too. Japanese imports carry any weight here? I can finish Samurai Spirits 3 on there, also Gansou Yanchamaru (the true Kid Niki 2 sequel of the NES game.) I do have Samurai Shodown on GB, I could finish that for another if it's wanted.
  20. HuCard only is not a bad idea, and storing them I find can be a really easy job if you don't mind buying just those basic 100ct sports cards clear plastic holder as they fit the games magnificently. I've got a few loose ones and they all sit in there very well and easy to get to. Face it though, the PCE is the way to go if you want affordability in playing the TG16 library and then far more that we got hosed out of. It amazes me just how dumb NECs US branch was when bringing the thing out. Making it a huge ugly space wasting beast with no A/V capability (rf only) and then bringing over almost a 1/3 of the card library and in a lot of the cases not the best stuff too which was mystifying. I swear had they actually tried as hard as they did in Japan I think we would have had a pretty different map of the industry in the 90s. The PCE really did spank the crap out of Sega and kept Nintendo at bay pretty nicely sharing the market because the system despite being an 8/16bit hybrid looked and sounded nicer than the Genesis/MD and it has a notably better game library (Japan) too. I just can't hardly suggest deeply enough if someone really did care to just buy the Core Grafx 1 or 2, and an everdrive. Explore a bit, then buy what you like most, then if you burn out or want more, then look into optical, or by then there will be some HDMI level optical simulator that isn't shoddily built.
  21. If he's welcome back here I think he could explain it probably best if it would fill in some of the holes with that story of the shutdown and things that went on in that respect.
  22. That sounds like the thankfully dead PCFX forum that's for certain. I signed up there towards the end when it imploded all of a sudden and while finding some info was good the people were insufferable especlally the clown that caused it all who eventually got booted before the site got dropped. The NeoGeo group, at least if you deal with that clown forum is even far worse, but if you go into a larger space on facebook and elsewhere they're far more fun, welcoming, warm and have a good sense of sharing and humor around stuff I saw lacking in the TG/PC circles.
  23. It's the same way on Atariage, manual removal. I'm not sure the software supports it, but it would be worth asking given you have a storage limit of so many MB per user.
  24. This is sheer memory here I then confirmed using the wiki to make sure i got names right. I think this is mostly what I had and I found it quite enjoyable. Link Faces of Evil, Hotel Mario, Mutant Rampage Bodyslam, Escape from Cyber City, Dragons Lair, Space Ace, Little Divil, Caesars World of Boxing, Voyeur, Lords of the Rising Sun, Tetris, Namco Museum, Chaos Control, Burn Cycle, 7th Guest. While I didn't own them I got to play the games of Kether, Inca, and Pinball which were solid too. While not my jam with sports that boxing title was surprisingly good. MRB basically was a 2D sprite based mix of I guess Final Fight and SNK's Mutation Nation brawlers and excellent. ECC was a light gun without a gun game using footage from Galaxy Express 999 and good, just brutal on timing. I think the others are fairly well known games, though I will add Lords of the Rising Sun was like an excellent edition on their with some added cool modes and some oddly non-cheese well done FMV bits. A couple CDi games did make it to pc like Little Divil (on GoG cheap) and Chaos Control was on CD which I found recently in a dollar bin and it's still challenging fun.
  25. You're only missing insmouse? So you have Virtual Bowling, Fishing, and Lab, Gundam, V-Tetris, Space Squash, and Space Invaders? That's definitely not cheap. I so want to love insmouse but with that overly restrictive clock and the random way the maps work it's too much for me not to lose my temper over. I've tried it repeatedly using emulation to get myself there and can't. The clock for me breaks the game, not any of the rest of it. The reason I have as many CIB was a weird dumb luck find where I got 6 box/manual/inserts/tray for $100, and then the guy packed it horribly wrecking the GOlf box so I got a partial refund below that value. It along with the 3 boxes I already had got me up to 8 CIB games as one was a double. At the point where I had 2/3 of the library complete and I had got a few of the cheapest ones free from a friend I went for it. If anyone cares I've attached my rough notes tracker covering the creation of what put that picture together basically. That's how I pulled it off to date. I'd still like to at least get Space Squash as I owned it once and it's fun. vbsales-collection.txt
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