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Everything posted by Tanooki

  1. I've got a healthy selection of vintage toys/antiques I've picked up and still do at a slower pace in the last year or two. I'm talking basically toy wise my earliest is late 1920s but much of the bulk is more in the last 40 years if anything because I turned into a G1 Transformers toy fan in my absence and have around 70 of them right now including a few KOs and one set of 3 still new you can't even find online and the transformerland.com hub online can't even source images to. I've had more but sold a few otherwise probably would be at/around the 100 mark easily as I had a selection of the minibots but also some micromasters as well. I made it a point after learning a very early lesson, toy people can be awful asking like $5 or $25 on a tiny piece of plastic, so I buy them complete or forget it if they're not like in some 99 cent pile at a thrift. Transformers aside though I've got some nice Japanese tin-litho stuff, Marx toys (some rare like a spring powered Mickey Mouse Meteor (deluxe version) train set, Golion, other Shogun Warriors, Machine Robo DX, a few retail/merch pieces, ww2 (etc) weapons/kits, tonka/buddy-l/structo stuff, old battery powered toys, bagatelle, the list goes on. I keep it rotating a bit so it's not a hoarders hell and I'm currently thinning some a bit.
  2. I got to say, I like it, not too big but full of quality. You got a decent selection of the few better US games along with some solid JP picks as well including that SGX stuff. 2 years ago I jumped back into this stuff and I had more than I did now, but some just didn't stick with me. I then got the kit seen in the image, but even after that point if I liked something enough such as Aoi Blink(Blue Blink) I still grabbed it. I've not bought for it over a year now, too much backlog on other things so it has mostly sat, but I'd like to make a move on more like the Ninja Gaiden you have there. And yes annoyingly no Genjin, I keep missing the well priced stuff when I look off and on, no matter, maybe eventually. Remarkably I got quite a few of these early on in bundles that would stun you given what they are as you can see. I recall one bundle that included 1943 Kai going for less than the loose card alone does(did 2 years ago.) I'd like to think the loose ones I'd get complete, but I just don't have the will to bother sadly. I'm just happy to have these as the JP market had the better games and a much larger selection too which strangely seems to keep their price out of orbit like the TG stuff. The PCEWorks bit was a surprise to me, it was a freebie after talking to the author of the how-to/strategy guide video included on a 2nd disc in that. I registered Magic Engine back in the 90s (only time I bought a paid PC emulator) so I can use it if I like at least.
  3. I'd say you're a bit of a masochist, at least if you do go the online route to nail one down, and as you saw the games can go from meh to ARGH price wise when you see what like the Nintendo stuff hits for example. They also in some cases suffer from the hell that the TG16 library does as some jewels came in cardboard slips most people wisely all things considered trashed. Like you I'd love to find one at a thrift rack or some fools accidental thinks it's a CD player listing locally but it won't happen. Truth be told 3 of the 4 Nintendo licensed but untouched (by them) games aren't as bad as people make them out to be it's a mix of some truth and a lot of tall tale. I know this, as I was a cdi owner in the era and I had most of them. I knew well one was a dumpster fire, that's the one that should have played like the original Zelda (Zelda's Adventure) but it's so buggy, laggy, and foul in creation it can't even play its own music and sfx at the same time. The other 2 Zelda games, they do have these pauses by area you enter to access the needed files, but play wise it's much like Zelda 2 with some terribly animated/scripted pop up FMV here and there that's so bad it's good. Hotel Mario though is the best of the lot, that is if you love Elevator Action because that's basically what it is with a few Mario World mechanics and looks attached to it. If you need to look for a model, research the various ones as I forgot the numbers, but earlier models like mine had an expansion port in back like the PS2 did and it added a DV feature on a card, later models it was built in, also later models were like PS3 super slim you just tossed it in there and closed the top, earlier had testy drive/door motors to load games. Much like TG16 there is no catch other than a willingness to lose a hefty sum of cash to get into it, and continue into it buying the games, and you'll also strongly be advised to get the gravis game pad clone looking controller as the Wii-mote/chuk like hybrid controller is kind of crap to play with. I can suggest some good games for the system I used to have and others I demo'd but never got around to.
  4. I've got a couple shockboxes and a couple kit boxes only because the two are complete and yeah they truly are shipping crates and mostly just ugly. I found it strange the 8Man one has a black and white printed art sticker with the anime logo on it with a reflective serial number sticker next to it as most just are a repeat of the bland sticker on the cartridge. I've been considering selling off one of my nearly complete (shockbox vs real box) kits as the game I find tends to get a bit too infuriating for me that it's a put off, but the value is up there enough I have incentive to wait for the right need. There is another style of box though too, no pad, literally just slightly thicker cardboard than video game cart boxes with some color art on it and I don't recall the name of it but my Ghost Pilots came in it. I don't keep pics of anything I have on cart for it, used to when I was more actively getting things so maybe it wouldn't be a bad idea to do a family picture again. This is a paste of a list I keep to give an idea. I also have the 161-in-1 with its bezel art sticker, also 4 mini marquees to games I don't have (crossed swords jp, fatal fury, samurai shodown, and sengoku.) - Andro Dunos (US) (Shockbox) - Baseball Stars 2 (US) - Blazing Star (US) (Complete Kit, minus box) - Blue's Journey (US) - Burning Fight (US) - Bust-A-Move (US) (Complete ENG+SPN Kit, minus box) - Bust-A-Move Again (US) - Captain Tomaday (US) - Cyber-Lip (US) (Mini Marquee) - Eightman (8Man) (US) (Complete Kit) - Garou: Mark of the Wolves (US) (Shockbox) - Ghost Pilots (US) - League Bowling (US) - Magician Lord (US) (Mini Marquee) - Metal Slug (US) - Metal Slug 2 (US) - Mutation Nation (US) (Mini Marquee) - NAM-1975 (US) (Mini Marquee) - Neo Turf Masters (US) (Complete Kit) - Ninja Combat (US) (Mini Marquee) - Samurai Shodown III (US) (Mini Marquee) - Shock Troopers (US) (Mini Marquee) - Sonic Wings 2 (JP) - Sonic Wings 3 (JP) - Spin Master (US) - Strikers 1945 Plus (US) - Super Dodge Ball (US) (Complete Kit, minus box, Shockbox) - The Last Blade (JP) - Top Hunter (US) (Complete Kit, minus box) - World Heroes (US) (Mini Marquee)
  5. I’m partial to the Williams system 11 era ish stuff and a bit before and after. The 3DS got a physical release with like 8 games on it and it’s much so a bit of a favorites list with black knight, space shuttle, and others like pin-bot. But some dmd I adore like Indiana Jones Addams family and T2 I played a good bit in college along with theater of magic I’ve learned to love in recent years. thst said I’m no operator but I do own a home use only pin-bot. I hate and love it as it’s one cruel table that can easily take a ball in seconds by design. As long as it flows fair though it’s a gear game with many things to do but as an owner it’s real picky on balance with that vortex shot. I enjoy hitting the Louisville arcade expo yearly as it’s all free play on like 50-100 tables all day.
  6. I’m on my phone so it’s a bit of a pain quoting. nightowl thanks and I agree. It does seem wise to keep a spare. I could use the money but let’s be honest the ICs for the mirror and motor assembly are the most likely to fail after the glue issue and can not be replaced so it’s good thinking. The VB never made me uncomfortable being in it for a hour or more at a table which I still do with my work at home desk. My favorites historically were and still are both Mario’s and wario along with red alarm which to me is like Star Fox and galactic pinball. I’ve got a soft spot for 3D Tetris as it was my last game in the day but if the new to me stuff Jack Bros is a cruel challenge and fun and Nesters Funky Bowling is some solid fun. Off library though Hyper Fighting is truly epic as is the fun afforded by the finished and unreleased bound high. alder and galdius thanks you two. Lucky getting the set when it was super cheap. I think I got out beyond light given the year. The system is very elusive. In the last five years I’ve seen two loose games and two naked headpieces alone for an insane $75 I ignored. Luck was on my side with the unit I got for that same rate with all the goodies. It really is an elusive system having lasted about a year. A true shame given it never got a fair chance due to bungling and assuming a 95 N64 release that never was. If bound high, face ball and the finished and missing dragon hopper are any clue it should have lasted a bit longer with like able games.
  7. Price is entirely my main motivation for the everdrive and owning a pce engine. When some smart person makes something like the sssd3 without all the defects and doing HDMI I’m there. I’d love to own my old CD US/JP library but the prices are just insultingly bad and unreasonable. Like it was said. B system A price.
  8. I actually picked up around 10 of the GBA video carts and still would like to get the two shrek movies. All I’ve seen even from old rom groups was that they’re a separate entity than the standard release window and I’d agree. They’re movies and tv show selections and not games and I felt the same about UMD too.
  9. I’d be up for three things and two I could and did vote on. I’d love to do NeoGeo but not there so second to that would be the pcengine (tg16) and lastly the PS1 but I’ve got so few of those. If NeoGeo could be added I’ve got access to nearly the full library so I’d be most likely to play though with PCE I do have the pc everdrive so well it’s all good.
  10. I’ll give a soft vote to do it. Gameboy still is my thing and I have all models of it plus a decent supply of games along with an everdrive Gb and the ez flash omega too so I’m covered. Time would be my enemy.
  11. I wouldn’t be so firm on the what you type is yours. What did the NA sign up terms say? Did they say that, nothing, or something else. Given it was bought out and jerked away the new owner had the rights to anything Dain gave him which obviously and primarily is that board. The board is nothing without the content. He’d argue in court anything added by signees who joined is company property unless the sign up rules clearly protected that. It would be in his interests to control it all in the contracted purchase.
  12. I totally get the time problem, it's another reason why I was eyeballing it as it's bite sized fun without the stigma of whale bait and touch mechanics on a phone. I'll keep an eye on your listing, maybe I'll bite eventually though if I don't I hope someone does as it seems very nice.
  13. I hope I don't inflate this a lot. I started collecting back in 1995, but that as it stood for a pattern died in 2005. That decade the answers were easy. Why? The games I had access to locally and then early ebay shortly after were plentiful, cheap, and there wasn't the greed aspect of charging for every scrap of plastic, paper, and plastic. I could play the mystery game, get things I saw in Nintendo Power magazine or others and never could afford and now experience them. $20 could net me at least 4 games/week and it did. That's the why, the how, and the what in that one. Ease, cheap, and the mystery of it and love of playing so much I missed or never knew of. Since that period though after having my will broke and most stuff gone, it changed. I hit this moment a few years after when I could start again, slowly I did as I had mass cheap access to a large flea market and got many nice things. I even for the first time considered getting a set of this or that, but that old breakdown mentality kicked in. After I was like 330-350NES games into it realizing 90% of it I put more time into cleaning and test playing it felt wrong. So I swapped that for SNES beating it's wave of price increase and so on. It took some years, missed the boat eternally on a Duo reasonably speaking, and i kind of just gave up. I realized less was more, and now with less time (family/lacking free time and energy) further less was more. I got rid of a few systems, and minimized others more. I don't collect anymore, broke that rule once this year with the Virtual Boy set, and my determining factor now is will I play it, will I enjoy it, and if not, I don't need it. If that means a game on the shelf or something I buy so I can afford something I do want, either works. I keep the stuff I got gifted or bought in the 80s/90s and a bit into the 00s (GBA/GC) but that's really it, most of what I have now was not 21st century discoveries as the flash kits cover it nicely in almost all cases. I even dumped some heavy hitters you know I once had so I could get off budget (free I guess) my pinball/arcade machines instead.
  14. Fair enough you got plenty going on trying to get this boat floating as new as it is. Just something to consider on the B or C tier list of things later as it would be a uniquely cool feature aped from mobile devices.
  15. I had your concerns some years ago leading into the PS4 arrival and I actually made the point of dumping around 15+ games I had but keeping the system in the main room because it excelled in blu-ray/dvd and streaming play and still does today. Weeks ago goodwill locally made a boo-boo and I found a super slim all the hookups and controller with a spare sixaxis for $20 and it blew my mind having that again. I've already used it for some streaming but really just movies, yet I did scoop up a few games since then I used to own (mostly) and it reminded me how quite a few of them just work, and more than acceptably well without patching, so golden there is right. The PS4 I did have nearly as it came out, got a ridiculous deal on it, but man was it ever the anti-PS3 for me. Huge patches compared on anything and everything, and the game quality for Sony controller was toilet circling in quality so I move used it a bit, then dumped it with no regrets. As it is now, the PS3 may have issues with some games being shoddy if the developer was lazy or had issues without the patching, but in general stuff worked acceptably to perfectly well without so it's safe. In time I'm sure hackers and others will see the open door the PS3 had and find ways to ram fixes in there whenever Sony flips out the light, or as developers who have tools on there dump their support as well, that may get crack/patched as well though with such cheap fire sticks around not as likely. The first concern I know of is no PS3 support for Disney Plus in like 10 days which sucks. Switch games, anything I've had, and while I half like half the titles I've actually used on the system total if that, I never bought game on there that needed a patch for it work. Switch because I think again of the small internal storage developers are less jerky about it, not all, some are rotten no doubt, so they try and make it right first. Mostly what Switch has received have been quality of life updates and/or fixes, paid or free DLC, but nothing that like is game breaking rotten, or 1/2 game 1/2 download non-sense like Capcom, 2K, and Rockstar(LA Noire) did. And in those cases, it's just best not to buy their games at all so hopefully they get the message.
  16. Fascinating. But couldn't it not be forced, a third option, and one based upon the local time DST the user sets in their account anyway so the latest post times match their zone?
  17. I know it's skirting the edge considering it's same genre different perspective, but every other stage of Moero Twinbee (Twinbee2) aka Stinger in the US went from a horizontal(unique to franchise) to vertical and back. It really changed the dynamic and made it a lot harder when trying to power up as you'd lose the bells off screen a lot faster while charging into fire to catch them before dropping off as you can't get below the things to juggle so well and scoop them up.
  18. Shame you can't (or can you) make it so that at certain hours it goes from light to dark and back. They seemed to have added that with a time window on the latest iOS and I started to use it and it's really quite nice.
  19. I can see why I did a closer look. The same unit as yours with the stuffed animal with zipper pouch on the back did $55 shipped. Maybe that dude hit the average, started it low, sat on it or got unlucky as the history just isn't there. I find the device rather fascinating in the age of mobile phones doing so much, but it has this like gameboy level of quality with some programs it has, yet a sub-gb style density (resolution) panel. It looks like it would be fun to stuff in a wallet if that isn't bs and it really can take that beating.
  20. It's kind of sad really the MVS only really truly started to soar in the last 2 years. I just barely missed the cut from getting baked and hit the ground running working out what I did get one way or another. By the time I was fairly ready to call it quits cheapo (sub $30) stuff started to get really dumb going up 2-3x in value. That's when I put the breaks on it, though I still would like to snap up Sengoku.
  21. I do too it's super handy for storage because it keeps the dust out the thing. Soldered ribbons or not, the things are a bit on the fragile side, at least as far as Nintendo products go.
  22. You know it never once bothered me, even if I sat in it for hours. I'd love to see Zero Racers and Dragon Hopper too, but it is fairly know that DH game was done and now into the vapor until...? Faceball / Nikuchan Battle is done, and the Faceball Remastered take that and the other modes get new maps as Niku wasn't done so it just reruns the same courses on the different menu choices. Space Pinball I hope someone fixes the code so you can play more than one ball without a drop to the menu as I'd love to do that one.
  23. Have to agree with that. I'm a big Diablo fan and Torchlight 1+2 too. 3 was unique, but if 4 here takes the good parts of 3 with the style and atmosphere that made the first couple special I'm very well ready to enter those lands again.
  24. Oddly enough, nothing really. I guess if it were one it was Water World because I kept bumping into trolls wanting $150+ for it loose, and I wasn't going to budge. Jack Bros cost me the most at $200 +Dragon WarriorIV(w/guide.) Like I said I charted it out, like that rental box originally had a complete setup inside that was needing help, so keeping this or that and repairing the VB and reselling it I got the case with a few dust clips, 3 game upgrades, an OEM stand, the manual, and a nicer battery box for $50. Hyper Fighting was the third biggest hit at $130, and a CIB Waterworld for $140 after selling the manual was second. If there's interest I'd paste the sloppy notes.
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