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Everything posted by Tanooki

  1. Back in 2017 I put over six months of research, thought, personal value questing into that question, but over getting back the one system I never did and that was the Duo (US.) The more I dug into it red flags one after another appeared, and not just the typical garbage caps. The gears and bits in there are fairly cheap and it can fail so it's more and more maintenance. Then I figured if that I could forgive where next, so I looked at the games, but not just favorites, but the totality of it and the overseas market too. I kept hitting more more bad mark after another. Ultimately around Christmas before this gift card I had expired I imported a Core Grafx 2 instead with a small selection of games that were loose. I basically at face value wrote off optical, put it in the back seat because you can get the briefcase module or just the CD module and system card anyway and some of those are more durable than the Duo. What got me was the price and library. Games in both regions where words don't matter like NInja Spirit, Genjin(Bonk), Gunhed, other shooters, arcade things, and so on they were far cheaper COMPLETE no less than a loose US TurboChip. Then I saw what we didn't get, a library of like a N64 sized stack of HuCards vs about 100 for the US of which many are average to bleh anyway. I can't even call it that the US had holes in the library, it has meteor strikes. I couldn't find one good reason period to validate buying a US unit... Price, more frail, junkier library, smaller library. My advice, if you must, get a Core Grafx system, buy what you like best, get a PCEverdrive/Turbo Everdrive, and go that route. If optical is your jam, look into the briefcase or CD unit that straps on the back and use that ED as a system card as it has the memory on it (just not enough for arcade card.) A 1GB micro SD card will fit the entire US and JP library including translated stuff without a problem. Also the CG system, it's RCA out of the box with a super clean image even on a modern TV plus the body is like the size of 3-4CD jewel cases stacked, that's it, so it's an easy fit.
  2. A little journey that started at the end of January and finished around the end of this August. During this year I learned to improve my soldering skills and work on a few things, and I was able to buy, sell, trade, and turn over this or that and did this on a relatively shoestring budget given what VB can get you for. I've got all 14 of the US games, 11 of them are complete, 13 have the manual. I've also got as you can see a great intact rental case, Japanese stuff, prototype, and even the Hyper Fighting (SF2T) homebrew too. I charted out the journey into a file so I know what went into it, got returned in repairs and turnovers, and what was an expense and it was fun. I'm not done, just have to see how it goes. Bottom line though, I'm just over $700 into all of this and it started with a $75 purchase (then paying $60 for priority mail insured both ways + repair shipping due to busted eyes on it.) I'd like to think I'll in time get the missing boxes and manual, and I very well may but Jack Bros will get ugly, and I do care to grab Space Squash and in 2020 a true kit comes out so I can explore the Japanese stuff patched into english. Not pictured I've got a 2nd system I repaired myself (my first) it's 100% except for a stand.
  3. Nintendo Puzzle Collection and Gundam vs Z-Gundam they're both complete, average shape, the outer sleves have seen better days and the discs have the usual minor scuffs and stuff that comes with being used and making it long distance. I didn't think you were up to anything about the freeloader, it's a fair warning. Bronco: I'd just look into what a region switch one sells for, then either buy the cord or drop the price plus a couple bucks so someone will feel ok buying their own if they don't have it already. It's a good item you have there.
  4. Huh there's one up on ebay currently as I started digging just after I had asked. You're right, the back of that box says anything goes basically. I see the same image so that's your account, also saw what they had been selling for too and there's not much history.
  5. Hey there. And philo -- I guess hot and cold works. Locally you can find a few things on facebook if you're lucky, other than that half price damaged the area in 2015 when they went to the national barcode sticker price and the values they early into it paid to get stock killed a few local businesses and crippled another as they got cleaned out. Pushing back the old retail here went high dollar ebay. Goodwill doesn't ship to the lame website, but depending you get a great deal or some wannabe ebay current sales is value expert pricing. Again when I went to kits, hdmi, and stepped off as it got maddening. I had that R5 couldn't tolerate it after the updates stopped because it never quite was made right, and I didn't like the no multicart, no flash kit either bit. If you're curious this is what I've got, I'm sure you remember (those who know me) I kept a HTML list, it still exists at the same host: http://tanooki.byethost16.com/
  6. I figured with the wide ranges of interests and types on here age and all that it wouldn't hurt to try this. I was wondering if anyone was aware of anything for preferably iOS that simulates the classic D&D pencil, paper and dice stuff of old that you can play alone where it generates(or has maps) and has an AI DM to screw with you. I don't really know anyone nor have the time to try and get into that old stuff after so long (I did it for a year or so around middle school) but I think it would be some solid fun. I know there are those free online games, but they're just third person battlers or card flipping junk I have zero interest in. I know there's that like Knights of Pencil and Paper game but it's more of a final fantasy meets watching a DM mess with people thing unless I'm seeing that wrong.
  7. So like that Arduboy, I take it it's not just made for that one game it's just preloaded to look cool as that kickstarter bonus it was? I've been thinking about getting one of those for some quick play stuff as it looks interesting. It's a shame that Tetris microcard (not the tiny arcade one) has gone up in smoke.
  8. I'd still like an Act Raiser 3 that loses the filth of the second and retains the modes balance and charm of the first. I tried Sol Seraph, got fed up with the poorly handled town development setup and the almost laggy input on the action stages. Had it been a physical release I'd have sold it.
  9. Your poll lacks an answer that works for me sadly. I just don't have good consistent time to play anymore, and I have quite a few unfinished games that are this generation Switch so that hurts too as I like messing with the old as well. I find that I don't buy much anymore, yet I don't finish much of anything and it eats at me. Sometimes I can if it's short enough, and honestly I think it's a lack of motivation/demotivation issue as I want to do it but can't make myself basically flip the switch and it's not intentional either. Recently when it came out I got Ghostbusters, played it off and on for a week and did clear it, and that felt nice. Yet I've recently put a few other games up for sale on Switch because I can't get the time on some, others I got fed up. I know if my time were really there I'd keep Tales of Vesperia, but it's on the block. It almost would be easier if I had the backbone to just sell a ton of stuff off to remove the distraction but I don't think it would solve anything.
  10. I could not agree more about Ultra Sun/Moon. I had more or less written off the franchise as it turned into this horrid wash rinse repeat mess with so little change and variation after starting on Red when it arrived I was done. I heard it was dramatically different and got it at a 1/2 off sale and it still blows my mind how fun it is due to those revisions. No more of do stuff, town, do gym, get badge, repeat to end. I like how the island itself is like its own full stage and that you have totem pokemon that are super charged with a crew, and that each island has a leader but handled so differently it's engaging. Though despite that the core game is the same, still have random guys in the weeds with forced fights, random pop up trolls to dispatch, and the rest. The real glue is that it's not a carbon copy re-run but it's a true JRPG now with a fulfilling and actually interesting and entertaining story that's fairly unique within the Pokemon universe and not just another kid after badges year by year. I would recommend if you liked Zelda 2 to look into the first Adventure Time game as it mimics it well and is quite fun yet not overly long. Code of Princess EX is a solid hack and slash but with RPG elements and a big pile of people to unlock that adds a lot of value and play value. Castlevania is excellent a nice blend of like the 3rd on NES with some SOTN and God of War elements that blend nicely. Various earlier releases based no franchises like Ace Combat also work very well on there. Hatsune Miku is excellent if you are ok with j-pop music as the play elements along with the music are fun and you can either d-pad or touch it which is scored separatly and changes it up a lot. And if you're a pinball fan there is a Pinball Arcade physical release with 8 William's tables, and from personal experience and owning one of them (pin-bot) it's one hell of a faithful fun way to experience it with the 3D turned on over just doing it on your phone or tablet.
  11. You're right they are cheap. I've never had a loss, but I also researched it first which is the only reason I have not bought Mr Driller as it not only can't save, it's failures nukes the card contents into oblivion. The others, you'll get a mix of jibberish or english for the file save name around all the US stuff. Most games will play and display right, but Shikigami no Shiro II the text is all fubar just like the save screen but since it's a vertical shooter I don't really care. I've sold off some of my JP games, 2 I have in a box waiting to sell, but 4 I have kept from Japan/UK as they're excellent. I'd take it up to 5 but I've had trouble finding a non-bin trolled Adv Island Hudson Select title and may never. I think perhaps the stories out there are conflicing. The Freeloader itself has no code really other than to boot to a menu. It doesn't do cheats, patches, or other trickery. It's simply a retail ghetto boot disc for imports. It fires up the game in US mode, stops the spin, lets you drop another as it stays in memory, and then off it goes loading up JP and EU titles. I learned about it I guess about 5 years ago maybe if that. I wanted Doshin since it came out and never could get it, then a store 2mi up the road got it in and being non-compatible sold it for just $20 with a PAL formatted card inside with the former owners notes to ONLY use that card with PAL games. I recaled another store in town like 5mi in the other direction or so had the freeloader so I ran over and dropped another $20 and the dream of playing Doshin was realized. I then researched the kit more, memory card pickiness, and landmine games like Driller and started to explore since. Other than the SNES currently I've got imports for my NES, N64, GC, Switch, and all their handhelds that were compatible (so no DS/3DS stuff) to date with Switch.
  12. I guess that would be one good way to put it. I've got a general lack of time to waste on things than I did back in that period, but also with a partially disabled wife and money being a long term issue I'm trying to resolve going into 2020, some forms of reality put walls there. I don't have the time to fuss over dumb crap like that before, and I don't have the money to fritter either so I'm very choosy, honestly cheap too, and unless I can trade, get rid of something or find it cheap to keep or flip to get things I need first, then want, it's not anything I want to get worked up over anymore. It's why I cut back, dropped entire systems (or lines, I have no Sega anymore) and scaled other things while going HDMI and with kits. I'd rather just dabble in the past between chit chat and memories and play when I can. Right now despite finding it again early summer I'm contemplating ditching a PSP 3K setup I have and a PC Engine Core Grafx2 with a couple dozen titles from 2 years back. I'm into less is more. It is a new forum, a new day given it's weeks old. It should be interesting to see how things turn out. I for one don't care to dig into years ago on another site, as that's then and there, not here and now.
  13. Can not agree any more than how that was put. I'm glad it came with my cabinet the day I got it. Before I decided to throw the net wider when I was actively at it, my first job of sorts was to track down any game NOT on that thing I used to enjoy in pizza parlors and stuff around 1990 and the few years after it annoyingly lacks. I never did get Sengoku though but I do have hte mini marquee for it. I then did start to get my favorites off the multicart that mattered most to me.
  14. Well if you're fine with more here are 6 I just took the last half hour and took these real quick on the top of my table. This about 95%+ of what I've got. FFA is minty complete in there left it, anything with a box is complete, others just have manuals. All that is my current library of games and accessories short a few power cables to recharge stuff, oem earphones, little things, and a GB Player. I didn't want to pull it out, but that's all my guides and GB stuff is in there, didn't capture WC Prophecy which is a direct PC port which I have that guide (same with Doom 1 and 2 from the era.) I lit up the GB Light to compare to the GBC I modded with the backlight and the 101 panel inside the cobalt SP. The rest is stock. The boxed DMG is spotless and complete as is the GBP too. I also know from the first and only previous owner that Gameboy was a neglected gift that was lost since around 1990. A Christmas gift a girl touched an hour or two, back to the box, and lost. A bad listing mentioning it but not the box and contents well you know how that can go. That, GBP, and the NES SP I keep in hobby plastic clear boxes the duplicates get use instead. I've got an annoying hole or two the worst being Konami GB Collection Vol4 (UK-GBC) which drives me nuts. I keep missing honest listings. I've not added much for a long time to it other than recently I got that GBA Astroboy, Pinball of the Dead, Killer Instinct, and the two Duck Tales games (#1 arrived today.) I'm happy where I am mostly on it and have an ez flash omega for GBA and an everdrive gb for gb/gbc. I used to have probably triple the games. The last shot is how I store them all, antique library card catalog. Is this kind of what you were hoping for?
  15. Thanks, you too, missed talking with you. It had been nice seeing the FC story play out and the boots and things around and since.
  16. Just a couple images as it gets big. In my time away I switched gears and I got to dabble with arcade and pinball a bit. I am an owner of that cab you see, it now does have a NOS bezel installed into it (samurai shodown.) I've had more than I do now, but settled at a 30 game library, of which 2 are complete(neo turf and 8man), and I have a few others minus the cardboard box and bubbles that are too. I've also got the NGPC along with around 15+ games for it (and the retrohq ngpc sd kit too.) I always enjoyed the cabinet back in the early 90s and at other points in that decade too so when I got a local chance a few years back I was all over it and after I had that, I wanted my NGPC back so I did that too. Currently considering adding the handheld legend backlit drop in LCD for the handheld as well. That 8man has a weird story around it too, that was not what I was expecting in the mail or how it was mailed.
  17. Gameboy (family) has been my thing for years. Post-NA I did finally hit the dream of getting a GBC, good deal too, and it doesn't have paint or screen damage either so I attached an image of that for fun at least. Currently I have for systems: GBA--Glacier, SP NES style, SP Graphite 101, SP Cobalt with 101 (both SPs are CIB), GB Micro Famicom, and GB Micro Black/Silver. ON the GBC I've got just my Grape one but with the handheld legend backlit screen installed. GB original/Pocket though I have quite a few: GB Light, GB P Silver CIB(launch), GBP Blue, a CIB DMG, loose DMG. All those systems I've got some accessories for, but for the 8bit stuff even if it took the import I got the rechargeable battery packs for them with the ac adapter modules too. I don't want to spam a lot of images.
  18. They don't? Aside from Mr Driller which I know can wreck a card, I've never had an issue with others. I have a soft mod of sorts I guess, that FreeLoader boot disc and I've played a small number of Japanese titles and one PAL (Doshin) on my system. I can say that PAL and NTSC/J don't work on the same so that had to have its own card which thankfully I got with it too. But I've played the Hudson Select titles, Gundam, Castle of Shikigami, Nintendo Puzzle Collection, and a few others with no problem on memory card issues. There is a list online if you google it that will warn you which games can be rats like Driller.
  19. I don't take any stock in any of those things as they're just not right. Sure the bots try and sort things by completion of the package, sealed, loose, but there are misfires, and the bots don't have eyes and can't look at condition. You could have a new item that looks like it was run over by a bike but still sealed up, and another that looks like before it got put in the shipping box to the stores in the day and one pulls at the other. The only good use, ebay history is weak, so you can go further back and see things to figure it out, because that's the only way, looking and comparing to get it right.
  20. I hate to use skies the limit, but in the case of that Turkish gameboy, it's very hard to come by and hard to nail a price down so it will come up to the pockets, will, and imagination of anyone fighting over it on ebay, here, elsewhere in an open format. I saw the note about the Tommy one, it's not a bad idea maybe to start, but of the special run corporate tagged systems that's probably the most common.
  21. I imagine it was Nintendo and Amazon collaborating on that, and perhaps others (Sony,etc) and third parties may take notice after seeing how it changes things over a short time. Yes it's a control issue, but I think the large scale amount of bootlegs and also hacks/repops too were the problem. Imagine the lost money (as time is money) call reps and email reps from both companies had to deal with getting comments about a used item to a game that seemingly didn't work right or at all because it was a bootleg or something else that wasn't 100% factory made. I'm sure they all tired of it and this move would limit the sales of those products to what is approved taking that big headache off both of them. I'd be more surprised if this somehow trickled into ebay than anything else because there, mercari, even aliexpress the people there surely have the idea better than the amazon pool is what they're buying and from what source.
  22. Well given the Nintendo roots and the mascot, wouldn't just a single coin jingle be familiar, very short, and inoffensive from SMB1?
  23. Nice debate, fun to read the various ideas about it. I think I mentioned before AtariAge and their locks. Funny coincidence, they do use the same Invision forum software. They do in fact allow for tags. You can filter by tags, you can soft ban via tags or individual posts but not sections or forum wide. The software is quite versatile in all that it allows for custom actions and not blanket wand waving motions. Depending how the debate on the inside swings that would be possible.
  24. Well again thanks for all the welcome back comments. Have to admit I'm a bit surprised.
  25. Gloves, thanks, that's all I ask. I only made the post due to years of experience getting caught up in places that do and don't allow it, and the don't still are happy centers and live on. Those that allow it, well it's a pissy tinderbox of like minded one side of the isle intolerant echo chambers at best, and dead meat at worst making enemies of many. I get what Zeldafreak is saying too, but even having just one 'war room' like thread for all things that still would potentially breed fights, distrust and unwillingness (as bill and ted put it) be excellent to each other over bad blood. Truth is most people lack the self control to handle politics, especially online, since you have that faceless way to really lay into someone you can't so easily get away with on social media with a real name or in real life where someone can clock you.
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