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Everything posted by Tanooki

  1. I'm going to have to back up that last post. I've scratched at best the surface of four of them, the fifth (lode runner) I've attempted to enjoy over the years and I just can't. They're all puzzles in one respect or another, but they're not very fun ones, and some can be confusing or just not well done to inspire frustration. Lode Runner is more of an action puzzle, but it's more stiff than I care to put up with, it's not bad, but it's a period piece you need to admire for its time.
  2. Johnny: No problem, still have that scanned setup too. Solid game, but I no longer have it as the time just isn't there. OptOut: Same here the N64 (1st 3D gen) suffer the worst on non-CRTs losing lighting effects, busted shadows, mudding, overly dark, etc. That thing makes it sweet like using a PC emulator or something and saved my console as I see it. Though in the end probably the SuperNT or GC2HDMI external device get the most use given the games and possibilities with console and all things Gameboy. They're amazing and so worth the money. philosoraptor: Bridges, I think they basically self immolated the entire town there. Looking now I see bitching over multiple locations/sites, anyone who cared is fuming. I've got more knowledge about those things I updated into and learned to fix with the soldering iron sure but I'd say my setup is more spartan. A couple years back I picked up this cherry vintage sony wooden stereo rack with a tempered glass tinted front and I keep almost everything inside there that's vintage. The games the big black shelf I could load up back in the day half of it has toys now as I got back into vintage toy/antique stuff being in KY again (hell I've got a 70 toy w/all accessories set of G1 Transformers on there.) The HDMI move was the fact I wanted to bulletproof for the future as HDMI isn't going anywhere, even the updates to it still use the same jack so it'll stand for decades. I prefer the sharp visuals I got used to playing on PCs so it just felt right. That VB I got, same store as the Pokemon game, and I've had other crazy things sourced out of that store too but it goes through hot and cold times, right now, cold (lack of goods not bad prices.) I basically thrift shop daily, keeps me able to enjoy anything anymore.
  3. I used to be able to put up for far longer with mindless hi score racking, but not so much now. Platforming side scrollers I get tried of in most cases fairly quick especially if they don't have some advancement method (dead cells, sotn, code of princess, etc.) I basically can not deal with racing games anymore as I get bored super fast and just stop, same with sports games (unlicensed, still dislike licensed.) RPGs I find more and more difficult to keep going for more than so many hours now, a time that has shrunk with the decades.
  4. Another vote for Actraiser, obvious if you know me. But you know what else fits it? Castlevania II and future iterations playing off the SuperMetroid handbook. At first glance you have this seamless solid action platforming game, but then you realize it's not. You have items, a form of if not outright experience, growing health and magics, and more. It's this like perfect blend of RPG skill/stat/upgrade tree mixed with a platforming adventure which helps it keep from being stale far sooner if at all when the game is done right. The GBA/DS Sorrow duo really pegged it, even the other GBA/DS games basically did too and didn't get boring. Bloodstained did it again but it does kind of lack some of the charm but same roots.
  5. Sorry no. Around the last few times you saw me talk about that it wasn't long after things went south on their end. The head office where that friend of mine there worked out of decided to basically make him ghost his facebook presence and he just vanished. He had mentioned something about changes, and that was about the time they stopped rolling out updates entirely and then he vanished. I think they gave up on trying to make that messy thing any better and moved him elsewhere or let the guy go. I got rid of it and went HDMI instead with flash kits as it just was unreliable junk. The only hyperkin thing that never ceases to amaze me for actually being good I've kept is the Supaboy S/SFC because the d-pad isn't trash, the battery lasts lots longer, it doesn't get pissy over any special chip games, likes flash kits (I have a SD2SNES), and even handles the one off tweaky games that often fail on any other hardware and some emulators.
  6. I know I just re-entered the fold here but coming from being a member for some years at AtariAge and some FB forums, one thing they had all in common was a zero tolerance rule on political posting. Originally I wasn't too keen on the censorship factor, but as things got more and more deranged in this decade I saw a real fracture of some places and not others and it all circled that singular toilet bowl. Places that banned it people stayed friends, stuff stayed on the general topics, all went well, and if someone tried it they'd get warned or just removed. Those that didn't I can't think of any group that lasted more than months to a year because it just got nasty people making enemies over policy and politics. It's just a suggestion, a strong one maybe, but don't allow it. It's an election year coming up very shortly and it's going to get vile and ugly and I'd hate to see this place immolate itself as not everyone is a righty or a lefty and plenty around online have little to no self control when the door is open.
  7. You did? Well if it were said 3x then it probably would have been like that old bloody mary mirror ritual or beetlejuice maybe? I'll stick around, I still prefer to use forums over social media as it has too many cranks and it's too decentralized into fascinating tidbits than ongoing stuff. I kept up on NA in more recent years by various means so I mean I saw the writing on the wall after that buy out, but I'll admit that did sting seeing what happened as it was well shocking. It gave me flashbacks to an old job where one company bought another on a promise, and before the ink was dry we were all shutdown, and that seemed like a similar promise violation here too. Either way despite what I said there, I've branched into other things. When I got into VB I decided to get a bit of a better kit this year and learned how to repair those testy systems, and I've gotten into handheld refurbishment too. Also I HDMI'd my Nintendo systems, all of them. Toploader hidefnes kit, supernt, ultrahdmi, and gc2hdmi too (which covers all things GB.) The only non-HD left are the psone+lcd and a core grafx2. Also on a shoestring budget over a period of nearly 2 years I got flash kits for all my cart based systems except N64 which I think I'll do this black friday as last years was the pce. Rather have fun in those limited times than stress how to cover it. Oh also I did add one sealed game so I'm up to 2, got a Pokemon Red Version out of a goodwill in the last year for a $100 and thankfully paypal covered that. I'll fill in any blanks if anyone cares I'm fine by that open or message.
  8. Well at first I started out with a Gold Ball pinball machine that was SS but setup like an EM. Luck would have it about a year later I ended up owning from a local a home use only owner Pin-Bot which I'm the third to have it now. I got a bit tired of Gold Ball and more luck struck on facebook a year later and the moment I joined this local garage sale group I ended up spotting a cabinet. Took some very fast work, sold/broke even on Gold Ball and got a cherry 2 slot Neo Geo MVS cabinet with 9 legit and the 161in1 cart with it and a few kit pieces too. I've since pushed it up to a 30 cart library. Also about two years ago scored a non-working free modern cocktail with a damaged icade60in1 in it. For about $50 I got a replacement panel, replacement speaker, new key lock, and an interior black matte bezel to cover up the new panel area and got that working too. The tabletop on that one is a repop of the Ms Pac-Man cocktail as is the stick area on both sides. If this place has it as I haven't looked around yet I could share that elsewhere than crowd this up with images.
  9. I figured what the hell it was worth a shot. I will stick around. I can't make any promises, but I can say this much at least. If you liked me in the past because I was more or less nice, shared info, tried to help out, maybe bought sold or traded something with you it should be fine. If you're afraid that I'm going to go nuts about hardcore collector stuff and all that entails, forget it, I moved to another phase of that kind of moved on. I've gotten rid of much of what I had down to more of what I had in the first place if that makes sense, but I'm also now an arcade machine and pinball machine owner. Also this year and in probably both for this time record time and lack of spending completed the US Virtual Boy set with many little extras. I never thought I'd have a set of anything, let alone even try but it happened. Mostly with an eight year old now and various needs, I play when I can but phone aside that can be days or maybe weeks apart so it's easier to talk. I have to admit I am surprised a bit at the response still so thanks.
  10. It's been awhile, hi. I know I set a few people off years ago when philosophies were more competing. Things change, don't let what used to rile me up bother me really anymore as it got to being fairly pointless. It's more about just having fun now, being able to chit chat more than play these days due to life as it is. I figured I'd reach out and see how it goes as this is yet is not the same space. If not, I get it, and if so it would be nice to see how it goes.
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