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Silent Hill

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Everything posted by Silent Hill

  1. Unfortunately, "perception is reality" for a lot of people as I don't think the level of fear accurately reflects the reality/likelihood. There still needs to be a level of respect (thinly separated from fear) in place otherwise there will be a lot more unneeded confrontation. You already see this with videos of wannabe lawyers arguing their rights with police, intentionally escalating the situation. If you've got people not having respect for or even thinking police are a bunch of "pussies", that's going to spell disaster sooner or later.
  2. For starters, let's remove the section of the police handbook that describes how to be racist. /s In all seriousness, Qualified Immunity should be looked into first and when these situations happen (they always will as long as they're human) the officers involved need to be held accountable ASAP. From there, budgets could be reallocated to focus on a more rigorous recruitment process, including plenty of mental health screenings/exercises. Mental heath assessments should also be conducted every so often and shorty after any officer was involved in a highly toxic situation (ie. responding to dead bodies for the first few times, having to fire their gun, saving a life, etc. - the traumatic stuff). This is just off the top of my head and I don't know the ins and outs of police recruitment/long-term reviews. In a perfect world, no police would exist because no crime would exist. Since that will never happen, crime is just as much of a problem to look into (and I know it has been and always will be a hot topic) but someone earlier mentioned building a solid home with two parents and initiatives to decrease gang violence is a good start.
  3. I'd hate to see how many people flee the city if that's put into effect. I'd actually be packing my stuff now if I lived there.
  4. Hopefully something like that scales well and it sounds like Camden had a fairly unique situation of a corrupt police department perpetuating the crime rate, especially since it seems they only hired ~25% of the force back into the reformed department. It could highlight the disparities between corruption of police across cities if implemented. Maybe they'll be able to remove themselves from the top murder cities in the US over the next few years.
  5. Some really good ideas on reforms here that would impact all affected communities at a much greater rate than a few of the other suggestions I've seen going around.
  6. Police are called to resolve issues and I don't think that a confrontation (especially aggressive) is guaranteed in every scenario. Plenty of real-life scenarios of violent people who weren't pushed there because of "police confrontation", they're just evil people choosing violence. Personally, if I were one of these "homeless advocates", for example, I sure as shit wouldn't be responding to calls unarmed, even if the odds of the call not turning violent are in my favor.
  7. Surely the issue isn't that a cop bears a gun on him? Every cop over here bears a gun aswell as part of the attire along with handcuffs and whatever else as do most police forces in the world. The only potential wrench into this idea is that the outcome of calls coming into police are not necessarily the expected one. For example, a call may come in regarding a homeless (or group) person sleeping in a stoop. What happens if an unarmed "homeless advocate" is dispatched and upon arrival, the homeless individual has a deadly weapon? It may be an outlier but you've got to account for that. The moment police make assumptions about the outcome of a call based on the nature of the call, is the moment they're potentially vulnerable. "Hope for the best, prepare for the worst"
  8. MrWunderful rhetorically asked if I would bring up black on black crime to a father talking to his son about the "dangers" of police. I replied and said I'd be surprised if it wasn't already being discussed since it's the leading cause of death for young black males. That's it. That's was my point. To your point about comparing the homicide of unequal groups, you're the one that brought up white on white homicides, not me. But I did point out that it's not relevant in my talking points because it's not even close to a leading cause of death for young white males. I'm not sure what your point is about wealth being passed down through generations having anything to do with the homicide rates. Unless you think a vast majority of black on black homicides is due to lack of wealth? I highly doubt the majority of homicides are done because someone doesn't have enough money to eat or be sheltered. If you look at the lower class across all races, a huge (if not the main) factor in outcomes of those youth are the household family structure, or lack thereof. No full family structure in the home directly relates to wealth, crime and education. Even Obama addressed this years ago. Tabonga shared the statistics on murder in Chicago, and even though it's roughly 1/3 black, 1/3 white and 1/3 hispanic, 75% of murders are black victims while 71% of the offenders are also black. If you dug around for the other high crime cities, you'd probably see similar numbers.
  9. What point does it look like I’m trying to make? I replied to someone’s question and I didn’t bring it up as an attack. Just pointed out that I’d be surprised if it wasn’t commonly discussed due to it being the leading cause of death and it’s nearly 100% preventable. As for white on white killings, there’s no comparison of the volume between the two though, especially per capita. Homicide isn’t even in the top 10 causes of death for young white males.
  10. I’m not talking about mistreatment, I’m talking about unjustified killings. If we’re talking about mistreatment in general, I’m sure they have those discussions too. Hopefully around how to best “play the odds” so-to-speak and be cooperative. Again, I was responding to someone where black on black crime was part of their statement/question. No need to keep trying to pin me as a gross racist. You can’t be surprised that it comes up often though in a discussion around a cause of death. Even more so when people label police killings as an “epidemic” or “genocide” as I’ve seen.
  11. You quoted me out of context then. My point wasn’t to remind them of it, it was to state I’d be surprised if they weren’t having that conversation already, and with more emphasis. I admitted curiosity on polling stats related to the amount of impact/fear it has on their daily lives and slicing that feedback by household family structure since there are so many ties to long term economic and criminal effects. I think it may help understand if the amount of impact/fear correlates with the actual chances of being an unarmed victim of a police killing.
  12. It’s not a cop out for anything. As a father myself, I would absolutely be having conversations with my son about that leading cause of death, because it’s highly, if not 100% preventable. You'd be ignorant not to address it. Your analogy of diseases is what’s apples to oranges.
  13. Definitely worth getting individuals perspective and reasoning*. I’m sure there’s some polling stats on that floating around. I’d actually be surprised if THEY didn’t mention black on black crime since the leading cause of death for young black males is homicide, a vast majority done by the hands of the same race. In contrast, the odds of being killed by police while unarmed are no better than being struck by lightning. Edit* - Especially between those who come from a two parent vs single parent household
  14. I’ve got no dog in the race, but here’s one very positive thing Trump did, specifically for HBCUs https://www.google.com/amp/s/theundefeated.com/features/trump-signs-executive-order-on-hbcus/amp/ Edit: Also signed this bill which highly impacted minorities https://www.brennancenter.org/our-work/analysis-opinion/how-first-step-act-became-law-and-what-happens-next
  15. I'm just debating the notion that the reason behind every unjustified killing by police is due to targeting/racism. I agree with the fight against police brutality in general and some policies like Qualified Immunity being revised or removed completely. But that's about where I stop agreeing with what I see this movement demanding. A single unjustified killing is "unacceptable", but I also live in a reality where cops are people and people (by nature) fuck up, big time. There will never be a perfect police force, unfortunately. It's not realistic to have that expectation.
  16. I agree that those cases should be looked at and the responsible parties be held accountable. That said, police brutality/systemic racism isn't the reason behind ~99% of police killings.
  17. Research the circumstances. Many of those people didn't have to die. And for the part in bold, have you considered that maybe that's part of the problem? Maybe that's something that should be looked into? Put a number to "many" then, because it absolutely needs to be identified if you're going to share that list. And you know what would eliminate the necessity of police killing people? People not committing violent crimes. How about we look into that a bit?
  18. Buddy, you're crazy if you think washing someone's feet in 2020 because of their race is a good sign of things to come or what these people advocate for.
  19. Can’t really technically say that White people very rarely are killed by police since the number of killings exceeds those of other races. By that logic, black people are “rarely” killed which counters your point. (I know the per capita point, but that’s not the full picture either) You just don’t see it publicized because it doesn’t “sell” Also, no excuse for the lack of media coverage by comparison for white people being killed by police. Your argument of “well they’d be alive” doesn’t apply, because they’re not alive in those cases.
  20. I’m curious to think if this year, the number of black people killed, per capita, matches the number of whites killed, will people still protest, and if they do, will it still be race driven?
  21. EDIT: saw the subsequent posts, didn’t mean to be redundant
  22. Curious to hear what others think Biden's plan would be to eliminate "systemic racism", which according to today's media is rampant, though I'm conflicted after I started researching a bit. EDIT: I also heard Biden's statement on 'if you're voting for Trump, you ain't black" which is a pretty rough thing to say. He either implied Trump is racist and shouldn't get the support of the black vote or that black people who vote for Trump, really aren't "black people" which is troubling. To me, the latter comes off as someone who cares about the votes, more than the rights of/or the voters themselves.
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