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Everything posted by Daniel_Doyce

  1. I've started AD&D: Dragonstrike, but it's not what I expected at all. It seems to have unlimited continues, so I guess I can power through it with enough time.
  2. Surfing: Did you read the manual? "To end your ride cleanly, go over the top of the wave just before time runs out." Flying Disk: I didn't state that well. You get a lot of points for distance thrown. That's why the overhead catch doesn't work. So you have to do a diving left catch since that allows the disk to travel the furthest. You're not catching it behind your back, just turning back to do a diving left catch. It's pretty hard to do and it came down to chance for me. Keep trying it and eventually you'll get lucky, that's the only advice I have.
  3. Damn, you must have been grinding through that one on the downlow for a couple of days now. I did that for the contest a few years ago and it's mind-numbing
  4. I think I started with a 360, then you need to stay as close to the breaker as you can while cranking out 90s and 45s, and then try to land cleanly at the end. It's tough for sure. The flying disk is real tough, since I think you need to do a backwards catch (i.e. towards the left) to get a WR. Catching it straight up in the air like a nudnik gets you an average score.
  5. The D-pad really is an issue only twice in the game, once when you have to hit the cat with a shoe and you only get one chance, and also throwing peas at the blue Dink thing at Mordack's mansion. Of course you can restore your game pretty quickly if you mess up. The port itself is a total atrocity. I didn't have an NES growing up, so I only played the CD-ROM version of KQ5 on the computer. The NES port sucks all the vitality and joy out of the game.
  6. I'm going to try to beat one more game before the end of the month. I remember someone claimed California Games already, so I'll run through KQ5
  7. Pool of Radiance is definitely a good RPG. I guess they saw what a turd Hillsfar ended up as and upped their game on this one.
  8. AD&D: Hillsfar Ok now I'll start on AD&D: Dragonstrike
  9. Well, we blew past 500 already, but I'll go ahead and finish up Hillsfar tonight.
  10. Monopoly - win 8 player contest with lowest total $ amount Jeopardy - win one game with highest $ amount Blue Marlin - fattest ass fish caught Gemfire - most territories conquered in 1/2 hour
  11. World Games This one is really easy. You can do a pretty bad job on all the events and still get a WR
  12. @NESfiendyou can have California games. The hard one for me is the frisbee. By World Champ did you mean World Games?
  13. There are a few games (California Games, World Games, AD&D Hillsfar, Wall Street Kid) that I can knock out tonight and tomorrow night to help get to 500 by 1/31
  14. It's impressive how many difficult and/or long games have been cleared in the first month this year.
  15. Conflict is done. i don't know what kind of horseshit end screen this is, but the game's over sucka. I'll chalk this as a "begrudgingly play again if desperately asked to" sort of game I'm going to try AD&D Dragonstrike next since I've beaten Pool of Radiance and Hillsfar before.
  16. Yes, I am following this strategy. But it's hard to blast MIGs and SU27s out of the sky when they either shit all over your M247s or M48s on the battle first turn, or avoid all your missiles. Maybe I am just having bad luck with the RNG since I breezed through 6/8 rounds but struggled mightily with the other two until the computer actually allowed my anti-aircraft to take planes down.
  17. I'm done with the first 8 missions of Conflict. It's a really frustrating game, since the battles (especially air) come down to random chance. It's like playing chess and making the right move and then having your piece randomly explode half the time.
  18. I beat the first scenario of Conflict, but it took about an hour, so this is looking like a 20-25 hour slog. I've picked some pretty brutal games this year.
  19. For Conflict, can you get to the hidden map in the Move 3 Units scenario?
  20. Defender of the Crown Pretty horsesh1t game.. Get a catapult and beat one enemy and it's pretty easy after that I'm going to try Conflict next.
  21. @Crabmaster2000 Wow, nice work! Which scenario did you choose? I think it has the highest learning curve of any of the NES Koei games, so I can see why you'd need a break.
  22. Ultima: Exodus Quest of the Avatar is much, much better. I'm passing on playing this one again. I'm going to try Defenders of the Crown next
  23. I just think it's a classic case of Bearcat-Doug needing to concentrate better on the clears so far
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