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Everything posted by arch_8ngel

  1. A quote is an anecdote -- all of the graphs you posted are data. The data very clearly says that a supermajority of Japanese view cheating as morally unacceptable.
  2. Nothing is "universal" -- that was a throwaway term for him to say that it is a very widespread view that it is morally unacceptable -- and the data you posted certainly appears to support that view. The Japanese appear, in the super majority, to view it is morally wrong. So anyone in this thread that agrees that the guy was an asshole and had it coming, isn't committing some kind of cultural faux pas by also viewing it as a moral wrong. This isn't a question of whether it is widespread behavior or not -- it was a question of whether it was viewed as morally acceptable or not -- which it pretty clearly isn't.
  3. The ranking is irrelevant -- what maters are the percentages. A clear super-majority of respondents say it is morally unacceptable. Kokiri's comments were about the moral acceptability of it, not whether it was widespread behavior. At least my reading of your replies to him implied that because it was widespread it was widely "accepted". But the survey responses certainly don't appear to enforce the idea that anywhere close to the majority of people think the behavior is "morally acceptable".
  4. Is the graph you posted not accurate on its own as a clear statement of what survey respondents said was "morally acceptable" or "morally unacceptable"? Personally, I would have said that a "cultural norm" is something that is "broadly viewed as acceptable" -- not just something that might be done despite being broadly viewed as unacceptable. But THAT ASIDE -- you were jumping on Kokiri's case about projecting his moral views -- when from that graph, Japanese moral views appear to agree with his position
  5. Look at the graph that fcgamer posted -- in Japan the vast majority of people (more than any of the wester-European countries depicted) view cheating as morally unacceptable. That does not present to me a "cultural norm" of cheating being OK.
  6. Interestingly, Japan features prominently as one of the clearly highest rates of saying that cheating is morally unacceptable. Seems a little counter to your previously narrative
  7. That seems like a pretty high price point -- if you're just trying out an electric shaver, I personally think you can get a totally satisfactory shave from something in the $40-$50 range. Personally, I've never used the norelco-style shave heads, but a basic remington dual-foil shaver (what I've used a few times in the past when I'm not going through a phase of wet-shaving with safety razors) will get the job done just fine for $40.
  8. If they have an aptitude for more, I'm fully in support of resourcing them as well as practically possible to not reoffend and get stuck in the system.
  9. Well, it is hard enough for a felon to get meaningful employment of ANY kind after they serve their sentence. I'm all for programs that help them improve their prospects of reintegrating with society -- degree programs and trades for instance. Though I would certainly hope for the relatively small number of students that entails that universities and technical schools wouldn't be charging full freight.
  10. I don't know what property laws in Asia look like, related to marriage, but quite a lot of the US population is under the concept of "community property" where if one spouse buys something DURING the marriage, it is jointly owned, unless they really bend over backwards to maintain clearly separate money. If they were assets that would be divided in a divorce, they were probably assets that either partner had the legal ability to unilaterally sell or even just discard (whether they were the one that bought them or not)
  11. There is a pretty significant difference between a small TV (incoming video signal, potentially OTA only) and giving inmates access to 2-way digital communication.
  12. Most businesses apply a markup to any 3rd party service or product they provide. (and Kell makes the good point that WATA is probably using the excuse of paying for their own liability coverage as well -- though seems like an odd way to handle that) But I highly doubt that WATA is using rigorous accounting methods to determine a legitimate/justifiable markup in this case
  13. They charge a percentage of the supposed value of the game to grade it? Uncapped? What is their justification?
  14. Yeah, that is another one that just falls flat in a coastal area with mom-and-pop seafood places around
  15. There are relatively few seafood dishes I would want to have at a restaurant versus cooking it at home. Probably just crab legs and softshell crab (crab cakes are almost always better at home if you know what you're doing -- and bulk shrimp are so cheap that it makes it really hard for me to justify buying shrimp at a restaurant)
  16. I don't think I've been to Red Lobster since the 90's...
  17. MGS with the gameplay/play-control of MGS2 would have been the perfect version of the game, IMO.
  18. I'm just wondering what their financial model was, in terms of how much ad revenue they must have had -- I remember my friend having MOUNTAINS of floppy discs for some of the shareware demos. Couldn't believe they'd stuff 4+ floppies in a shrink-wrap sleeve with the magazine.
  19. I think my friends and I had moved on to PCGamer magazine around that time, so I missed most of the magazine hype for the original PlayStation. Didn't buy one for myself until 1999, I think, once I was able to get Metal Gear Solid in the bargain bin and a greatest hits copy of FF7. (though I did have a friend in that time period that was a major distributor of mod chips, prior to DCMCA shutting him down -- dude was constantly carrying around handfuls of money orders, and had 3 or 4 of us doing "piece work" for him soldering wires onto chips that he was selling -- probably paid for his college years completely )
  20. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PSX_(digital_video_recorder) PSX was a separate and distinct device. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PlayStation_(console) -- "PSX" was its code name prior to release, not the during-life-cycle abbreviation for the Playstation. Personally, I voted "PS1" because it is the only completely unambiguous acronym for it, despite being a bit of a "backronym".
  21. Definition of a "6" on the stated scale. The movie was TONS of fun when it came out, being in the target age group, but I'm not going to pretend that it is a "must watch".
  22. Since that would represent a sustained 25% annual rate of return (rivals the best decade-long rates of return of the best fund managers of all time) -- I would sure as hell HOPE you'd be happy!
  23. 5% per week is almost 1200% per year. If you're counting on that kind of rate of return you're going to have a bad time. EDIT: to try another way to show how ridiculous a sustained rate of return that would be -- an initial investment of $10k would become $22MM after only 3 years, would be $286MM after 4 years, would be $3.7B after 5 years, and sometime during year 8 you would become a trillionaire.
  24. You are only taxed on gains. Just keep track of your cost basis accurately.
  25. A little confused by that last comment -- what does Elon Musk have to do with Virgin Galactic (ticker SPCE)?
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