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Everything posted by arch_8ngel

  1. I wouldn't personally go with a Roth 401k over a Trad 401k, but it depends on your top tax bracket -- though I would always max out the Roth IRA on top of it, regardless. Unless you have blocked yourself from a "backdoor Roth" by having existing money in a traditional IRA, ANYONE can contribute to a Roth, as long as they have earned income. (basically existing pre-tax IRA money blocks using post-tax IRA money for a conversion, since it forces you to pay taxes, proportionally on some of the pre-tax money) Order of operations that I use: (1) 401k up to any match, since your match is part of your salary that you're leaving on the table otherwise (2) Roth IRA to the max (3) finish maxing out the 401k (4) then get into taxable investing space
  2. I think it's a reasonable question to ask what specific issue/occurrence has led to you having this opinion about him.
  3. We have different definitions of "all in", then
  4. Being invested in pretty much anything in the past year (post crash) would be immensely better than basic savings interest (which has been very low for almost 20 years at this point) I wouldn't recommend "all in" on any single thing, though. You've had the benefit of good luck, at this point (benefitted tremendously from Musk jumping into the space). Just don't leave yourself in the position to get clobbered in a drop in a single asset.
  5. I'd say you should maxing your Roth space, as well, before speculating, since that is valuable tax free contribution space you can't get back.
  6. Yeah. It just has me wanting to combine the following: 1) SMB 3 (or maybe SMB 2) 2) Metroid (in the style of AM2R) 3) Zelda 2 4) Castlevania 2 (for the "connected world" style gameplay) 5) Faxanadu 6) Mega Man 2 And end up with a passable version of Video Game Land from Captain N...
  7. The irony is that, at least with the talk radio guys, they spend more time talking about how great Rush is/was than they did about much of anything else, in order to connect with his typical crowd. With him dead, they've lost half of their on-air material. Then again, Rush Limbaugh spend a solid 1/3 of his on-air time, at least, talking about himself anyway, so maybe that is a wash.
  8. No idea -- but I caught a bit of Tucker Carlson when I was on a business trip, and he is a completely different "brand" than how Limbaugh presented himself.
  9. We need a Mario 2 mashup with Link's Awakening. Go full crossover with Subcon and the Windfish's Dream.
  10. There are at least a half-dozen guys that were in rotation at Limbaugh's broadcast network while he was undergoing treatment. I hope they fizzle out, too, but with the rise of shit like OAN, I don't doubt that at least one of them is here to stay.
  11. I'm curious if you share the same opinion about people taking advice from talk-radio hosts.
  12. Good point. Competitive 8bit Mario doesn't have quite the same mass appeal as Tetris with Tetris 99. Maybe it will become Nintendo's "McRib" and roll out seasonally
  13. Honestly... remaking the CDi games using the animator for the Link's Awakening intro sequence would be pretty slick
  14. OK. Yeah, even a normal DVD rip is larger than 1/10 of a normal Blu Ray rip in my experience and there is a noticeable quality difference, even at 1080p. Gaining an additional 10TB whenever I get my new drives will stave off issues for awhile (since chewing through 4 TB in a year was a lot of "playing catchup" of ripping an existing collection onto the server -- so I hope my pace will slow down :P) But being able to selectively go back and shrink certain things - like kids movies and shows, where LONG TERM, I will be less unhappy about quality loss -- is probably in my future. Would also be interested in the conversion time required to do it so I can plan to gradually whittle through the project.
  15. Possibly? It has been extremely easy, for multiple computer generations at this point, to just plug your computer into a decent sized TV for a better viewing experience.
  16. Would be interested in your suggestions on what free compression programs to use, setting, etc. Because 10% of a Blu Ray is down to DVD size. I've recently come within a couple hundred gigs of maxing out my 4TB RAID configuration -- and I have a couple of 14 TB externals I plan to shuck to replace them. But cutting Blu Ray size with actually no losses would be awesome. Sounds a little too good to be true.
  17. Yeah, I've been building up a media server over the past year, and getting bargain bin deals on DVDs and Blu Ray because of the push for 4k UHD has been nice. A Blu Ray movie is already going to take 36 GB on my server -- don't want to deal with what UHD would required, if I even had a drive that could rip them.
  18. At today's very low interest rates, a 30 year mortgage PAID ON SCHEDULE and investing the difference, over the long run, is most likely to be the best bet. You would even get a better 20-year risk free return buying EE-bonds than you will paying your 30 year fixed rate mortgage early, assuming you're getting the best available interest rates.
  19. If it is money you need for a major event/purchase THIS YEAR then it should NOT be in the market. Market time horizons should be 5 years MINIMUM.
  20. I think a MAJOR difference is most people were too embarrassed to even be seen reading the cover of tabloids in the grocery aisle, but now people that want to find affirmation can freely read official looking "news" websites from the privacy of their home without having to be seen in public as a gullible idiot.
  21. WBA (Walgreens Boots Alliance) -- WBE is a paper products company.
  22. I played it on Steam (picked it up on sale via Humble Bundle, I think). It is a good game if you like classic Zelda-style action-adventure.
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