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Everything posted by arch_8ngel

  1. It is going to be interesting to watch this unfold, for sure. It isn't close to over yet. There is a genuine war going on, with a hedge fund that was heavily short needing to borrow billions of dollars to cover losses, so far. There is way more at stake than the WSB guys may have originally appreciated, and it is wild to see it all first-hand. But if the WSB guys "lose" to the shorters, it will get ugly quick -- very exciting. EDIT: from what I'm reading, since monthly calls expire on Friday, and the highest monthly calls were written at $115 -- another major gamma squeeze is on the table, the closer we get to friday with the price above $115 (since those calls were outrageously out of the money when they were written, so had minimal hedging at the time).
  2. I have a little I picked back up on Friday that I'm letting go in small lots at a few set points as they surge. Not a particularly bold commitment on my part, but it is keeping me abreast of the action
  3. That's all fair -- just would have expected you, out of anybody I knew, to be willing to go in for a little more that those ridiculously low levels And if I'm being completely honest -- you NOT buying more at those levels I took as a pretty bearish signal, given your previous enthusiasm! I'll have to do some more reading on AMC, because I haven't kept up beyond the headlines a couple months back about how soon they were running out of money. BB is supposedly the next meme-stock for the WSB crowd -- and some of them are going to be really flush with cash from the GME craziness. I don't personally believe in either one of them (though my mind might change on AMC) -- but GME, my participation has been purely from the standpoint of seeing huge buyers make their commitments based on what was going to happen related to the impending squeeze. EDIT: at least a cursory look at AMC doesn't give me a lot of hope for where it could go relative to anything else I might buy. They may not be going bankrupt now -- but they weren't exactly doing all that well BEFORE the pandemic, and with HUGE TVs being so cheap and plentiful, coupled with studious pushing releases out on streaming platformers, it is hard to see how the theater experience comes back anytime soon. EVENTUALLY people will be comfortable enough again to pack a theater. But even with everyone vaccinated -- I'm willing to bet there is enough residual collective trauma that it will take awhile. I'd be interested to hear your thoughts on when you think they'd actually become profitable again.
  4. And, interestingly, I think there was at least one major case of "ticker confusion" last Friday as GMEV (some microcap) also rocketed up 58% EDIT: and it looks like my excuses for not using recently acquired Paypal funds to dabble in Bitcoin last year turned out to be moot -- Paypal generated a 1099K for 58 transactions and only $1500 in sales Now I have to figure out whether they've included what were ultimately passed-through shipping costs, etc. (along with having some paperwork together for original MSRP on all that stuff as an original owner :P)
  5. This isn't even the short squeeze, though. Friday was a gamma squeeze, where because ALL calls, including some that started the week WAY out of the money were ending in the money it forced the market maker responsible for GME to hedge those calls by buying the stock. Given that the highest call generated last Friday was for something like $117 -- it certainly looks like it could happen again this week. At SOME POINT this is going to start causing margin calls on the shorts (where short interest has held steady at > 100% despite the increased volume) There is going to be a textbook written about this later, it is just that crazy.
  6. Yeah -- this is truly incredible to watch unfold. After the "gamma squeeze" happened on Friday, I read as much as I could to understand it, and there certainly seems to be a strong case that it will happen again this week (where ALL call options finish ITM and force market makers to buy stock to hedge the calls). This is WITHOUT the actual "short squeeze" taking place -- and before Friday was something I didn't even know could happen So I dipped put my previous GME-swing profits back in at $60 late afternoon on Friday with limit sells set at what I thought were pretty high -- I think one of them might trigger today if I don't change it. In all seriousness, though -- aside from the genuine MANIA going on right now around this thing -- we should all, yourself included, feel a bit silly for not buying in when it was in the $2-range (given the fundamentals that encouraged you to buy in the first place). Hindsight is 20:20, and I'm trying to genuinely reflect on what would have held me off from it at that price (though I am certain I would have sold much sooner on the way up before the true mania kicked in) -- but all I can think of was I was busy trying to buy other worthwhile stuff at a "discount" (along with a few notable bankruptcies looming in the news -- even though GME had enough cash to make zero revenue for quite awhile).
  7. Yeah -- you have to compare the market cap not the share price. EDIT: PS -- DeepFuckingValue is still in with 50,000 shares ($3.25M) and 1000 April $12 calls ($5.3M) Combined with the cash he's farmed out of other GME options sales along the way he is sitting on over $11 MILLION as of this afternoon. Absolutely wild to watch. He made $3 million TODAY. (and a reminder -- this dude made these crazy options plays with $50k back in 2019 BEFORE Ryan Cohen bought in -- it is absolutely unreal)
  8. Short squeeze. If the stock runs high enough, short sellers are required to cover their positions, at any price, to mitigate further damage -- driving the price up further. Or rather -- that massive jump up to 70 was a margin call on a fund that was short -- triggering a trading halt due to it moving too much too fast for market makers to keep up -- presumably the residual rise is the expectation that this is the first major domino to fall in the squeeze that WSB has been lusting after. EDIT -- I don't completely understand the distinction, because I don't trade options -- but a lot of the discussion about that big midday pop is related to a "gamma squeeze", rather than a margin call.
  9. That isn't a 1:1 comparison, since there have been a number of buyback cycles in the meantime -- that is a share today owns more of the company than a share did back then.
  10. You don't -- you'll get slaughtered in the squeeze if you can find shares to short in the first place.
  11. The way that we know with 100% certainty that Trump doesn't have a big dick, is that he didn't spend his 4 years in office acting like LBJ and whipping it out in the men's room to intimidate people --- because that is exactly the kind of behavior I'd have expected from him.
  12. In the USA - at least over the last 8 years, or so - it was called the "Transit Connect". (where the "Transit" is the full size van of similar shape "just bigger")
  13. You can buy the Transit Connect in the USA, still, can't you? (similar Euro-van style to the small version of the Nissan vans) They're definitely smaller than the rest of the minivan platforms, though -- so it isn't a 1:1 comparison.
  14. Honda minivans have definitely consistently rated highest in reliability. And surprisingly the Kia Sedona has generally rated better than the Chrysler Pacifica (though I don't know over what period of ownership/mileage Consumer Reports was making those claims - and whether that rating is specific to top trim packages where you generally have a lot more technology to break over the years)
  15. In the case of the Sedona it certainly LOOKS LIKE they manage to squash those seats into about 6" worth of the mid-cabin. (have only looked at the marketing pictures -- haven't seen the functionality in person) That is a pretty small fraction of the total cargo bay to where for practical purposes it is likely negligible. But personally, having had a lot of road trips as a kid - I'd rather go with the more comfortable middle seats that I have to take out the once or twice per year that I need them fully removed.
  16. Yes, I know what "stow and go" is. The Kia Sedona gets most of the way there, as well, since their middle-seat buckets fold up and the seats slide fully forward against the front seats. In both cases, the compromise is that the middle seats can't be as plush as the captain's chairs in either the Odyssey or the Sienna. And while I originally thought I would want that functionality -- in the 6 months I've been using my parents' old van (including a rather long road trip and a final move of old stuff when my mom was selling her old house) I think I've realized that my need to remove the middle seats is rare enough that just folding down the back and sliding the middle seats forward meets my needs. EDIT: though, separately, I can understand the AWD feature being important to those of you further north. Doesn't really matter so much where I am (and further south) outside of the trade involving worse gas mileage and different tire wear.
  17. I thought all of the minivans offered this functionality for the 3rd row (split, floor-stowable 3rd row bench) which opens up the majority of the storage space - or offers rear-hatch access to someone sitting in the rear bench if the middle seats are occupied or obstructed.
  18. I don't think I reached a place where double jumping was required -- though I'm sure it'd be helpful in the 2nd level with a couple of the jumps (that get tricky due to flying enemies) Conceptually -- what Swordmaster WANTED TO BE could probably be vastly improved with a d-pad for movement, a 4-button right-pad for attack/defense "positioning" and then using shoulder buttons to make the attack/defense command. Then again -- just cleaning up the consistency of the controls and changing some of the physics could vastly improve the game with just the d-pad and 2-buttons. The game basically has the opposite problem of Wizards and Warriors (that game has good arcade-style "movement" but AWFUL looking combat animation and hit detection)
  19. Sorry I don't recall the specifics -- just that he said if he had to do it over again he'd get the Odyssey. Worth mentioning that this guy has something like 6 kids, so he's dealing with a full van, and it may have to do with car seat loading and access. Though it's also possible that he only takes the full crew out in his full-sized van (one of those big-ass Nissan's)
  20. Yeah, you can't really beat the passenger leg room of middle row captain's chairs. And for daily use the minivan will get better gas mileage and be a more comfortable ride than the SUV anyway.
  21. If you're used to the cargo capabilities of a minivan, an SUV is going to feel pretty cramped in that department - even if you can fit it all in the rear 60% of the minivan. (just from the form-factor difference and the inconvenience of not having a single large space to work with)
  22. Star Tropics is the more fully realized game of the two. It's a great game -- but it definitely makes some compromises in aligning RPG-advancement with what eventually becomes a fairly open world that are less smooth than how the chapter system works in Star Tropics and sometimes much more tedious than how classic Zelda functions (i.e. needing to grind levels at one or two places, or grind for money to buy armor)
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