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Everything posted by arch_8ngel

  1. I used to want that game SO BAD as a kid based on the Nintendo Power coverage. Never played it until I was an adult, though -- and I was definitely let down by the jumping mechanics compared to other seemingly similar games. I never put in the time to beat it, though.
  2. Well, the rear seats fold into the rear well -- so that is basically the same as stow-and-go, and unlocks probably 65% of the potential maximum cargo volume. The middle seats are pretty easy to extract, though, as long as you have a place to put them. And they're easy to get seated on the anchors when they clip back into place. The trade off with the stow-and-go, is that you can have more comfortable middle seats in the Odyssey, since they don't have to collapse into the floor well.
  3. It's also a great dead-of-winter, but wrapped up in blankets game - where you can dream of better weather. As a kid, this and Crystalis, were my go-to sick-at-home games - though finishing up Star Tropics in one sick day at home was a more manageable task. (especially if you wanted to take a break and watch David the Gnome :P)
  4. That's certainly encouraging. I plan to get as much mileage out of this one as I can, since I suspect we're well past the point of bothering with a trade in or private party sale, and every mile I put on this thing is a mile I don't put on a future vehicle. Getting around 30mpg on road trips is nice, too. We were getting nearly 35 in our Kia Soul, but for big trips, I lost at least 10% of that with a rooftop box, and frankly the seats are just not good for more than a couple hours at a time, versus the Odyssey with comparatively "all day" seats.
  5. Was late to seeing this thread, but my contribution would be that I currently have my parents' old 2007 Honda Odyssey, running well, at the 197,000 mile mark - and my other coworker with a minivan (a Toyota Sienna from within the last couple of years) regrets not getting a Honda Odyssey instead, now that he has had a few years with it. Before I took this one off my mom's hands, I was planning to get a Kia Sedona, since I like what they do with their middle seats when you want to maximize cargo space -- but now I'm seriously considering a Honda Odyssey, instead, when this one finally dies.
  6. It is one of the best games of the era. If you're fan of the Goonies -- it has at least one level/Chapter that feels like a great homage, as well.
  7. It would be a pretty epic reveal to find out that Q was Rush Limbaugh all along. (or whoever Rush has anointed as his successor for when he succumbs to his lung cancer)
  8. Rush Limbaugh is personal friends with Trump - they golf together and Trump appeared on his show, live, numerous times. They had personal phone calls. And the words coming out of Trump's mouth, on numerous occasions, were VERBATIM what Rush had said on his show a day or two earlier. If there is a "cult of Trump", then Trump is really just the figurehead/patsy.
  9. Probably not the term for what you intend -- a "flash crash" is a sudden momentary drop and then more-or-less back-to-normal caused by someone placing a too-large order in a way that market makers can't smooth out. (i.e. a whale fat-fingers a huge sell order as a market order and it works its way DEEP into the buy-order book)
  10. That seems like an incredibly naive view... the moment it is beneficial to them to do so, China could almost certainly allocate the computing resources to burn the whole thing to the ground. Russia potentially could, as well. The USA, while it could do the same, is almost certainly content, for the moment, to just have the tax revenue and to have an easy way to trace funding for illegal activities they want to prosecute.
  11. I feel like the part in bold is a misrepresented feature of cryptocurrencies - at least, at my understanding of how nodes and the computer power works - since governments (USA / Russia / China) are who is capable of tooling up and taking over any "coin" they want by getting the majority computing power stake. (i.e. they could execute a sort of hostile takeover of the ledger)
  12. Well, if this is "the" squeeze, finally come home to roost, probably the time to take profit once and for all before the institutional shorts solidify side deals for larger lots that don't involve them getting completely reamed. Though I gather a squeeze can go on for a few days as things unwind -- and in the meantime, I'm sure it can get crazier to where you might want to just gamble on trailing stops executing correctly. EDIT: "Deepfuckingvalue" at wallstreetbets posted his update -- dude is up $2MM on the day and has over $1MM worth of calls that expire on the 15th (that he has the cash to exercise). So if you are still holding on -- you're in good company I guess!
  13. There are plenty of residential-related electrician jobs out there that are just the master electrician with his "helper", right? Maybe I am misunderstanding the nature of the comment about how the job sites were problematic with autism (assumed it was about crowded/noisy environments doing large scale commercial work of some kind).
  14. What trade? There may be positions/sub-jobs within the trade that better accommodate your needs without switching to something else entirely or retraining.
  15. Definitely a sad passing. He was a great guy, and on the Tetris front one of the most humble people you could imagine to carry the mantle of champion for as many years as he did.
  16. Good to know. Playing the game over the years, I was never really big on the holy water just because it was "as cool" as throwing boomerangs Need to give it another look.
  17. I'm certainly not a Castlevania expert, but yeah, I thought triple-shot cross was the way to take out Death.
  18. Control-wise, I don't think there was anything done in AM2R that couldn't be equivalently supported on the SNES, though I won't claim to know how easy or hard it is to tune input timing flexibility on the SNES.
  19. I think TDIRunner and I are both pretty damn far from "casuals", both with respect to classic gaming AND with respect to 2D Metroid. I used to agree that Super Metroid was pretty close to a perfect implementation until I played through AM2R and realized how relatively "clunky" the controls felt. I don't recall if you've said you've played through AM2R, or not, but I would be interested to hear your opinion on how the controls of that game aren't smoother and or don't simply "feel better".
  20. Well, the "local perspective" you're missing with regards to Trump and his supporters is that a devolution into the trappings of dictatorship, on the part of the USA, is bad for EVERYBODY. The seeds of that happening have been very real, and despite the rightwing media claiming it is all puffed up by "liberal" major media organizations -- on the ground, in day to day life, it is very clear that it was and is a real threat. That is the viewpoint you're missing, having been gone for so long, which made your support of Trump (based solely on China-v-Taiwan concerns) frustrating, because it seemed to ignore the real and ongoing threats of longterm damage to our institutions that give us any level of credibility when dealing with the CCP.
  21. The frustrating thing about your contributions to the political threads, as it pertains to having any level of support for Trump, is that Trump and his staunchest supporters attempting to undermine US democracy is directly antithetical to the USA having ANY credibility on the world stage that affords meaningful support to Taiwan in the first place. You can say that Trump is "tougher on China", but that is basically a short-term band-aid that fails to staunch the bleeding when it is perceived that the USA is being run by a dictator with a cult of personality, and owing to rising nationalism cannot find the international support it actually requires to deal with the CCP long term.
  22. Haven't looked into it, but I thought I recalled him facing a pretty wide range of non-federal charges ranging from tax issues to rape and sexual assault -- none of which he has the power to pardon himself from. And that is before you get into the federal level charges that he PROBABLY doesn't have the functional ability to pardon himself from -- and now that he's attempt to throw Pence under the bus, no way is Pence sympathetic to pulling a Gerald Ford and pardoning him after he resigns prior to 20 January. The guy was genuinely desperate to stay in the presidency to put off legal issues for another 4 years.
  23. No, I think he's just made it pretty clear that he's more concerned with the US stance on China and the defense of Taiwan versus the state of the US democracy itself. He hasn't lived here for awhile, and certainly during the current situation around the election he missed getting to see first-hand the Trump supporters that had the bizarre notion of flying Trump flags IN PLACE OF American flags they used to have on flag poles -- and then FLYING THE TRUMP FLAG AT HALF MAST on the same pole -- AND THEN replacing it with a confederate flag. Though I will say that after the insurrection attempt on the capitol, my closest Trump supporting neighbors had the decency to switch back to an American flag at full mast. And owing to timezone differences, I doubt he catches random broadcasts of radio personalities like Rush Limbaugh to hear the origination of a lot of the rhetoric you see parroted VERBATIM online, later, by people that believe they are thinking for themselves while regurgitating talking points.
  24. The man can't pardon himself against the plethora of state-level charges he will face on 21 January.
  25. It's an interesting window into the susceptibility of the average person to conspiracy theories and their general gullibility. The people that did what they did at the capitol has a great deal more to do with being egged on by the president and his supporting politicians and far-right media than it does with reasonable people that accept the election was fairly carried out and Trump was defeated handily once it was all said and done. (i.e. people that clearly recognize that no way in hell was a massive conspiracy carried out to fix the presidential election while leaving people like Mitch McConnel in their positions -- and even the right wing doesn't contents THEIR OWN victories as somehow tainted, which is not a particularly consistent view of events on their part)
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