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Everything posted by arch_8ngel

  1. Electoral Votes -- Biden 306 / Trump 232 Popular Vote - Biden 81.2 million / Trump 74.2 million Trump lost by a significantly wider margin than he won in 2016. It was not "quite close", regardless of "where you stood".
  2. Yeah... in all seriousness some FBI-peon is going to be tasked with tracking down every last bit of that stuff. With any amount of sense people would return it and claim temporary insanity due to the mania of the group event.
  3. Almost certainly going to be "worth" jail time or fines for whoever ends up with it, and the chain of custody along the way.
  4. Admittedly, in Super Metroid the ball-dash is less critical, though there are a couple of places where you potentially need it. And yes, the wall jump in AM2R is a joy to use, versus the "aw, fuck, not again" frustration of using it in Super Metroid.
  5. That too -- but the timing of how the ball-related special moves work, is just so much smoother in a way that makes iusing it more of a puzzle element than an exercise is ultra-precise control that ends up being frustrating rather than fun.
  6. Use Zero-Mission style play control similar to AM2R (basically amounts to making the wall jump and ball-dash moves considerably less frustrating to execute in a consistent way)
  7. At their doorstep? They stormed the US Capitol building and they are actively interfering with congress certifying the election.
  8. There was no "problem" with the original Prime controls, since they were decently mechanized... but the Prime 3 controls were really well-conceived and felt like a new high bar for FPS control schemes on a console.
  9. Curious why you rank Prime 1 and 2 higher than 3? The play control (point-and-shoot) of 3 on the Wii was awesome and made for a much more enjoyable and immersive game than the GC entries.
  10. Yeah, as a kid in that era, playing Metroid 2 on car trips or bus rides was incredible. And while I love Super Metroid, the play control improvements of Zero Mission make it feel a bit "clunky". AM2R, which recaptured the nostalgia I had for Metroid 2 with the massive improvement of Zero-Mission-era-play-control, is hands down the "best" Metroid game, IMO. (despite being a fan project)
  11. I had ONE friend, back in the day, that had a Colecovision instead of an NES -- the only great game I distinctly remember (that didn't have an NES port) was GORF. I'd actually be interested in a plug-and-play Colecovision clone just for that game -- the only other game I remember him having was some Smurf's painting "game"...I'm sure he had others, but we mostly played with Battle Beasts at his house, rather than video games (since he didn't have a Nintendo :P)
  12. Excluding the obvious SMB1, it is going to be either Legend of Zelda or Mega Man 2. They were the 2nd and 3rd NES games I had back-in-the-day after the pack-in -- and both are good enough to justify replay over the years. As many times as I STARTED a new game of Final Fantasy or one of the Dragon Warriors -- I definitely only invested the time to BEAT THEM once or twice. (my dad, on the other hand, had a GBC cartridge of DQ 1&2 that he numbered his player-name, and I think he got up to 35 time through each of those at some point :P)
  13. Definitely. Unless you end up with a really big win, or are willing to make big bets, the $-per-hour return versus "the market average" is generally pretty poor.
  14. Even back-in-the-day, I recall the shipping cost being about half of the total cost -- because a case-lot of UGCs is HEAVY.
  15. Does Stone Age Gamer still sell clamshell cases? The big flaw with UGC's was that they didn't natively hold NES games. It required a non-trivial amount of modification with a Dremel tool. (I tolerated the endeavor making cases for the two LE batches of Battle Kid and BK2, back in the day, and wouldn't do it again, personally)
  16. My immediate family's tests came back negative -- though it was a self-administered nasal swab at a Walgreen's drive-thru window, so we're still actively monitoring for symptoms and maintaining quarantine a few extra days to be sure. Interestingly, my sister's kid's test came back negative, despite she and her husband both being symptomatic and testing positive (my sister has had worse symptoms than her husband, but so far nothing severe -- treatable fever of 103, and lethargy)
  17. Papa John's is definitely the best of the quick-takeout pizza chains, in terms of product quality. (granted, I haven't had Pizza Hut in a long while) In the short term, the biggest problem with Papa John's is that they don't have a drive up window (like Dominos had pre-pandemic) Evidently they at least added contactless pickup (though the times I've purchased from them in the past few months, I don't think I've seen it prominently advertised when I've ordered carry-out) -- but even back in "normal" times, the drive up window for Domino's is a massive comparative convenience if you have kids in the car. Shaq is a great businessman, though, with a really good eye for where he wants to be involved.
  18. Well, my immediate family has now been exposed, since we spent some time with my sister and her family over the holiday and then she came down with a fever (103) the day after we last saw her and she and her husband then both tested positive on a rapid test that day. So we're in quarantine for the moment - no symptoms yet (first contact with her was last Tuseday, last contact was Sunday) - and we all have rapid tests scheduled for the end of the day tomorrow (Thursday). If any of us (2 adults, 2 kids) test positive, then we're basically all in quarantine for 2 weeks, at least, until we can all test negative again. Other than the fever (which has responded to symptom-relief medication), my sister's symptoms have just been lethargy (nothing respiratory to speak of yet). So hoping for the best.
  19. Yeah... this is pretty wild. If you haven't browsed over there -- read the history of "Deep Fucking Value" and a few of the other GME whales at WallStreetBets. That guy has ridding through ups-and-downs in the millions -- it is absolutely insane, and very entertaining to read. I hopped back in for a small amount a couple days ago -- and I just hopped out again after 40% in 2 days. It's been amusing to dabble in a couple of swing trades on this one, but I don't really believe in them long term, so it was a gamble rather than an investment, IMO
  20. It is my honest opinion that the "funnier looking" the outer crust of a bread item is, the better it will all taste, and the better texture it will have. (big lover of "pizza crust bubbles" :P) So I'll go through the effort of stretching and folding the dough for a bread loaf, since you need that "work" on the dough for texture -- but I don't bother making it pretty.
  21. Yeah -- my immediate assumption is that it would, just because it wouldn't surprise me at all if their overall system has a single flag for "generate tax forms - yes/no" without any distinction between 1099-K and the forms you'd get for crypto gains/losses.
  22. Yeah, the nice thing about most basic bread recipes is that you can sort of wing in as long as you cover the basics. (getting dough to the right texture - i.e. not too dry -- cooking in a really hot oven -- and making sure you have the patience for the cooling phase where the insides are still steam-cooking) I think it's cool that people bake all kinds "pretty" loaves where they do a good job on the aesthetics -- but I don't put in that level of time and effort and don't mind "funny-looking" loaves.
  23. Is there a ROM hack that manages to fully repair the NES version of FF1? Or are the notable bugs too deeply ingrained? (I'm sure there are hacks that manage the "rebalance" aspects of those remakes -- in terms of re-pacing the XP and leveling to cut down on some of the more tedious spots in the game)
  24. I've tried a few -- the one from "all recipes" or whatever the site is called is pretty solid, and marginally more consistent for me than Alton Brown's recipe.
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