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Everything posted by arch_8ngel

  1. Yeah, I have a wave of eBay selling going on right now and received an angry/frantic email from someone that had a package sit in the regional distribution center for 2 full weeks!
  2. Are you from an alternate reality where the internet wasn't created by the government in the first place?
  3. Well, I can't trust the opinion of someone who had a negative impression of Solstice! Solstice and Equinox are both great games.
  4. My thoughts exactly. If you read the book expecting fan-service pulp, it is entertaining in the moment. But the more you reflect on it, the more grating the particular combination of cultural references become, IMO Not sure if I could get through a sequel novel, or not. On the other hand -- he should serve as an inspiration to aspiring writers that no matter how bad you are at it, there just might be a market for your story...
  5. That is how I always heard it as a kid -- assumed that was the TV edit, since when I watched it as an adult I would have sworn that it was "load" not "nose".
  6. I was just going to point to the first 5 minutes of the original movie introducing crude jokes about ectoplasm... (Venkman to Egon: "So somebody blows their load and you want to keep it?")
  7. As a matter of self-interest, most of us here should probably want it to stay in the USA or a US territory.
  8. It really looks like a game that is itching for a remake with functional play-control
  9. Never played that one -- but it looks like something, stylistically, that I'd have had an extremely high tolerance for its flaws.
  10. After all of the negativity, I was never interested in putting in the time to watch the final season... BUT - I could imagine that in writing, rather than on screen, he could probably explore their inner monologue a bit better to make it work.
  11. After he's dead, it's a matter of what the estate wants to do. Typically, the estate tries to honor the wishes of the deceased, since for creative stuff there can be a big backlash for going against what the IP creator wanted. But I think in this case, his good-will with fans was exhausted a long time ago and people would rather have well written closure than have to settle for how the TV series ended.
  12. But it is THE game that you wish was better, right? Thematically, it was just so cool (at least after the childhood hype of the novelization)
  13. Wizards & Warriors is probably my all-time top candidate for "games I wished were better but kept playing because I wished that this time would be different" Conceptually, as a kid, I loved everything about the game after having read the Worlds of Power book about it a zillion times. But damn, the play control in that game is awful.
  14. ^^^ Yeah, something like Legend of Zelda, I think about it as being told by an unreliable narrator.
  15. I enjoyed Fester's Quest as a kid because it is basically the top-down/indoor mode of Blaster Master for the entire game. (and suffers from the same bad low-mid-range-power weapon functionality :P)
  16. I remember selling my PS2 and games and switching to Gamecube because I was tired of waiting for Dragon Quest 8 and got hooked on the demo for Paper Mario TTYD at Gamestop. There weren't a ton of games I got around to playing on the system, though.
  17. @koifishdisagree whole-heartedly that it is "time-wasting". Think of it this way -- you have X% chance of success. YOU get to decide whether you want to risk failure in that moment, or whether you want to try something different, or return later when you've improved skills. YOU get to decide whether you want to amp yourself up with steroids to better assure a strength challenge pass. YOU get to decide whether you want to get hopped up on mentats to boost int-related skills. All of those options carry risks, and part of this style of game is managing those risks or deciding to gamble and go for it.
  18. Well, what he wants, and what his estate eventually agrees to in the interest of money, are potentially two entirely different things.
  19. I would think that odds don't favor them beating expectations for the quarter they're reporting on -- but whether that leads to selling or not, at this point, with the holiday selling season and console releases, that is definitely a coin toss. Anyway, congrats on having held this one through the turn-around.
  20. Evidently a lot of groups paying big interest on a daily basis, still. Though quite possible that they're big enough players to negotiate not getting margin called without adequate warning. But given the recent run of absurdity, I'll be content to have nearly doubled my money on it and see if it provides another entry point if interest.
  21. So no real hopes for the squeeze? (in that you seem to be implying that you're just expecting the typical seasonal/release-quarter swing)
  22. @jonebone- now that you're back in the green on GME, curious to know your exit plans. Do you think the squeeze is actually going to happen? Or are you planning on a different cue to exit at this point?
  23. Given his "stature" and age, he probably stands a fairly high chance of dying before he is done and needing another author to step in to finish. Unfortunately, I doubt he has done all of the advance planning that Robert Jordan and his wife managed prior to his death, so any author left to pick up the pieces is basically going to be making up the ending themselves rather than writing the story for an already fully complete set of plotlines.
  24. You seem to share my opinion of it pretty closely. If you went into it with an open mind, looking for a known group of funny ladies to be funny/crude, it was fairly enjoyable.
  25. Well, I'll retract my claims of former "mastery", since as a kid, it never occurred to me to make a pacifist run at the game
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