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Everything posted by arch_8ngel

  1. Nice. Needs one of those big-honkin hard-plastic original era carry cases.
  2. https://www.ebay.com/sch/archangelaero/m.html?item=274579682110&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2562 I TAKE OFFERS! Finally getting the rest of my stuff listed after helping my mom clean up for her move. Adding new things on a regular basis. Quite a few 80's-toys odds-and-ends left to add. Have an NES Power Set original paperwork yet to be listed. Open to reasonable offers on all items -- especially if you mention VGS. EDIT: I have received a message that the link I provided is not mobile-friendly (evidently on Android it went to a search for my username rather than following the link to all of my listings). If someone has encountered this before and has a suggestion for how to fix it, I would be obliged. (for reference: I got this link by simply copying the URL bar from eBay after having clicked through my listings to the page I wanted to share)
  3. That is not a particularly realistic goal, given how many petroleum-based (non-fuel) products exist in critical industries.
  4. My concern, on reading this, is that it is like the firing of Steve Bannon, which was really just letting them get arms-length from the president to continue to spout whatever BS they want to his followers.
  5. Agree with most of what you're saying -- but reducing the Senate to simple-majority is probably not good for long-staying-power legislation. The idea of the filibuster is that only strongly supported (typically bipartisan) things can make it all the way through the process.
  6. People overseas are falling for the same kind of BS from their governments at surprisingly similar levels -- so I suspect it really is just a grim commentary on the gullibility of people in general. Also have to consider how many Trump supporters were educated -- even college educated -- in a time decades ago when our schools were generally thought of as high quality. To put an anecdote to it -- I know people that are well-educated career physicians, who I know had a private education from a top boarding school in the 70's, who supported Trump. Then again -- maybe that is just a demonstration of how deep the indoctrination was in the 50's/60's/70's about the evils of communism, allowing Trump and the Republicans to tap into that fear as their most potent weapon against the Dems. (who in global geo-political terms are fairly centrist)
  7. Ordering the letters of buttons from right-to-left is certainly Japanese in origin, at least. The question about arcade games is interested, because a lot of the early era of arcade games only used a single stick. Or if they had buttons (and players taking turns) there were buttons to both the left and the right of the stick that had identical functionality, so you could choose your handedness.
  8. Honestly, I don't keep up with college sports... but has uniform style and technology changed that dramatically in that time? 2000, or so, is when Underarmor was hitting full stride with "tech fabrics".
  9. Looked it up out of curiosity -- it was built from 1960-1963 -- meaning it was designed in the 50's. So I suppose that leaves me less surprised that they didn't think far enough ahead about how to replace major elements safely.
  10. Seems hard to believe that they would have build something of that size and scope without clearly documented plans, in advance, of how to repair it or dismantle it.
  11. Best arcade experience I ever had in my life was in the summer of 1999 in a big city arcade that had a fully enclosed SR-2 motion base with some kind of FZero-clone. Cost about $2 per play, and you could have an additional passenger along for the ride.
  12. Don't get me wrong - FZero is still fun. But a discrete-input racing game is a really rough-feeling game in an age of analog control inputs.
  13. Or what was your favorite AT THE TIME. Because in terms of what I'd rather play today -- of those titles SMW wins out. But back when the system was new, FZero would potentially win among those 5 (and gets more interesting if you stretch to Christmas of that year and include Final Fight and a few others)
  14. For how console launches worked "back in the day" -- it is probably worth considering two concepts: (1) the literal "launch" of what was truly available on day 1 (even though the equipment may not have been in all stores on day 1) (2) the first Christmas/holiday season (which, as a kid at the time, was the first time I actually saw/knew anybody that actually had an SNES after having read the hype for months in Nintendo Power)
  15. I assume they're trying to say "easiest way to assassinate someone [without it looking like an assassination]"... but that is still pretty far from the truth.
  16. There are enough state-level charges against him that the federal government doesn't have jurisdiction to block that something is going to come his way.
  17. I agree that there are still going to be real problems with his followers. But hopefully, once he is ineligible for a 2nd term, and the justice system is able to property take its course, things may settle down by the next election cycle, as the hangover wears off.
  18. I think there is a non-trivial he's going to overestimate his chances and get frog-marched, to promptly be arrested on state and federal charges. If he was less egotistical, he'd bail now, and try to get pardons. Or at the very least, try to be conciliatory with Biden and hope for a "truce" that would result in pardons from the incoming administration. Dude is toast.
  19. You certainly do NOT have to consider it, at face value, in a vacuum, without the larger context of Trump and Giuliani being prolific liars of the highest order, and Trump personally likely dealing with concerns of prosecution the moment he steps out of office. He has enormous perverse incentives at play.
  20. Trump is going to have his lawyers keep drumming up conspiracy theories as long as his follower keep giving him donations. If that well had run dry, he wouldn't be running this scam.
  21. And this is a genuine failure of the education system to turn out people capable of critical thought and able to identify obvious conspiracy theories. (or possibly more fairly, just an indictment against the foolishness of people, in general)
  22. To be fair and objective Trump's and his lawyer's primary path of "attack" should not be so deeply ingrained with ridiculous conspiracy theories.
  23. I would agree that for things with relatively few people actively pursuing them the odds of an AUCTION on ebay getting you maximum value are slim. But the nice thing about eBay is that once you do your price check with someone like BeaglePuss or CodeMonkey, you can do a BIN/best-offer listing at any value you want, and eBay will definitely be your highest visibility storefront for that kind of activity. "New" collectors, potentially willing to spend more that seasoned veterans, are much more likely to find you on eBay than on a buy/sell/trade forum, for instance. That said -- for some truly ridiculous items, there are specialty auction sites that appear to attract a higher tier of buyer. I don't know where the dividing line is for when their higher fees become "worth it" -- but selling into the low-4-figures on eBay with BIN/best-offer listings is easy.
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