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Everything posted by arch_8ngel

  1. Suspect there was also an atypical load of mop buying due to W.A.P. related Halloween costumes...
  2. Private contractors were the people building our rockets and launch vehicles for a LONG time, though. But having more private companies involved is good, and having otherwise-unsolicited designs become viable is good for general competition in that market. And I wasn't suggesting we should have stuck with the shuttle. It was a design that had to meet certain requirements that just weren't good requirements to have in the first place, which led to a lot of the issues. The dystopia/fall-of-Rome comment was more about going from being the absolute leader in space systems to having to rent seats on Russian rockets as the new US design slid further and further "to the right" in terms of delays. Original schedules would have had a shuttle replacement launch vehicle a long time ago. That is more the nature of my gripe. EDIT: did watch the launch with my kids, though, because it was historic.
  3. What is sci-fi looking about this other than some stylistic changes to the outfits? If anything it is some dystopian, fall-of-Rome-level-shit, that we've gone this long without being able to service our own launches.
  4. If people are willing to take the vaccine, with two viable candidates now, both with very high efficacy, then it's plausible to get mass vaccinations performed before the end of Q2. Keep in mind, they aren't manufacturing starting now -- they were funded ahead of time to start mass manufacture in advance. Personally, I'll take either vaccine as soon as it is available. I have too much work travel that potentially needs to happen, with or without it. And as soon as any of them are approved for kids, I'll let my kids get it as well. "Waiting 3 months" if studies have already shown safe/effective isn't going to matter. The kinds of "unknown problems" are going to be long-term side effects (potentially years in the future) that we just have to accept the risk of, in the presence of apparent short-term safety. EDIT: add to that -- I STRONGLY suspect that as soon as mass vaccines are available, schools, hotels, airlines, etc will REQUIRE proof of vaccination (i.e. the kind of travel vaccine card that international travelers are familiar with) and that will in turn incentivize holdouts to go ahead and get it done. The only way it will work, is that it isn't really going to be optional for people that want to be in otherwise "high risk" spaces and activities.
  5. Out of all the states other than Hawaii and Alaska, Florida likely has the most controllable border. But they weren't completely shutting the border, either. They were logging out of state plates and demanding that they quarantine, or something to that effect. I didn't read what they were doing/telling in-state plates coming back in.
  6. Unfortunately, there is no practical way to do that, and if you think yokels piss and moan about something like masks, just wait until they have legitimately gripe that they're under martial law.
  7. Yeah, this movie is the only place I ever heard it as a kid, and it was genuinely disturbing to where I will never forget it.
  8. It is definitely in the "everyone should watch it" category. Doesn't even have to rank in your top 100, in terms of how much you like it -- but there is so much reference to the lore of this movie that people don't completely understand without having watched it.
  9. Well, the straw-purchase guy for Kyle Rittenhouse getting prosecuted is a big step in restoring confidence that rightwing "protesters" aren't going to just get away with it.
  10. And what's worse, a big swath of other-wise normal people on that side, see that and pile on with "but peaceful protests" false equivalency.
  11. It's all well and good until they stir up enough distrust in the system to start armed conflict in the streets. I heard his lawyer on Rush LImbaugh today while I was running errands, it it was genuinely scary. Really and truly scary that people are believing the bullshit they're spinning without doing any of their own fact check reading, whatsoever.
  12. Yes, it is incredibly discouraging, but I'm holding out hope that SOMETHING in the long list of potential state and federal charges against him succeeds in ruining him before 2024, and simultaneously somehow manages to get his followers to pull their heads out of their asses about how much of a genuine problem the guy really is in terms of divisiveness and stirring up shit.
  13. It's more concerning than that. There are a lot of very otherwise-ordinary folks that are turning away from Fox News toward OANN and other extreme right wing outlets.
  14. Yeah, she already has an inhaler for allergies/reactive-airway, but they probably gave her another anyway.
  15. I didn't hear about it until after the fact, but my sister had an ER visit, as well, and IV antibiotics to give her a boost.
  16. Funny enough, my sister ended up with pneumonia a couple weeks back, as well. Turns out there is a strain making the rounds right now just to keep things interesting.
  17. Might not "count" as a museum, but if it is still around the Pinball Hall of Fame in Las Vegas is awesome (or at least it was when I visited in the 2012 timeframe)
  18. Surely it must be them reclaiming that notion in some vain attempt to claim it isn't an insult, right? I can't imagine why else they would call themselves centipedes.
  19. I'm sure it is. Knowing Trump's track record, I hope they insisted on advance payment
  20. Wonder if the person that wrote that site gets fired, or if it doesn't come to Trump's attention because it isn't on Fox news?
  21. Probably the same middle-aged folks on Facebook that don't ever think to fact check that are doing it now.
  22. Said it earlier, but it's worth repeating -- if Democrats were going to coordinate cheating there is no way in HELL they would have let Mitch McConnell win.
  23. No, you probably shouldn't, because a lot of states adjusted rules to make it harder for people to screw up their ballots, so that their legitimate votes would be counted.
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