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Everything posted by arch_8ngel

  1. MrWunderful -- THIS is your example of cognitive dissonance.
  2. It's genuinely incredible to me to see the reach of the conspiracy theories that they started cooking up a couple months ago. There has been an orchestrated message from mid/far-right-wing media this entire time to discredit this year's vote having claimed from the beginning that the changes due to mail in ballots were going to be illegitimate from the get-go -- LONG before it was possible to make credible allegations of any kind. They had the pump primed to spew bull-shit at maximum flow rate as soon as the polls closed on Tuesday. It was bad enough to have so many people getting their political opinions steered by Fox News -- but now the trap has been set for many of them to get even further right as Fox somewhat embraces the reality of the situation that Trump lost.
  3. Missed opportunity to have recolored it as an orange Koolaid man... boo!
  4. I don't think they should be shunned but it is really hard to see how to bring them back into the fold when I'm hearing people talk about how they're turning away from Fox News in favor of Newsmax and One American Network.
  5. Trump could scoop shit out of his toilet and vacuum pack it and these people would buy it.
  6. I don't buy into that. You voted for who you voted for. You didn't vote for someone else by proxy. My earlier point was that, at the very least, a lack of "rejection"/"opposition" is inherently the same thing as tacit acceptance of the status quo.
  7. It is fine not to be enthusiastic about either AND to have voted Libertarian. I didn't say the choice was binary. I just said that not being opposed to Trump is effectively providing tacit support for him. You didn't vote for him, and actively voted for someone else.
  8. It would amaze me if someone was actually "neutral" on Trump and not effectively offering tacit support by their lack of rejection for him.
  9. The world is too strange right now to take positions satirically
  10. Goonies is a solid 10. It is the ultimate kid's adventure movie that maintains some semblance of realism. (other "similar feeling" movies tend to lean heavy into fantasy or sci-fi which loses something compared to what Goonies offers, where as kids running around on our own adventures it felt like it could really happen)
  11. The bigger issue with the electoral college is the all-or-nothing nature of how most states handle it. (it is up to the states how their electors vote) It basically guarantees that only the two dominant parties can field a candidate that can actually win, and puts a lot of people in the situation of their vote "not counting" in the sense of their state majority. And when you look at how close many states are, there is a decent case for saying that electors should split based on the ratio within the state. You avoid the situation of california, texas, and NY muting everyone else (in the popular vote), but give more people a clearer voice.
  12. Surely these are Russian trolls? Also seems like the first poster fundamentally misunderstands that the military leadership takes their oath to defend the constitution and would disobey unlawful orders.
  13. Was just thinking the other day -- who was it that decided to eat nothing but corn for a month? How did that turn out?
  14. The only one I had was the version of Venkman where you squeeze his arm, i think, and his eyes bug out and his hair pops up off of his head. Thinking back, it is probably a fairly complex mechanism for a toy that size. I had a friend that seemed like he had the complete collection, though.
  15. I haven't read any background, so this is just a discussion of the concept, but I don't think there is a reasonable definition of peaceful protest in a democracy that involves forcing your way into a vote counting location to interfere with the democratic process.
  16. There is a considerable difference between a President as a "first citizen" and a king.
  17. Would be genuinely curious how that is your takeaway from that particular passage...
  18. Fortunately they have no functional ability to change the 22nd amendment, so I'm not worried about that possibility.
  19. Not really. Biden is an old-school long-time senator with a healthy respect for the norms of the office and how government is "supposed to" function. Having a person that predictably follows the rules in that level of responsibility is incredibly important, versus a total wildcard. EDIT: the other benefit of Biden is that he is unlikely to make a run for re-election, so his first term isn't going to be reduced to a never-ending re-election campaign like Trump's was. Because even if Trump was re-elected, I have a feeling he'd spend the next 4 years STILL campaigning because he doesn't know how to do anything else at this point.
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